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The Football League show



  • I liked that programme on ITV before the FL show on ITV. The Championship that was presented by Matt Smith, not the Doctor Matt Smith but the ITV football presenter. That was a great programme.
  • Interesting stuff. Some of you could possibly use a sense of proportion, I'd suggest.

    She's a friend of mine, a freelancer doing exactly the job that the show's producers have commissioned her to do. If you don't think it works, I'd suggest it's them you should be communicating with, although it is considerably easier to call her a slag on an Internet forum.

    She is a Palace fan, but not one who ever demonstrates any malice towards Charlton, and nothing she said last night could possibly be construed as a dig unless you have a pretty sizeable persecution complex.

    The show is pretty crap all round, for the obvious reason that it tries to cover four times as many teams as the show that precedes it, with a fraction of the budget. Not really a reason to be so unpleasant about one of the presenters, however well you feel they're doing their job.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Jarman[/cite]She is a palarse scumbag, not a gills fan.
    I am sick to death of watching this silly cow have a pop at us week after week.

    Anyone who feels the same can use this link to complain to the bbc about her.[/quote]

    Did you file a complaint?
  • Have patience - Only Charlton success and good results, will give those planks no option, but to give Charlton more credit.
    6 wins out of 6 - can not be ignored? Fingers crossed x
  • JVL - does she do Gary?
  • [cite]Posted By: JVL[/cite]

    She's a friend of mine

    She is a Palace fan

    The show is pretty crap all round,.

    You don't say ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: JVL[/cite]Interesting stuff. Some of you could possibly use a sense of proportion, I'd suggest.

    She's a friend of mine, a freelancer doing exactly the job that the show's producers have commissioned her to do. If you don't think it works, I'd suggest it's them you should be communicating with, although it is considerably easier to call her a slag on an Internet forum.

    She is a Palace fan, but not one who ever demonstrates any malice towards Charlton, and nothing she said last night could possibly be construed as a dig unless you have a pretty sizeable persecution complex.

    The show is pretty crap all round, for the obvious reason that it tries to cover four times as many teams as the show that precedes it, with a fraction of the budget. Not really a reason to be so unpleasant about one of the presenters, however well you feel they're doing their job.

    None of them show any malice toward us. After all they don't care about us right?
  • edited February 2011
    Are we getting any less coverage than the likes of Huddersfield, Oldham etc? Dunno if we are, last season we had a lot of extended highlight coverage and had plenty of attention.
  • IMO this thread is a load of cr*p. I don't think we get any greater or less coverage than any other team & Lizzie is not bias against us.
    She simply gave a sensible reply to the Charlton fan that suggested we were going up - with a "don't get too carried away" , which is quite right.
    Obviously with another win we have to desperately find something/someone to moan about :-(
  • The complaints about the woman being anti-Charlton are crap, granted. I'm not interested in that.
    However, the show is dire. It's not about how much coverage Charlton get, it's about how much coverage everyone gets. Seriously, of all the fans of teams in the Championship, League One and League Two, how many do you think rate the show as 'good'?
    I don't know, obviously, but I'd wager it's a very small number indeed.
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  • Her slot is pointless though - I think what frustrates me so much is that any of us could put on a better show with a fraction of the budget they have -it is a bit patronising in the way in analyses games. If you watch that show, you are a football fan and they should set the bar accordingly. Our second goal yesterday was terrific and deserved a second showing - the goal against Brentford last season, which was all about the passing was cut to the end. Don't think it is bias and fans of other clubs will have their own examples I'm sure, and so many matches means maybe they need to work out a better system to pic out the special bits.

    The frustrating thing is that apart from last week, Match of the day is pretty boring with not many big games on some days and often dour games. With so many games to choose from, the FLS has more excitement to portray but just doesn't carry it off at all. A show with no flair, created like a painting by numbers picture. Still, we are supposed to say, at least their is a show- sorry but if you are going to show it -put the effort in.
  • I think the BBC need to sort out their programme times greatly. MOTD was on for an hour and half last night showing 8 matches, the first, the Manchester Derby, was half hour of that after Lineker, Hansen and Shearer spouting their usual rubbish. The FL Show was on afterwards for only 1 hour 15 mins showing at least 30 matches, the main game being about 10-15 mins of this. Tonight MOTD2 is on for 50 mins showing one game, Bolton vs Everton which would normally constitute 10 mins on a normal MOTD, plus the goals that they showed last night.

    It doesn't make sense at all.
  • edited February 2011
    Like said there's a better Programe on Midweek that only covers regional football. The main show has to cover 3 leagues and you will never get long, most if not all houses have sky, record it fast forward to the game watch our goals turn it off,

    Simples really
  • Like TCE and others, I just tend to record the programme and skip through to our bit.

    Think there's a bit of a persecution complex if we think we're getting any less coverage than other teams - after all, we're not even in the main division that the programme focuses on.
    Am sure the likes of Stoke, Bolton and Wigan have similar moans that they are invariably one of the last games on Match of the Day (and they'll be the same sort of grumbles we had five years ago).

    And at least you can now easily find highlights on the BBC website a few days after games, which a big improvement as far as I can remember from the ITV coverage.
  • In my opinion they should show:

    Ten minutes of four Championship matches
    Five matches of three League 1 matches
    Five minutes of one League 2 match.

