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Charltons No1 rival?



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    Palarse all day long. I hate them with a passion . Don't care either way about Millwall.
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    edited January 2012
    Sparrows Lane Lion is right, Millwall has always been a 'friendly' rivalry with us i think, we want to win bragging rights obviously, but there's no real hatred I don't think, we all have too many Millwall/Charlton friends. Whereas i don't really know too many Palace and I just hate everything about them, their 'ultras', the way their 'firm' has a go at scarfers and thinks they did charlton over, their ground, football...everything! So for me its Palace, Millwall then Gillingham...because you can't help but have some animousity to someone that hates you so much.
    That sums it up for me, But i do dislike Man Utd, Now I live in the North, You can have a decent conversation with most fans about football, But United fans, Always try to put you down, After about 5 mins in, What have you won, Biggest club in the world, Champions league, Blah, blah, blah.
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    Or Soton, as is says on the motorway.
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    I wish you guys could forget this crap about Palace etc. At the moment it is Huddersfield, Wednesday, United and MK Dons who are our biggest rivals. I hope that next year it will be the Clubs at the top of the Championship. I always have to laugh when someone comes on here and says 'my best mate is a Millwall fan,' and then proceeds to pile a load of abuse on your best friends Club. Is it a young persons thing ? Or are there old uns like me still thinking they have to hate certain Clubs ? I fell completely in love with the game of football as a child, all I had to do was to choose a Club to support. Negativity is a poison.
    It's not necessarily a young persons thing, Granpa. My Dad is an 89-year-old Charlton supporter who practically spontaneously combusts at the mention of Arsenal. His Dad and Uncle used to watch them on Plumstead Common and his mum worked at the Arsenal, where the team came from. When they moved to Highbury it was seen by many locals as deserting their fans, much like Wimbledon and Milton Keynes. My Grandad was furious and passed that fury down to my dad, who hates the Arsenal now as much as he ever did.
    I was going to post along similar lines. If you asked my Dad who were the biggest rivals, he would without hesitation say it was (The) Arsenal. Palace weren't even on the radar and Millwall - you just kept your gob shut when we played them if you didn't want a slap...and we didn't play either Palace or Millwall for over twenty years.

    Now there is the local bragging rights stuff as SLL has said with Palace and Millwall and in terms of who most hate the most, it has to be the Nigel's for obvious reasons.

    I went to school in Bromley Common. We mixed with kids from across the London Borough of Bromley. A large chunk came from Beckenham and Penge - almost all were Palace. There were a very few Millwall and Charlton. The rest were glory seekers and supported Chelsea, Spurs, Man U, Liverpool or Arsenal. For me then Palace were the biggest rivals.

    As for Wet Spam, I really didn't see much in the way of rivalry with them where I came from (roots in Catford/Deptford) brought up in Orpington area.
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    However as the years go on, I'm hating MIllwall more mainly because the ammount of there muggy chav fans who seem to live of a reputation and automatically think they're something.
    There are plenty of Millwall who have taken a dislike to these lot as well and been a few incidents where these idiots who think bullying innocents, or abusing people, or picking on people who don't wanna know have been put in their place by proper lads. However, it generally seems to be when they are at London Bridge & on the trains home that they play up, trying to be the hard man.

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    Our / my number 1 rival is Millwall without any question. I don't hate them but having lived in Eltham most of my life, if you act


    I think some people are mixing up rivalry and hatred. Whilst there is a fair amount of overlap, it isn't always necessarily the case. On a personal level I regard Millwall as our rivals, when we play one another I want to beat them, I want us to have a higher league position than them, but I don't hate them.

    SLL is correct, some of the older generation would watch us one week and them the following week when we were away.

