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What to invest in??

Was having a thought today, with a little bit of extra dosh floating about what's the best thing to do with it?

A guy at work sell his own goalkeeping gloves makes a little on the side but it keeps a extra income coming in.

Ideally property would properly be the best money spinner.

Ideas? Experiences? Suggestions?

All welcome.

Thanks in advance.


  • Stay away from News Corp right now
  • Pay off your mortgage / debts.
  • I need to put it towards something else to get my teeth into...
  • always thought if i had extra dosh id direct my own porn
  • buy a flat on the cheap, do it up and rent  it out before reselling it.
  • Try ISA's............both Cash & Shares.  You can invest a maximum of £10,680pa so you have scope to save £450pm into each.

    forget property.............unless it is going to be your main residence.



  • I hear the Vinnie V beer fund is always a good investment.

  • Gold
  • Gold
    That is where all the smart money is.
    Only on the way up.  
    Buy real gold, something to hold on to.
  • Pork bellies or OJ
  • Sponsored links:

  • A new centre back for Charlton!
  • Gold will soon run out of steam - gone up too much over the past year or so.

    As I said previously...............ISA's (Cash & Shares   - the shares part bought via a unit trust fund )

    I can't say anymore as it will constitute advice...........and that will cost you !!!

  • Gold
    That is where all the smart money is.
    Only on the way up.  
    Buy real gold, something to hold on to.

    Gold will soon run out of steam - gone up too much over the past year or so.

    As I said previously...............ISA's (Cash & Shares   - the shares part bought via a unit trust fund )

    I can't say anymore as it will constitute advice...........and that will cost you !!!

    Not this

    The rise in gold over the past couple of years will look like peanuts compared to the rise coming in the next five years. Fiat currency is so hopelessly broken that we're now into a massive spiral from which there is no real escape. At some point there will be a truly global conflict that will cause everything to crash - until then, buy gold. Just wait until you see what happens to the price when the yanks start printing mountains of cash again (QE3 is only months away)

    If you don't want to buy physical gold, look at decent gold mining companies - especially those that are already in production rather than explorers, and specifically those producing at low cost with large reserves.

    In the past three years I have made close to 200% gains in three different gold/silver miners. I am not even close to selling out of any of them (one I  topped on just this morning)
  • I would have thought it was time to take some of your gain................but then, what do I know !!

    Also, the man in the street cant generally buy gold - the nearest he can get are ETF's or , as you say, gold mining companies.

    Gold can be part of a portfoliuo............but just that.........part. 10% tops.



  • What do you know indeed Golfie!

    You can buy good delivery gold - as much or as little as you want - here at wholesale prices.

  •  The storage cost of $4 pm (minimum) could prove to be a bit pricey of you only buy a few hundred dollars worth.

  • I would have thought it was time to take some of your gain................but then, what do I know !!

    Also, the man in the street cant generally buy gold - the nearest he can get are ETF's or , as you say, gold mining companies.

    Gold can be part of a portfoliuo............but just that.........part. 10% tops.



    LOL - I'm guessing from that, you're an IFA? :)

    Then you're (slightly) more qualified than me!

    I just don't see any way out of the debt spiral other than printing reams of cash then, eventually, initiating some kind of ideological war where millions of people get wiped out (not much chance of 500 million dead people trying to call in debts!)

    Gold has and always will be a safe haven - I'd argue that the top-heavier a portfolio is towards gold/silver in this climate the better. I've also kept a hand in various other commodities, along with the odd stock I like the look of and a couple of long punts on potential ten-baggers so I'm not completely invested in precious metals, but I'm far more comfortable looking at the gains I've made in them over the past few months (let alone years) than the losses I've taken due to market corrections in other sectors since March.

