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The Football League show

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
I'm really getting pissed off with this programme now. Every week we hardly get a mention. We never seem to feature as the main highlights match for L1. Manish and Claridge (why doesn't that twat sit still?) seem to discuss ALL the teams around us but it seems that we don't exist!!.....and whenever that stupid cow Lizzy mentions anything about us, it's to belittle our club/fans.

Don't expect them to discuss us every week but once in a while would be nice. In the last couple of months we've had a takeover, new manager (who happens to have won his first 4 games) and signed the divisions top scorer who has scored in every game since joining us FFS!!!!

This used to piss me off when we were in the premiership and MOTD hardly mentioned us (except for the usual snidey comments like "plucky little charlton punching well above their weight") But i expected a bit more from this show.


  • The programme is a joke (especially Lizzie). Don't bother watching it, just wait until Monday then go onto BBC Sport - My Club - Charlton, and the highlights of the game are on there (they usually show more than what you see on the FL show as well). You also don't have to sit through everything in the show that makes it annoying.
  • I see that slag piped up last night again

    Not bothered that nobody is talking about us/gives us much of a chance... we'll just keep doing our job and see where we are at the end of the season eh?
  • Only thing I like about it is that fat bloke who does the roving reporting. He's quite interesting.
  • what the bint say mate?
  • it's better than nothing, we're a 3rd division side do you really expect the highlights to be that long?
    they show the league 1 goals in table position order so brighton are first etc.
  • The reason i watch it is to see how all the teams in our division are doing. I want to see an unbiased view of things........obviously too much to ask for.

    I'm not concerned about the lack of highlights for my own benefit so much as i also watch them on bbc sport and even more on cafc player, but it's the lack of respect that they show our club that annoys me more than anything.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]what the bint say mate?

    Someone e-mailed in saying how good it's been at ours, picking up wins, BWP scoring, improved vibe etc and that we're going up

    "Ah well I'm not too sure about that" *with slappable face*
  • [cite]Posted By: Stig[/cite]He's quite interesting

    in a "special" way?
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]what the bint say mate?

    She read out a text from some fella called "nolly". It didn't make much sense to be fair.
  • [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]what the bint say mate?

    Someone texted in to say how well we're doing under Powell and we're going up, a bit carried away maybe?

    Her reply was along the lines of sneeringly saying "don't get too full of yourselves" whilst trying not to snigger. Bitch
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  • [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]what the bint say mate?

    Someone e-mailed in saying how good it's been at ours, picking up wins, BWP scoring, improved vibe etc and that we're going up

    "Ah well I'm not too sure about that"
    didn't she say "don't get carried away Charlton fans"
  • We've never been given any decent coverage other than that "plucky little Charlton" crap lazy BBC football jorno's like to peddle to make up for the fact they know nothing of football outside of the Premiership top four.
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: nolly[/cite]what the bint say mate?

    Someone e-mailed in saying how good it's been at ours, picking up wins, BWP scoring, improved vibe etc and that we're going up

    "Ah well I'm not too sure about that"
    didn't she say "don't get carried away Charlton fans"

    Yeah that was it.

    Love how she lets anyone else's fans get a little ahead of themselves but reins us in! Can't resist a dig... shame she doesn't pay more attention to the Championship table to be honest
  • Skyplus it, fast forward to the Charlton game...........................turn it off and erase!
    The best way to watch that programme ; )
  • A mate of mine asked Claridge about coverage on this show and he said that every supporter he speaks to has the same comment - that they are hardly / never mentioned. Claridge reckons that time is so short, and they are told which teams to discuss in each segment - because the regional shown on Monday will pick up all the other talking points.

    As for Lizzie, she is a palarse fan and her background is in hockey. She is just riding the BBC gravy train so she gets to present countryfile, house swap/house clean/diy emergency/animal hospital/badger watch........etc etc etc for the rest of her career.
  • To be fair to that Lizzie bird, she'd get some severe punishment. Looks fairly game too.
  • I read somewhere that she is a Gills supporter.

    Explains her bias.
  • i think its a good thing, when we win promotion we can rub it in her face just flood that show with smug emails!!
  • Her participation is probably the most pointless exercise ever conceived in sports broadcasting. It adds absolutely nothing.

    People have to be urged to contact the show in the first place. The views expresses are largely anonymous, given 5 seconds air time, normally state the bleeding obvious and receive some fatuous aside.