    All the rest should be scrapped and that includes the goals round-ups. No interviews, no chat, nothing. To go the whole hog, why not do without a presenter.

    A nice concise one hour programme with no rubbish.
  • Watched Sky Sports News from 8pm to 9pm last night - they had highlights from just about every other League One game but ours. What's that about?
  • AB that isn't the first time that's happened!

    Nearly on a weekly basis we seem to somehow find our way outside of the SSN highlights reel.

    For example, after the Colchester game, they had clips of the "goal" saga in their main news features, but our game wasn't on the reel!
  • Ok, on the Sky point, I've noticed we NEVER get a goal featured in the Leagues 1 & 2 roundup on Soccer AM. Never. Why? I don't remember them ignoring us in quite the same way as they seem to be doing this season.
  • OK, the FL show is dire, but then it has to cover a lot of games in a short period of time, and presumably they just have to gamble on the games that get the extensive highlights by trying to second guess which ones will be good....

    I know we don't get a lot of coverage, but then we are in League One. As Claridge said, I bet all fans think that they are alone in this.

    As for complaints etc., get a grip. If you choose to be touchy about it, then you can construe everything that woman says as a personal slight, but I really don't see it myself.

    Trying to get someone the sack for some perceived bias when no one you complained to would give a flying feck is the ultimate exercise in pointlessness that just makes us look like tantrum throwing dicks without a sense of proportion and ultimately gains us nothing aside from a reputation for being a club with paranoid supporters. In fact it might actually make them start doing it on purpose knowing that it winds up the easily wind-upable. I think I probably would!

    Chill out people. When we have completed our 20 game unbeaten run, then they'll have to talk about us!
  • edited February 2011
    Why are so many of you obsessed with Charlton specifically getting a raw deal on these programmes?
    You sound like any number of deluded nob-heads phoning up talksport to tell the presenters that they're biased.
    We get a raw deal because we're in League One. It's not fair or right, but we're not where the money is. But it's the same for every other poor bugger in our league, regardless of how much you think we deserve more coverage than, say, Rochdale. Also, it's even worse for those in League Two.

    I go back to my earlier point - why can't the show be longer and focused on highlights and minimal analysis? How expensive is it to make a clips show in a poxy little studio and transmit it in the middle of the night when there's feck all else on? They'll only stick a repeat of My Family or some such crap on instead anyway, so where's the harm?

    Everyone wants to see their own team more, so give it to them - It's not hard - extended highlights using minimal staff, skyplus what you want, everyone's a winner.

    FFS it's not rocket science.
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  • Football league show would be much better if they got one of those gorgeous SSN girls to do Liz's job. Shhlaaaaaaggg.
  • We've got some precious fans ..... Get over yourselves

    What bigstem and lord romford said

    As others above do sky+ it and ff to millwall/palace if they don't win and maybe look for ex charlton player goals and then to the main event of us
    Don't listen to the waffle
    Job done
  • [cite]Posted By: Covered End[/cite]IMO this thread is a load of cr*p. I don't think we get any greater or less coverage than any other team & Lizzie is not bias against us.
    She simply gave a sensible reply to the Charlton fan that suggested we were going up - with a "don't get too carried away" , which is quite right.
    Obviously with another win we have to desperately find something/someone to moan about :-(


    They have chatted about Parky's sacking, Powell's appointment, Powell doing well and BWP joining in recent weeks.

    PS The email part is pointless but that's what fast forward was invented for.
  • Could be worse - The Sunday Times sport don't even recognise any League 1 or 2 action.
  • [cite]Posted By: oohaahmortimer[/cite]We've got some precious fans ..... Get over yourselves

    What bigstem and lord romford said

    As others above do sky+ it and ff to millwall/palace if they don't win and maybe look for ex charlton player goals and then to the main event of us
    Don't listen to the waffle
    Job done

    Yh or just wait till the next day go on iplayer and skip to our match
  • As Oohaah said. Far too precious.

    Why are so many of you worried about what outsiders think of the club anyway?

    Worry about something more important - like the next 3 points. Look at the coverage Norwich and Leeds are getting this season - that could be us next season if we get promoted.
  • Just fast forward to goals then switch off.

    AS NLA has said the late kick off is much better and has done interviews with CP and all sorts!! I posted links to the interviews previously.
  • And its a good show B format is better with a more likable panel
  • I liked the way every single player celebrated together for each goal.
  • I like Manish and Clem's section. His podcast is good too: the fact that he spends his time thinking and talking about the league shines through. Claridge is terrible and so is Leroy, but let's get this into perspective. This board and the world at large is full of people whining about the amount the BBC spends, so if they were flying Gullit and Leonardo over to do a late night lower league show, they'd be subject to criticism for that too.

    Lizzy's section is poor, but it's not entirely her fault. Ask football fans to give their views and you're going to get a mixture of idiots whining and idiots crowing. Her match reports on Saturday afternoon are OK. They'd be better cutting it out, but at the end of the day I'm grateful that they do a show: a few years ago the only option to watch non-topleague football was a late night show on ITV.

    On any given Saturday there's around 35 plus football league games to cover in a show that's no longer than match of the day. MoTD has about 7 to cover in the same period. Exactly how long do the moaners think should be afforded to a club flopping about in the third division? Thirty minutes I suppose.

    We've had more than our fair share on the Monday night magazine show on Mondays, and I like that show in general.
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