    Offie, those places are for suckers. Chump you out of a lot of money they will, after fees and markdowns. If you want to invest in gold properly, choose junior miners, with the odd punt on an exploration company and the rest in a gold fund or ETC

    They are the crowd behind the farmville games, they're becoming a public company, can see their shares being fairly valuable as what their involved in is massive.
  • Tech bubble is going to annihilate a lot of people's finances. It's all built on sand - there's no substance to any of it. Nobody is paying for any of this social networking shite - if Facebook started charging people five quid a year tomorrow, they'd have less than a hundredth of a percent of their userbase within a month. All Zynga is doing is using social media to pretend they've got massive potential - until someone finds a way to monetise it, it will just be a bubble. The only time to make money on it is the day of the initial IPO. Two days after it if you keep your money in there you'll have made a loss, within five years your shares will be worth less than Millwall's.
  • Henry's flogging some retro charlton tat merchandise. ;-)
  • Sponsored links:

  • Re gold ........Beware the "boiler room" sales phone calls, etc.

    They'll try and flog you cheap shares in gold mining with promises of quick profits - and then run off with your money.
    At least that's what happened to a mate of mine.

  • I'm not an expert, just a man in his 50s. Long term, property has traditionally been a good bet. At the moment, if you can afford to buy a house (not a flat) to rent out, you will earn more on your money than almost any investment would. Depending on area and many other factors, you can get between £800 to £1,200 a month for a 3-bed semi worth, say £250,000 - where else could you get that sort of return on your investment?
  • Firstly you have to fund the purchase, unless our said "poster" has £250,000 sitting in his back pocket -  this would usually mean a buy-to-let mortgage and would need at least a 20% deposit (£50 k)...............

    shame that the income is taxed & any gain you make when you sell the property is also taxed...........




  • Buy a stock called Matra Resources you can buy them at 2.7p per share.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



  • invest in me :)
  • edited July 2011
    still think porns the way to go. even if you dont make a profit, think of the memorys you will have. at least one bank is getting filled up.
  • Firstly you have to fund the purchase, unless our said "poster" has £250,000 sitting in his back pocket -  this would usually mean a buy-to-let mortgage and would need at least a 20% deposit (£50 k)...............

    shame that the income is taxed & any gain you make when you sell the property is also taxed...........




    I don't know how much he's got to invest - I wasn't advocating buy to let.

    I said I'm no expert, so I will come to you when I decide to sell the house I am currently renting out and you can show me how I can improve on the return I have been getting. If I sell within the next couple of years I very much doubt there will be any gain to pay tax on.
  • Gold has always been a good investment, but I alway's felt it was for the big players with the returns being given, probably too gutless to speculate.
    Property has been my area of knowledge, and really should have made a lot more of my contacts, but family and needing to be near London for work commitments, despite all the flexi working articles that my colleagues ran in endless magazines, I  personally seemed to be handcuffed to the office desks. 
    I still feel that  a good location is better than a cheap house/flat in a poor area, or should I say less desirable, but colleagues have proved me wrong on too many occassions, and boy a few did very well?
    But you have to be aware of  spending money to develop the property, especially if you are thinking of letting. 
    Agree with Leroy about the social networking industry, it is great all the time it is free....... I wonder how many of us would pay for this excellent site!
  • Buy a stock called Matra Resources you can buy them at 2.7p per share.



    Based on what? Their fundamentals are dreadful, they have a decent resource but no track record of actually being able to deliver on it, have problems with the Russian bureaucracy (both locally and nationally), still have yet to obtain the necessary licensing/permits for getting the stuff out of the ground and have a history of not hitting deadlines/targets. All that for a share that is trading at only about a 40% discount based on current resource estimates and is due for another placing which will dilute the price further? No thanks - if you want to take a risk on something in Russia, look at AMC. potential ten-bagger, and they have pretty much the exact same major problem as MTA - crooked Russian bureaucrats.
  • Here in Dubai you can actually buy gold bars from vending machines in the shopping malls!! You can buy anything from a 2.5 gram bar up to a 1 ounce bar. All the prices are kept up to date automatically. If you want anything bigger, you just take a trip to the Gold Souk and ask for what you want. The prices are all very reasonable and they expect you to haggle in the Souk. Now if only I had some spare cash.
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