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what did they do ?



  • ..and then Siddarn!
  • Airman well done for clearing it up but isn't it a fairly basic concept to grasp and surely one that they must have encountered before ?
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]John Little, our safety officer, is holding his hands up to this one.

    The issue here was that people with an U18 season ticket had bought alcohol, therefore it was assumed they were either not entitled to buy the alcohol or they were older than the tickets they held. The stewarding team hadn't realised that you can buy an U18 season ticket for the season in which you become 18, therefore you can legally buy alcohol once you are 18 AND legitimately hold an U18 ticket. So the stewards were in the wrong and the club has apologised.

    Hope the young lads have been given something to make up for this mistake.
  • i think the appology is spot on and nothing else required, hopefully these snatch squad guys will realise that a bit of diplomacy will go further than the clint eastwood style tough guy image they try to bestow upon all and sundry
  • [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]i think the appology is spot on and nothing else required, hopefully these snatch squad guys will realise that a bit of diplomacy will go further than the clint eastwood style tough guy image they try to bestow upon all and sundry
    if you were thrown out by the Gestapo, although you were perfectly legitimately drinking with your pals, i would consider a pint would be quite in order at the very least. i agree diplomacy would be the best policy, but the damage is done, and a decent young addick was humilliated in front of his friends, don't tell me that JUST an appology is good enough, after all they all missed the best second half for yonks
    edited February 2011
    I think they should get a free season ticket, corporate hospitality and a blowey from Powelly.

    Club made a mistake and apologised, unfortunate but really - what do you want in terms of compensation?
  • at least a pint that the poor lad accidently spilled over the d*ck head that cant read his ID
  • [cite]Posted By: raymondao[/cite]at least a pint that the poor lad accidently spilled over the d*ck head that cant read his ID
    It's not that he couldn't read his ID, it's that he didn't understand how an 18yr had an under 18's ticket.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]I think they should get a free season ticket, corporate hospitality and a blowey from Powelly

    A more mature comment should be expected, not a sarky one like shown above.

    An apology is not enough. The club like to advertise that they are more than a football club, and 99 per cent of the time they do get it right, however in this instance they have rightly said they were wrong. I was thrown out for 20 mins during a home game in 1997 for being accused of having stolen match tickets, cause some steward could not work out what the rows in the east stand were. The club rang me at work 2 days later to apologise and offered myself 2 tickets in the Directors box for a home game a month later.

    I never asked for that, and that proved to me that Charlton are more than a football club.

    I would like to think the club have offered these young lads something for the mistake that occured.
  • Shame this. The club will never be able to compensate him for missing the game but I'm sure they offer something like they did you in 97. What strikes me is how hard is it to understand, "I bought my ticket when I was 17; I'm now 18"? Then a quick radio to someone who knows and all this aggravation is spared.

    You pay peanuts...
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  • Sarcasm on this board. God forbid.

    I'd like to think in this day and age an admittance of wrongdoing, an apology and a letter from Peter Varney would be enough. Maybe not for some. Personally, an assurance of it not happening again and steps being taken to ensure this would be ok with me. I certainly wouldn't be asking the snatch squad to buy my a pint!

    And we are more than a football club but we can't dish out corporate tickets for every grievance from fans, justified or not. My opinion of course.
  • the suspicion of the fella not qualifying for the under 18 ticket should've been dealt with by the turnstile operator.
    the suspicion of the fella not being old enough to drink should've (and maybe was) dealt with by the barstaff.

    leave the gustapo to deal with potential coin/bottle throwing, and the secret gang of sexual deviants that get off on staring at peoples cocks hiding behind the excuse that they are just having a sneaky fag.
  • Don't clog this board up with your sarcasm WSS!
  • What perhaps isn't apparent to people is the number of complaints the club receives from other fans about issues like smoking in the toilets and which they rightly point out we have a legal obligation to challenge, as we do cases of drinking in the seats. If we don't do that the club is at risk of being fined or parts of the ground being closed by the licensing authority.

    It's easy to come on here abusing the stewards, but they and the club are between a rock and hard place.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]
    It's easy to come on here abusing the stewards, but they and the club are between a rock and hard place.

    Its a shame the 'stewards' all get banded into one, because i doubt anyone has a single problem with the orange coat wearers. I

    ts the high-vis A team that people have a problem with, who are basically nothing more than aggressive bully bouncers itching for people to react so they can justify dishing out the hard stuff.