    Palace I regard differently. They are traditionally just a lower league team from another part of London. They are not historically our rivals. Due to more modern day developments a dislike has developed between the two clubs, which has created some rivalry but this does match the rivalry with Millwall.
    that's it, in a nutshell.
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    Dislike palace more than millwall but beating millwall matters far more - strange but that's how it is for me. Other than all the friends and acquaintances who are Millwall fans, as i've said before, they are the one club who can detract from our support base and vica versa if doing well. Palace are from adifferent part of London as far as i'm concerned.
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    Dislike palace more than millwall but beating millwall matters far more - strange but that's how it is for me. Other than all the friends and acquaintances who are Millwall fans, as i've said before, they are the one club who can detract from our support base and vica versa if doing well. Palace are from adifferent part of London as far as i'm concerned.
    Detract from your support base how exactly? Fan switching between clubs based on success, or completely new fans to football who live in SE London and are looking for a team to follow? or any other type?
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    Probably an age thing.

    Over 35 or so it will be Millwall under Palace.
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    Can't escape what is a fact so Palace is definately our most hated rival. Millwall are our rivals too but most of my mates support them so I enjoy the banter, that which you can't have with the Palace girls who tend to cry too much.
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    edited January 2012

    Can't escape what is a fact so Palace is definately our most hated rival. Millwall are our rivals too but most of my mates support them so I enjoy the banter, that which you can't have with the Palace girls who tend to cry too much.
    What do you mean Palarse are our main rivals 'it's a fact'......complete utter crap mate...WTF ya on about........ know your history Jayjosh?

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    Probably an age thing.

    Over 35 or so it will be Millwall under Palace.</blockquote

    i think it is an age thing but the older chaps will see millwall as the rivals.

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    Probably an age thing.

    Over 35 or so it will be Millwall under Palace.
    You bet we do!!

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    Can't escape what is a fact so Palace is definately our most hated rival. Millwall are our rivals too but most of my mates support them so I enjoy the banter, that which you can't have with the Palace girls who tend to cry too much.
    What do you mean Palarse are our main rivals 'it's a fact'......complete utter crap mate...WTF ya on about........ know your history Jayjosh?

    I know my history mate, I travelled to Shithurst by bus on my own when I was 14 when our support was a meagre 3-4,000. Used to take a load of stick from my Millwall mates for that, but it was all a laugh. Its a fact for me, alright. When did Millwall get on a train and beat up our kids, eh? If you like all the thuggery, then imo Millwall are definately the no. 1 thugs in S.London, but they don't beat up our kids on away trains. Maybe I'm wrong but recent history tells me Palace are the most hated. I take it you have written a book on Charlton History, let me know and I will buy a copy.

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    Jeeezuz.........I go back 55 years at The Valley and spent around 30 of those in The Covered End.....think I know a bit more about this than you Jay.
    Agree I'm getting a bit heated about this but honestly you younger fans don't know the half of it and it genuinely irks me to hear some of you say things which only refer to fairly recent events......understandable of course but you simply can't change our history just because some muggy Palarse mob have been upsetting us for a comparatively few years compaired to the ever present ag between us and The Spanners.
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    edited January 2012
    Jeeezuz.........I go back 55 years at The Valley and spent around 30 of those in The Covered End.....think I know a bit more about this than you Jay.
    Agree I'm getting a bit heated about this but honestly you younger fans don't know the half of it and it genuinely irks me to hear some of you say things which only refer to fairly recent events......understandable of course but you simply can't change our history just because some muggy Palarse mob have been upsetting us for a comparatively few years compaired to the ever present ag between us and The Spanners.
    Fair point, you will know more of the rivarly than I do as you got 13 years on me and I am looking at the rivalry as I see it with the younger fans I suppose.

    I do know a few of the Millwall fans who were televised in the 70s Panaroma documentary and although they had their fair share of trouble with most opposition fans I can't recall them saying too much about the Charlton / Millwall rivalry.

