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Benson - where is he? Have I missed something?



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    Look around the lower divisions and you will find 20 Bensons.

    But I feel he Mayfair better in the lower leagues..............
    Are you havana us on?
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    Yeah he should take a pay cut to help us out
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    Look around the lower divisions and you will find 20 Bensons.

    But I feel he Mayfair better in the lower leagues..............
    Are you havana us on?
    Apparently, Notts Co couldn't afford anymore than 20 sovereign a week.
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    Looks like Bennos Charlton career has gone up in smoke.. Sorry!
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    Look around the lower divisions and you will find 20 Bensons.

    But I feel he Mayfair better in the lower leagues..............
    Are you havana us on?
    Apparently, Notts Co couldn't afford anymore than 20 sovereign a week.
    Thats more than we paid Flash, and he didnt end up the butt of lame puns on CL.
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    edited November 2011
    ... he might go non-league and make a glamorous westwards move having been tempted by the Marlborough lights.
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    he scored goals for us when we needed them
    or was it just a Lucky Strike?
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    I'm sure there's some managers keeping tabs on him. If he leaves, it will make our squad lighter but at least he'll get matches. A water carrying type player that could be described as a camel. Surely some interest will be shown by Chesterfield and would probably do a sterling job for them as he's always capable of the odd lucky strike or two.
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    I seem to remember that Benson is not willing to move house out of the area because of his childrens education. Good for him on a personal basis, but he therefore needs to be a bit flexible about his career.
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    I seem to remember that Benson is not willing to move house out of the area because of his childrens education. Good for him on a personal basis, but he therefore needs to be a bit flexible about his career.
    well according to Parky Benno had been prepared to move to Bradford and then it all went belly up our end so I'm not sure that what you say is correct or not.
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    I can't see why he should be so out of favour. If BWP were to get injured, Benno would be a good stop gap, especially with Danny Green on the wing. Goal scorers are a rare commodity and Benno has proved that he can score goals in this league. Perhaps CP has another goal scorer lined up to play alongside Kermy or Hayes should the worst happen and we lose BWP to injury.
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    I can't see why he should be so out of favour.
    Inappropriate singing at training or during a game?
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    Noticed he was pushed back into a centre half role late in the game last night,how did he look?Remember Arthur Horsfield ended up as a centre back in the latter part of his Charlton career after the emergance of the Flanagan/Hales partnership.
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    Maybe he's going to stay and Doherty is off? Doubt it, but you never know.
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    Let's face it, he can't do a worse job than Doc.
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    edited November 2011
    Noticed he was pushed back into a centre half role late in the game last night,how did he look?
    He looked very comfortable but you have to take into account the standard of the opposition.  Did well in the air and cleared the ball but wasn't really tested on the floor.

    According to another poster he told fans after the game he is going to Bradford.   Not on OS so can't believe it (yet).
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    edited November 2011

    With BWP and being top it is pretty difficult to argue a case for Benno,if Powell thinks otherwise? I felt that the 2 year deal  he has alleged to have been offered at Notts County was his best option, and although I am sure he has a future in football, I would not be impressed with a player preferring to be at home on gardening leave?.Tell you what Benno come down and coach my forwards if you are lacking inspiration?...... I could do with some help.
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    Yeah he should take a pay cut to help us out
    I don't know if this is a serious comment or not, or if it was aimed at my post, but if it was then he has to consider what he wants? If he's happy to draw his salary and not play for a whole year when he is 32 then that is up to him. Equally if he (and I'm not saying he does) has a contract that pays him more than he is worth then he may well have to take a pay cut to get first team football - that would be his choice.

    What I don't want to see, however, is any more players being 'paid off' to leave us. I have nothing against Benson, and I thought he did ok when he played for us, but we shelled out a small fortune to get rid of Mcleod and Moutoakil, and then this summer we did a deal with McCormack to 'enable' him to leave and move to a club in a division below. We have to, at some point, convince players that there is more to playing for Charlton than signing a good contract. There have been way too many players in recent years (and I'm not necessarily including Benson in this category) that signed a contract with us and believed that they'd hit the big time. I don't mind paying players a good wage where it's warranted, but if they turn out to be inadequate, irrespective if it's down to ability or attitude, they they have to accept it and move on, or play in the reserves. The fact that we are contractually obliged to pay them is irrelevant. They have to choose between signing for a team on wages that are commensurate with their ability and play, or stay with us on more money and not play.