    In the rare event an interesting question is raised for the presiding "expert" the response given includes every cliche in the book and borders on the banale.

    Most fans would probably appreciate seeing more football highlights rather than having to tolerate her inane dribble. In harsh economic times there are certainly grounds for removing the cost of one contract.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valiantphil[/cite]A mate of mine asked Claridge about coverage on this show and he said that every supporter he speaks to has the same comment - that they are hardly / never mentioned. Claridge reckons that time is so short, and they are told which teams to discuss in each segment - because the regional shown on Monday will pick up all the other talking points.

    This is interesting.
    From what you've said, it seems that a member of the team responsible for this programme is acutely aware that there is mass dissatisfaction with regards to this show.
    The question then has to be why don't they change it if nobody likes it? There are so many questions begging for answers, for example:
    Why do they always show more extensive highlights of the game that's already been seen live on another channel earlier? Surely that's the one game that doesn't need detailed highlights?
    Why are they so short of time? How expensive can it be to show more coverage of each team? Why can't they show extensive highlights of all games over, say, a 3 hour period in the middle of the night? Everyone skyplusses it anyway, so where's the harm? Or why not have three separate programmes for the three divisions so you only watch the one(s) you're interested in?
    Does anyone enjoy watching that woman reading out knee jerk bollocks from braindead supporters?
    Wouldn't the most popular programme be one that shows a decent amount of coverage, a small amount of analysis and then move on?
    Why doesn't anyone with the power to change it think it's important enough to change?
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  • Agree with T.C.E although i now watch the other games as well , can't be done with staying up to watch it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]To be fair to that Lizzie bird, she'd get some severe punishment. Looks fairly game too.

    Looks fairly pregnant too, off it. Looks like someone beat you to it. :-)
  • She is a palarse scumbag, not a gills fan.
    I am sick to death of watching this silly cow have a pop at us week after week.

    Anyone who feels the same can use this link to complain to the bbc about her.
  • [cite]Posted By: lordromford[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Valiantphil[/cite]A mate of mine asked Claridge about coverage on this show and he said that every supporter he speaks to has the same comment - that they are hardly / never mentioned. Claridge reckons that time is so short, and they are told which teams to discuss in each segment - because the regional shown on Monday will pick up all the other talking points.

    This is interesting.
    From what you've said, it seems that a member of the team responsible for this programme is acutely aware that there is mass dissatisfaction with regards to this show.
    The question then has to be why don't they change it if nobody likes it? There are so many questions begging for answers, for example:
    Why do they always show more extensive highlights of the game that's already been seen live on another channel earlier? Surely that's the one game thatdoesn'tneed detailed highlights?
    Why are they so short of time? How expensive can it be to show more coverage of each team? Why can't they show extensive highlights of all games over, say, a 3 hour period in the middle of the night? Everyone skyplusses it anyway, so where's the harm? Or why not have three separate programmes for the three divisions so you only watch the one(s) you're interested in?
    Doesanyoneenjoy watching that woman reading out knee jerk bollocks from braindead supporters?
    Wouldn't the most popular programme be one that shows a decent amount of coverage, a small amount of analysis and then move on?
    Why doesn't anyone with the power to change it think it's important enough to change?

    |Good points.

    I fear that the reason it is not changed is that nobody at the BBC can be bothered - they've set the damn thing up and they will see it through to the end of the season when they can forget about it until the next season. Not sure why they bought the rights if they weren't going to give it a proper go.
  • Saga Lout, I think you're probably right. I can see the argument of setting something up and seeing it through, but surely someone at the bbc can see the potential to reach the huge numbers of fans of smaller clubs who are sick of being given such patronising treatment on account of not being involved in the premiership.
    Maybe next year?
    I won't be holding my breath.

    Pretty old, but she loved reading this out didn't she
  • She also read out my Jills camper van text last season
  • lol that was good jt
  • theres a better programme on 1 or 2 midweek more regionalised with Brighty and Mark something
  • A decent programme on monday nights is late kick off, which is great because it isnt annoying, just gets down to bussiness with the clubs from the area. Liz I think is definantly a palace fan I heard somewhere its officiall. I only watch the FL show for Charlton, which can be annoying when you have to sit through the championship (Millwall especially) and late kick off speciallises in the local area which is a great plus.
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