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    cos we always battered them!

    they couldent admit that on panaroma.
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    And at that time we hadn't been playing them that much either.
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    edited January 2012
    Sorry about that little tirade Jayjosh, not directed at you personaly mate more at all those who espouse to those conclusions ..........incidently you say I've got thirteen years on you......I think that may be considerably more....I first went to The Valley in 1957.
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    i knew of two 14 year old kids who got battered by half a dozen 30-40 year old millwall scum after we drew 1-1 in an anglo italian midweek cup nothing game

    when we were groundsharing at selhurst playing the scum some millwall muppets came up to mcs's brother in the toilet and asked if we wanted a row cos we were singing too much, in the farking home end, and we were sitting with mcs's old man and hes millwall and so was mcs at the time !!

    just constant agg and having to watch yourself with them scum about

    walk out the ground having lost 2-0 and hearing come on then you anorak ..... who wants it

    who needs agg whilst going to watch footy and have some banter !
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    Sorry about that little tirade Jayjosh, not directed at you personaly mate more at all those who espouse to those conclusions ..........incidently you say I've got thirteen years on you......I think that may be considerably more....I first went to The Valley in 1957.
    That's ok mate, we are both passionate about our club and its history. I stand corrected, you have got a lot more years than my posted miscalcuation, which is a fact.
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    From the responses looks like 50:50 with Millwall and palace with palace maybe slightly edging it. We might not have a No1 direct rival club but we've got 2.
    Liverpool fans would probably be 50:50 with Manu and everton I reckon. I suppose it doesn't matter but just saying there are alot of angles as to who makes a bigger rival.
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    edited January 2012
    As i've said before - we are like the kid at school that everybody likes. Not because he's harmless or buys sweets for everybody but just coz he's got that way about him. Call it charm.
    BD i think you'll find its because all the other clubs know we're not going to win anything, they don't see us as a 'threat'

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    As i've said before - we are like the kid at school that everybody likes. Not because he's harmless or buys sweets for everybody but just coz he's got that way about him. Call it charm.
    BD i think you'll find its because all the other clubs know we're not going to win anything, they don't see us as a 'threat'

    Yes, but that argument falls down because most clubs don't win anything, particularly Millwall and palace, who in fact, have never won anything - unlike our good selves.
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    Dislike palace more than millwall but beating millwall matters far more - strange but that's how it is for me. Other than all the friends and acquaintances who are Millwall fans, as i've said before, they are the one club who can detract from our support base and vica versa if doing well. Palace are from adifferent part of London as far as i'm concerned.
    Detract from your support base how exactly? Fan switching between clubs based on success, or completely new fans to football who live in SE London and are looking for a team to follow? or any other type?
    Millwall doing well may attract some less committed there and vica versa, particularly at the age where long term loyalty is still being formed - hence the 'missing generation' comments etc about when we were in exile at Selhurst. It was only the real hardcore that went there whilst Millwall became a lot more attractive. That has been corrected again now. That wouldn't happen with any other club for Millwall or Charlton.
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    to be honest i actually think that a rival is a rival and that is that but you can hate teams more than others

    so in other words palarse and millscum are both our rivals but i personally hate palarse slightly more
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    Dislike palace more than millwall but beating millwall matters far more - strange but that's how it is for me. Other than all the friends and acquaintances who are Millwall fans, as i've said before, they are the one club who can detract from our support base and vica versa if doing well. Palace are from adifferent part of London as far as i'm concerned.
    Detract from your support base how exactly? Fan switching between clubs based on success, or completely new fans to football who live in SE London and are looking for a team to follow? or any other type?
    Millwall doing well may attract some less committed there and vica versa, particularly at the age where long term loyalty is still being formed - hence the 'missing generation' comments etc about when we were in exile at Selhurst. It was only the real hardcore that went there whilst Millwall became a lot more attractive. That has been corrected again now. That wouldn't happen with any other club for Millwall or Charlton.
    If people can just switch loyalties & start paying money to watch a rival team regularly, then sod them, rather they didn't come back.
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