    I'm sure when you read and hear of complaints there is always the possibility that the complainee is not telling the full story or exaggerating, but i've seen two incidents in the last 12 months of them dealing with a minor situation in an overly aggressive manner, resulting both times in individuals taking proper physical punishment when being taken out down the stairwells and largely out of site (digs, elbows, hand round throat etc), and on one of the occassions afterward then having the mob standing next to me after and boasting about 'landing a cracker' 'caught him plum', 'you just missed all the fun', and generally bouncing around like a mob would 5 mins after a ruck and the addreneline is kicking in.

    Both times it was kids aged around 17-19 getting the treatment, and both occassions it was 7-10 of the mob in their 30-40s. One of the incidents annoyed me so much i ended up walking out with 40 mins to go as i couldn't get it out my mind in the 2nd half.

    I know i should have reported it, but unwisely and selfishly thought at the time that it would probably do me more harm than good so said nothing.

    I'm no scaremounger, but the club should at least have a cautious eye on the fact that sometimes this lot overstep the mark and sometimes do the club more harm than good.
  • I am sure that the well behaved 18 year old tried to reason with the Steward in a cool, calm voice and the evil steward overreacted to a saintly response.

    Then all hell broke loose with pushing, shoving, beer throwing and shouting. I was there, the reactions on both sides were wrong.

    Am I the only one who thinks that there are two sides to this story and we are not hearing the steward's?
  • i'm sure there is RMG, the two incidents i was referring to were both last season.
  • the A-Team type stewards are gonna get it one day. they are gonna pick on a young'en and a few of his mates are gonna fight back. Ive only ever seen them get heavy handed with a few little herberts, never with anyone that looks like they could handle themselves. says it all really.

    i dont really condone violence but theres a couple of the heavy handed steward mob id love to see get a right-hander.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]the A-Team type stewards are gonna get it one day. they are gonna pick on a young'en and a few of his mates are gonna fight back. Ive only ever seen them get heavy handed with a few little herberts, never with anyone that looks like they could handle themselves. says it all really.

    i dont really condone violence but theres a couple of the heavy handed steward mob id love to see get a right-hander.

    I fear you may well be right, apart from the right-hander ;-)
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  • How about Leeds last season. Bloke covered in Leeds tattoos with his shirt off walked straight past them in the NU p*ssed out of his face and they pretended they didn't see him .
  • edited February 2011
    lets get back to the young lads, drinking a pint at half time, gustapo step in and ask to see their ticket, lads show ticket,
    then ID , but gustapo, still remove them, now I'M not a policeman but when you have ID and show it to prove your age ,and you are 18 or over, you should be able to finish you drink in peace,unless we are living in a power crazed steward type of dream of course

    actually the main fella would look like hitler if you stuck a little tash on him,

    totally pathetic...............and we all know what happened to Hitler :-)
  • He killed himself?
  • [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]He killed himself?

    Proper Discovery Channel stuff
  • edited February 2011
    Hitler killed himself, .................. he was too nice to get a job at CAFC as a snatch squad bully
  • Dan i think i saw one of those incidents last season, if not it was one very similar, i was on the concourse by the exit when they went way over the top and i challenged them on it, they are piss take no more than a tootenham style firm who go in with numbers and pick on those they know wont respond.

    we had a few words over the situation and it got quite heated but i told them they are bullies and that if they had dared to do that to myself that i would have got a lengthy ban but atleast one of them wouldve got more than that, they wernt up for it, same in the west the other day when challenged by older people they back off, to be honest if the club dont want to action it someone else will you can bet your house on it

    they hid when leeds came in and they hid against millwall
  • This sort of thing happenend when we got back to the valley in the early 80's. The 'firm' of stewards were employed by a company called goldrange and after numerous incidents and warnings from fans in E & F block throughout the season they carried on the over zealous style of stewarding. That was until one day they picked on a couple of lads just before half time and got what they deserved. To be fair, people did complain to the club and the club did intervene.
  • Is it goldrange we use to employ stewards? Im also a member at Kent cricket club, and they too use Goldrange,there have been hundreds of complaints from kent members about the way Goldrange behave towards innocent members of the public. I think this Goldrange company needs to take a long hard look at the people they employ because there is clearly a growing dissatisfaction towards them amongst many people.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: Addickforlife[/cite]Is it goldrange we use to employ stewards? Im also a member at Kent cricket club, and they too use Goldrange,there have been hundreds of complaints from kent members about the way Goldrange behave towards innocent members of the public. I think this Goldrange company needs to take a long hard look at the people they employ because there is clearly a growing dissatisfaction towards them amongst many people.

    I used to work for them. They are ex-Millwall thugs. Trying to think of the guys name. Absolute wideboy who loves to talk about the violence and trouble he has seen and been involved in.

    Not sure it's them though.
  • Saw a few of them in Millwall anoraks the other week after the game...the irony.
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