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  • Quick online ticket question;

    I was on the OS this morning looking at Peterborough tickets and was able to select the actual seats we wanted ( a couple in J Block that were our season ticket seats last season) but i've just gone to buy them this arvo and it's back on the old system of just simply selecting a random ticket in that block. Just wondering how to get back to that seat selection?
  • Not aware that anything has changed, to be honest. This is on our list of modifications that we'd like to make to the system. It was set up this way with the best of intentions, because of the single seat issue in the PL, but we can manage this now.
  • Ok, thanks Airman.

    I'll give the Commercial centre a ring as would quite like those seats.
  • The pdf flyer is a good idea.
  • We've sold about 4,000, 433 of which went today.

    That's the best day since we went on sale.
  • Bringing 3 extra, making a facebook event page to pass around as we speak
  • edited February 2011
    Facebook Event Link

    Invite to your hearts content
  • Bringing 5 extra people , hope i can get these next to my season ticket seat
  • edited February 2011
    Facebook Event Link

    Invite all that you can

    Does that link work?
  • Sponsored links:

  • BigFatPete - Looking forward to meeting you mate.
  • We are looking at two to three people and about 500 leaflets per station. We won't ask anyone to do it on their own, but you will need to be over 16."

    The seven stations where passengers are being targeted are Bexleyheath, Charlton, Dartford, Eltham, Sidcup, Woolwich Arsenal and Welling.

    If you are interested in helping, please email with a contact telephone number and the station(s) where you are prepared to leaflet.

    The leaflets can be collected from the Valley Gold window at the commercial centre immediately after Saturday's game against Peterborough or during normal opening hours if more convenient.
  • I did leafletting at Dartford Station many moons ago when we had a promotion ( may have been a Kids for a Quid event) but when I brought this up at a recent FF meeting,was more or less informed this kind of "selling" was unlkely to bring in many new punters....But, hey what do I know ....?

    Unfortunately, I hope to be in Hartlepool on Tues night so on this occasion,, am unable to lend a hand.

    AFKA - We have spread the word already to NWKA members .
  • well it's minus 2 from me as me and northstandjoe will be dodgy the fighting in egypt.
  • I'm bringing 3 with me and if pegleg aint in liverpool that might be 4
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Fanny Fanackapan[/cite]I did leafletting at Dartford Station many moons ago when we had a promotion ( may have been a Kids for a Quid event) but when I brought this up at a recent FF meeting,was more or less informed this kind of "selling" was unlkely to bring in many new punters....But, hey what do I know ....?

    The distinction is in the offer and the fact that marketing materials already exist. I don't personally think it is worthwhile producing leaflets for a standard priced game or asking a volunteer to hand them out if the offer is League One football at £17.50-£25.50 for adults. We promote those prices all the time, for example in an ad in all local editions of the Kentish Times every week.

    We can debate the effectiveness of that medium, but the titles have a six-figure readership and the information is there every week. We also advertise in Greenwich Time, Kent on Sunday and the KM. All these arrangements are part of reciprocal deals as there is no ad budget.

    We typically sell 2-4,000 home match tickets, mostly to people who have been before.

    Even if you had a team of volunteers working every match at every station they are going to struggle to achieve a fraction of the reach of the combined newspaper advertising - albeit with enhanced impact - and you would also incur the cost of the leaflets, for which until the takeover we had no budget whatsoever. Fans' goodwill is also a finite resource that has to be utilised in the most efficient way.

    In normal circumstances handing out leaflets at stations is just too scattergun an approach to be cost-effective, IMO. It's not as if we are in a provincial city dealing with one obvious site either.

    However, as a one-off with existing materials, as an add-on to other things and with a particular offer designed to appeal to the uncommitted, it's worth a try.
  • 2 Extra from me.

    Lets hope we can achieve over 20K
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Fanny Fanackapan[/cite]I did leafletting at Dartford Station many moons ago when we had a promotion ( may have been a Kids for a Quid event) but when I brought this up at a recent FF meeting,was more or less informed this kind of "selling" was unlkely to bring in many new punters....But, hey what do I know ....?

    The distinction is in the offer and the fact that marketing materials already exist. I don't personally think it is worthwhile producing leaflets for a standard priced game or asking a volunteer to hand them out if the offer is League One football at £17.50-£25.50 for adults. We promote those prices all the time, for example in an ad in all local editions of the Kentish Times every week.

    We can debate the effectiveness of that medium, but the titles have a six-figure readership and the information is there every week. We also advertise in Greenwich Time, Kent on Sunday and the KM. All these arrangements are part of reciprocal deals as there is no ad budget.

    We typically sell 2-4,000 home match tickets, mostly to people who have been before.

    Even if you had a team of volunteers working every match at every station they are going to struggle to achieve a fraction of the reach of the combined newspaper advertising - albeit with enhanced impact - and you would also incur the cost of the leaflets, for which until the takeover we had no budget whatsoever. Fans' goodwill is also a finite resource that has to be utilised in the most efficient way.

    In normal circumstances handing out leaflets at stations is just too scattergun an approach to be cost-effective, IMO. It's not as if we are in a provincial city dealing with one obvious site either.

    However, as a one-off with existing materials, as an add-on to other things and with a particular offer designed to appeal to the uncommitted, it's worth a try.

    Is there no way that the tickets could actually be distributed at the train stations? People are more likely to impulse buy there and then (if they go home they may forget or just cant be bothered)

    Good work though, its nice to see the club is doing everything it can to promote this offer.
  • just put it up on our notice board in Croydon. Palace fans not happy!
  • Bringing 37 Stephanie's
  • Sponsored links:

  • Might stick a few around London Bridge after a bit of Dutch courage after work.
    And then to Bermondsey South!
  • edited February 2011
    How long do the club keep info on lapsed season ticket holders? I know a couple of fans who owing to work commitments have not been able to renew their season tickets for a couple of years but have still gone as regularly as they can that have recieved no communication from the club regarding any offers on tickets or anything of any kind. If this is commonplace across the spectrum then there are potentially another few thousand the club could be targeting but have not, someone on here must be employed by the club and be able to shed some light on it. Just a thought.
  • Think Victoria Station and London Bridge would be worthwhile due to the large volumes of people who pass through and if they can get to these stations, getting to Charlton isn't going to be too hard.
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]
    We've sold about 4,000, 433 of which went today.

    That's the best day since we went on sale.

    Excellent news.

    Well done everyone who did what they can to put the word around yesterday.

    Those that didn't get round to it, come on today's your day. It takes seconds to do, and as you can see from Airman's post, it does get results.

    People are more likely to come down through people they know than through reading an advert in News Shopper, or seeing a flyer.

    Badger your mates and work contacts today !
  • Can we not get too carried away please, if the seat next to me is taken I will not have anywhere to put my flask, blanket and train spotting guide.
  • Bringing an extra 2 with me plus WIWLB Jnr
  • edited February 2011
    Bringing at least one extra from Norwich - hopefully more!
  • Can I just say, it feels like we have our old Charlton back. Its great to see. Extra (ordinary) fans engaging in what the club is doing and needs.
  • [cite]Posted By: eaststandmike[/cite]Can we not get too carried away please, if the seat next to me is taken I will not have anywhere to put my flask, blanket and train spotting guide.


    Are they going to hand out "Siddarn" signs to all ticket holders.....:-)
  • Just put this on, hopefully will be tweeted and facebooked to loads of people.

    People on twitter...retweet and tweet.

    It will be quality getting the Valley rocking again.
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