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what did they do ?



  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: EastStand[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: leecafc[/cite]The stewards came over and asked them to show there tickets and not their ID.

    But why does it matter if they qualified for U18 an ST and were old enough to drink?
    Surely thats all above board.

    Because stewards are kids that were bullied at school and wear a high vis jacket with an official badge to go on a power trip and turn the tables on others.

    If that story is true it's crazy.
    We're not talking about stewards here - we're talking about the snatch squad. If you want to level that accusation at them, then fine. I've no doubt there's an element of truth to it - having seen them and their handiwork on more than one occasion. The regular stewards, however, wouldn't say boo to a goose - most of them are kids doing a f***ing horrible job earning minimum wage.
  • [cite]Posted By: Floebot[/cite]My friend was the person kicked out, Totally pathetic, he even showed the stewards his ID and they weren't having none of it, we all went with as couldn't leave a mate alone, and missed a great second half as I hear! Has had his season ticket confiscated also, total shambles.

    So what's the truth? Had U18 ticket but had a beer too? When did he turn 18?
  • Always makes me laugh. They all ran into the West Lower at one point in the 2nd half, someone must have forgotten to flush the toilet.
  • He turned 18 in december.
  • After what the Man United fans did to our stewards a few years back I'm not shocked by the current policies in place. But, in typical fashion, everyone except Man United fans are suffering!
  • [cite]Posted By: liamhappe[/cite]After what the Man United fans did to our stewards a few years back I'm not shocked by the current policies in place. But, in typical fashion, everyone except Man United fans are suffering!

    Don't you mean what the stewards did to Man Utd fan(s)? One (MU Fan) got a good kicking.

    And btw, they are not OUR stewards!
  • [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]I'm no fan of stewards but the abuse they got in the NU toilets at half time from the 30 odd smoking in there was a bit OTT, I was trying to get my little'un to the toilet and none of them (fans) would move at all, I nearly lost it.

    the two who got thrown out drank in the Con Club before the game, one of them threw his beer over the steward (it wasn't spilt) and when they were being ejected their mates were embarrassing, given it the biggun without actually doing anything at all - the stewards must've just laughed at them (I did)

    [cite]Posted By: Floebot[/cite]My friend was the person kicked out, Totally pathetic, he even showed the stewards his ID and they weren't having none of it, we all went with as couldn't leave a mate alone, and missed a great second half as I hear! Has had his season ticket confiscated also, total shambles.

    Were they thrown out for being under 18 or their behaviour when questioned? I did not witness the initial incident but I did see the stewards being pushed and shoved and showered with beer. From where I was standing the stewards did well to not react to the crowd who gathered around them.

    If they were ejected for having under 18 season tickets then they are within their rights to complain, their subsequent behaviour did not help their cause.
  • I would think they are entitled to throw beer over the "A team" if they are removing them, after all if they are 18 and in possession of a season ticket, AND have proper ID
    what else do they need ? the "A team " were way above their station,
    After all said and done, are we so well surpported than we can abuse and eject our youth ? They are the surporters we are trying to encourage to come to matches,
    I think a bit more deplomacy is required on the "A team's " behalf, they make an easy job look bloody hard ,
  • The underlying issue here seems to be the lack of understanding as to what happens when you purchase an age restricted season ticket and you pass that age during the season.

    Common sense would say that you are allowed to use it till the end of that season, but that may not be the current "rule" - if so, the ST holder should've been written to & told to upgrade his ticket to a full adult ST by paying the difference.

    Either way, you can see where the confusion arises from - you get into the ground with an U18 ticket, then profess to be 18+ in order to buy alcohol.
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  • F-blocker from what I remember there is a cut off date in youth s/t's that works along the lines of the school year system... on those grounds I don't believe there is any confusion as to how you can legally drink and legally use an U18 s/t
  • That's absolutely fine - so long as the heavy mob know the rules!
    To someone who doesn't know that rule, you can see how they could get confused.
  • If you're thrown out for drinking alcohol when you can prove you are 18, that is obviously wrong.

    If you're suspected of under age drinking and when questioned you react in an agressive/provocative manner, then you are liable to be ejected, whatever the original issue.

    I wasn't there so can't comment. Let's see if Airman picks up on this, because the facts, as relayed by him, are often far different to what is posted on here.
  • edited February 2011
    Airman - did these people get thrown out for being under 18 or for their reaction to the question?
  • I have to say, this is beside the point, they were forcefully removed even after showing their ID.. The 'snatch sqauds' need to learn what is and isnt allowed, especially as they are the ones enforcing it!
  • Were they under 18?
  • [cite]Posted By: Floebot[/cite]I have to say, this is beside the point, they were forcefully removed even after showing their ID.. The 'snatch sqauds' need to learn what is and isnt allowed, especially as they are the ones enforcing it!

    It depends on why they were thrown out which is why I asked the question. If it was because they were drinking and had ID to prove their age then it is way out of order, if it was because of their reaction when asked to prove their age then that is a different matter.
  • Well after they had shown their ID, they still decided to throw them out, that is where the trouble started. Dont blame them, being ejected for completely no reason.
  • Fair cop. Makes me wonder why the chaps season ticket was taken away though. There must be an appeal process for innocent people?
  • edited February 2011
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  • Anyone else find it amazing that the stewards can remember exactly what ticket people entered the stadium on, an hour or so after it happened? There must be other reasons as to the ejection.
  • If i had a valid season ticket and proper id to prove my age and was still being asked to leave, i would throw my beer over the snatch squad too, i feel these lads have a big appology coming to them,
    The steward didn't listen to the lad, he had made his mind up and stuck with his (wrong) decision to eject him,
    Pathetic jobs-worth , i wonder if they are as brave with the away fans,
  • edited February 2011
  • [cite]Posted By: raymondao[/cite]

    What did they do ?

    Usually drink, usually dance, usually bubble
  • John Little, our safety officer, is holding his hands up to this one.

    The issue here was that people with an U18 season ticket had bought alcohol, therefore it was assumed they were either not entitled to buy the alcohol or they were older than the tickets they held. The stewarding team hadn't realised that you can buy an U18 season ticket for the season in which you become 18, therefore you can legally buy alcohol once you are 18 AND legitimately hold an U18 ticket. So the stewards were in the wrong and the club has apologised.
  • We shoot first and ask questions later in this town.....
  • Thanks Airman
  • perhaps, Mr John Little should buy the lad and his mates who left with him a pint ?
  • [cite]Posted By: raymondao[/cite]perhaps, Mr John Little should buy the lad and his mates who left with him a pint ?

    And then go and sort out the smokers in the toilet!
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