tango you are right, I love literature, especially the classics, but I appreciate the works of a living genius, love Harry Potter or hate it you can't deny that what you done was very clever. Before the Deathly Hallows I would have said she was a pretty good writer, but the way she tied everything from 6 previous books and before together, tied up all loose ends and ends the story perfectly, whilst keeping the excitement going throughout was genius and I doubt anyone else would have been able to do that.
Star Wars is absolutely brilliant, the revenue it has generated proves that. The majority love it. Original three are great, the second of those is a class above. Only Revenge of the Sith comes close to being decent of the prequels.
Star Wars is absolutely brilliant, the revenue it has generated proves that. The majority love it. Original three are great, the second of those is a class above. Only Revenge of the Sith comes close to being decent of the prequels.
It's the greatest story ever told!
More people read the Sun than say the Times, I doubt that very many people think that the Sun is a better newspaper though.
Harrison Ford said to George Lucas of the screenplay for the original Star Wars "You can write this shit George, but you can't talk it". Part 1 was ok, being new and original etc, well as original as anything ever in is in Hollywood, the rest of the films were stretched out repetitions that raked in the dollars.
tango you are right, I love literature, especially the classics, but I appreciate the works of a living genius, love Harry Potter or hate it you can't deny that what you done was very clever. Before the Deathly Hallows I would have said she was a pretty good writer, but the way she tied everything from 6 previous books and before together, tied up all loose ends and ends the story perfectly, whilst keeping the excitement going throughout was genius and I doubt anyone else would have been able to do that.
The Potter Sage is really very good indeed, imho. The first two books are a bit light weight, but they are aimed at 11 or 12 years olds. As Harry Potter matures so does the subject matter of the books and by the end the story is as good as any fantasy thriller. There's much more in there than just a kids story.
They do borrow bits form other stories, notably there are Lord of the Rings echoes in Dumbledor and the Horcrux quest but there are also some very original ideas.
I've not read enough books to comment on their standing amongst the all-time greats but I've just finished lsitening to the audio books for the 3rd or 4th time and I still get a lot out of them. Stephen Fry's narration is fantastic. Only parts 6 & 7A do the books proper jusitice imo as they focus on the human element of the stories rather than the crash bang action.
I agree that episodes 4-6 were genius - episodes 1-3 were too up their own arses with errors spoiling things - like in Return of the jedi - Leia knew her mother but in episdoe 3 her mother dies in child birth. They had their moments but fell short - you couldn't quite believe Anakin's turn to the dark side in episode 3 -Jar Jar Binks was a terrible character -it was clear that Lucas hadn't written episodes 1-3 before 4-6 whatever he might say.
I think Lucas got too into the dark side (technology) and forgot it was all about the story first. Not a fan of the updates of the originals either and Lucas won't allow the films to be shown in their original form.
The only thing challenging about Lord of the rings is preventing yourself from committing suicide whilst having to sit through the poo. I took my eldest son to watch the first one and hated it. Got made to take him to the second one and made a point of going to sleep 20 mins into the movie. Insisted that his mum took him for the last one.
I'd rather watch soaps (and that's saying something).
Never went near the film but the books had the same effect on me. Fecking sword and sorcery pretentious trash that is acceptable cos it was written by an Oxford don.
Star wars and empire strikes back are brilliant films. Return of the jedi is ok. The new films have good moments but in comparison to the original trilogy are quite badly made with to much emphazis on special effects. Somehow lucas created an environment were a succession of talented actors turned in wooden performances.
Always thought harry potter books were for kids. My 14 year old has grown up with them and loves the whole thing. I quite like the movies.
I choose to judge the films on their own merits and all the 'genius' comments etc are way over the top.
Why didn't he just grab a rubber dingy like he did in temple of doom? When he's paid he can escape a plane crasg, but can't be bothered when he's off duty. That's the height of laziness!
Seems that some people won't admit that something 'new' is actually great.
I think how many books she's sold tell the story.
Star Wars is absolutely brilliant, the revenue it has generated proves that. The majority love it. Original three are great, the second of those is a class above. Only Revenge of the Sith comes close to being decent of the prequels.
It's the greatest story ever told!
More people read the Sun than say the Times, I doubt that very many people think that the Sun is a better newspaper though.
Harrison Ford said to George Lucas of the screenplay for the original Star Wars "You can write this shit George, but you can't talk it". Part 1 was ok, being new and original etc, well as original as anything ever in is in Hollywood, the rest of the films were stretched out repetitions that raked in the dollars.
Alien best sci fi ever by a very long way IMHO
The Potter Sage is really very good indeed, imho. The first two books are a bit light weight, but they are aimed at 11 or 12 years olds. As Harry Potter matures so does the subject matter of the books and by the end the story is as good as any fantasy thriller. There's much more in there than just a kids story.
They do borrow bits form other stories, notably there are Lord of the Rings echoes in Dumbledor and the Horcrux quest but there are also some very original ideas.
I've not read enough books to comment on their standing amongst the all-time greats but I've just finished lsitening to the audio books for the 3rd or 4th time and I still get a lot out of them. Stephen Fry's narration is fantastic. Only parts 6 & 7A do the books proper jusitice imo as they focus on the human element of the stories rather than the crash bang action.
I think Lucas got too into the dark side (technology) and forgot it was all about the story first. Not a fan of the updates of the originals either and Lucas won't allow the films to be shown in their original form.
Jar Jar Binks is Martin Pringle.
Loved the series but boy, did she add a huge boner bonus to it!!!
First film an innocent bit of fun but now taken far too seriously.
Now which Lifer (and it's not me) had a full sized Star Trooper (or whatever they) are called costume on display in his hall? And he's not even a fan.
Never went near the film but the books had the same effect on me. Fecking sword and sorcery pretentious trash that is acceptable cos it was written by an Oxford don.
I loved Lord of the Rings as a kid, read it several times when I was 11 or 12 but I don't really understand adults reading it. Likewise Harry Potter.
As for Star Wars, saw the first when it was on TV - underwhelmed. Was dragged to see Revenge of the Shit - one of the dullest 90 minutes of my life.
swearing near end warning
Always thought harry potter books were for kids. My 14 year old has grown up with them and loves the whole thing. I quite like the movies.
I choose to judge the films on their own merits and all the 'genius' comments etc are way over the top.
Think he should have stuck to producer role, shame really
and now this
it sounds like he is ok which is good news
When he's paid he can escape a plane crasg, but can't be bothered when he's off duty. That's the height of laziness!