    From the outside looking in it appears that Benson, and Francis for that matter, thought that in the end the club would give them a deal like McCormack so that they could play for a team with less money all the while we paid some of their salary. At some point the club has to say no or these players will never agree to leave unless we pay them off. This problem will become more acute if/as we climb the league and players become surplus to requirements.
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    Blimey lets put this into perspective - we're top of the table and top scorers in the league - have scored over 4 goals in 4 of our last 5 games and people are still moaning about Benson not getting a game.
    The 3 strikers who have started in the league this season are all better than Benson and we also have the option with Wagstaff or Ephraim of playing "in the hole" behind the striker or in a 4-3-3.  I suspect Benson may have made the bench a couple of times but he was out injured for some time and Euell does offer more versatility although with Pritchard and Ephraim in contention I can see Euell dropping off the bench
    Benson is 4th choice at best and should go out on loan in Jan
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    Blimey lets put this into perspective - we're top of the table and top scorers in the league - have scored over 4 goals in 4 of our last 5 games and people are still moaning about Benson not getting a game.
    The 3 strikers who have started in the league this season are all better than Benson and we also have the option with Wagstaff or Ephraim of playing "in the hole" behind the striker or in a 4-3-3.  I suspect Benson may have made the bench a couple of times but he was out injured for some time and Euell does offer more versatility although with Pritchard and Ephraim in contention I can see Euell dropping off the bench
    Benson is 4th choice at best and should go out on loan in Jan

    Fourth choice in theory but the Halifax match demonstrated that Euell playing as CF is going to be nothing more than a one match thing, that's not really his best position, Kermorant and Hayes are really deep lying forwards rather than out and out goal scorers while selecting Smith as a starter is going to be a big gamble. None of this is a problem while BWP stays fit...

    While Benson probably doesn't have much of a future at the club I'd prefer him to replace any of the above choices if BWP tweaks a nasal hair in training or something.

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    it aint about money at our level in my opinion their careers are so short that i dont think they should take a pay cut if they fall out of favour, he is fit, he wishes to play, he is giving all he has in training


    he shouldnt have to take a pay cut

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    Well said, NLA.

    Benson is just unlucky the way things have panned out for him.
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    Well said, NLA.

    Benson is just unlucky the way things have panned out for him.

    THIS. Needs to get away to resurrect his career. Feel sorry for him in that he was signed, th Manager who signed him left, the incoming manager didn't fancy him, we signed better players. No ones fault, just the way it is sometimes.
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    Hope he gets to a club that will play him, hope he scores lots of goals, gets the best out of the rest of his career.  He could do a job for Plymouth.
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    Can't see if he's fit why a months loan at Dagenham, with recall won't help everyone.  Get him sharp for Xmas and January, those winter months can really put strain on any squad.
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    edited November 2011

    it aint about money at our level in my opinion their careers are so short that i dont think they should take a pay cut if they fall out of favour, he is fit, he wishes to play, he is giving all he has in training


    he shouldnt have to take a pay cut

    So do you think we should subsidise his wages for him to play elsewhere?

    Or should we play him when we have better players available?

    At what point does it become about the money? Only the way I see it either we are a business that is trying to get out of this division when we are losing c. £4m+ a season, or we are an organisation that subsidises the wages of former players that can't get into our first team and can't earn what we pay elsewhere.
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    I don't think we should subsidize him at all, however we signed him, we offer him a wage .

    He agrees he tries his best he gives his all but ultimately its not good enough and we sign better players he falls out of the pecking order

    He never kicks up a fuss publicly and from what we here he is not a bad Apple and is training and acting like a real pro footballer.

    So we as a club have no right to insist he leaves for less money earnings elsewhere, we honour his contract don't play him and he keeps the status quo

    If he wishes to leave then the choice of money just irrelevant as he choses to go

    If we are adamant that we as a club want him to go then we should subsidize his wage if that is the only reason why moves have fell through,
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    agree with NLA. If we have no intention of playing him then can't see the harm in paving the way for him to move on. If he stays then we are paying his wages anyway without utilising him so let him go and play elsewhere and play football and if that means us making up a wages shortfall do be it. He is under contract, not asked for a move and therefore shouldn't lose out financially. Saying that if he were offered a two year deal elsewhere on slightly less wages then I'm sure he'd do what is best for him and his family.
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    Agree entirely.  Parky wanted him (despite the reservations of some on here, who IMO were proved correct) and he chose to come as he had a right to expect to be a key player at the club.  Things change, and here we are - he can't get near the first team.  None of this is his fault, and if he is being professional about the whole thing as NLA says, then all credit to him.  Many others would have thrown a strop by now. He is under no obligation to move and he can't be blamed for wanting what is best for him and his family.

    I hope he moves on and is successful elsewhere - it sounds like he deserves it.
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    so are we saying he is refusing to play or is that a leap too far?
    too far
    he scored goals for us when we needed them, he never stopped trying and yes I feel sorry for him and hope he finds a club that appreciates his goal scoring talents - it seems we don't anymore.

    good luck 
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