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Liam Stacey.

What a 100% piece of filth this charmer is. When I see stuff like this, a young, educated man, given every opportunity in life doing stuff like that it makes me feel like I'm from a different planet. He's not going to get an easy ride during his time inside and has messed up his life probably for ever now.

...and I still hate Twitter!


  • As I can't actually be arsed to google it, care to share who he is?
  • the troll on twitter trying to be funny about Muamba.

    got 8 weeks jail time.
  • edited March 2012
    I was going to start this thread yesterday, but knew it would end up getting sunk so didn't bother.
    I must admit I don't know what he said, although we can all hazard a good guess.
    However, bearing in mind people get found guilty of all sorts of physical assaults & frauds etc, yet only get community sentences or suspended sentences, I think 56 days in prison is possibly OTT. Why not a heavy fine & a community sentence, if the prisons are nearly full ?

    Typing something racist appears to be a bigger crime than physically assaulting someone or burgling someone.
    Personally, I'd rather someone said something racist about me on twitter, than assault me or burgle my house.
  • Crazy sentence. Been done for inciting racial hatred.

    All he incited was further confirmation that people from Swansea are thick!

    If he holds those types of views then that's up to him, he clearly never spouted those views in 'public' and he'll now be regretting his views & comments for a long time. Better off trying to work out why he has views like that and educating rather than sticking him in prison.
  • Personally ridiculous, criminal record yes, community service yes, but jail time utterly ridiculous. Racism or not the irony of Stan Collymore, a girlfriend beater, reporting him to the police.... A despicable person, a despicable comment, a sentence disproportionate due to the national event of Muamba's heart attack.
  • Yes the law appears to be more equal for some. Would someone get 56 days if they tweeted something racist about me, whether I'm black, white or whatever ?

    Just because Mwambe is "famous" the guy gets 56 days.
  • edited March 2012
    You have a valid concern re:the length of sentence but not one I share tbh.

    Unfortunately(?) we have the means now to share our immediate thoughts with the world but some individuals are becoming so immune to the effect of their repugnant thoughts and actions or actively seeking a reaction, we end up with morons like this.

    It would be nice to think that trolls everywhere have taken note that you cannot say what you like and if you are of this persuasion then there are consequences. Unfortunately I think we have more than our fair share following football who think they are immune.
  • Think he has been made an example of to be honest. As you say CE it seems you get more time for saying something over the internet than you do for actual assualt or breaking into someones home.

    Absolute idiot nonetheless.
  • Don't feel he's been sentenced too harshly, hopefully it will put off other morons thinking about doing similar things.

    Assault/Burglary etc are under punished as opposed to this being disproportionate. Just my view though of course
  • You have a valid concern re:the length of sentance but not one I share tbh.

    Unfortunately(?) we have the means now to share our immediate thoughts with the world but some individuals are becoming so immune to the effect of their repugnant thoughts and actions or actively seeking a reaction, we end up with morons like this.

    It would be nice to think that trolls everywhere have taken note that you cannot say what you like and if you are of this persuasion then there are consequences. Unfortunately I think we have more than our fair share of football supporters who think they are immune.
    Why can't they say what they like? Why are we now forcing people into what they can or can't say?

    If people hold these views then surely it's better to hear them & argue/debate against it, rather than letting a silent minority hold views/lack of knowledge like he did.

    It's all well & good banning people from saying things, but it doesn't stop people thinking it and if we get to the position of suppressing these views then people will never get educated, we all live in this supposed perfect bubble where people just let loose behind closed doors.
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  • I unfortunately saw what he said (my mate retweeted it before his account was deleted) & it was horrible, vile racism that made my blood boil.

    Glad he has been punished for it.
  • I think the sentence given is meant as a warning to all those who think it is okay to say exactly what they like on social media. It is not okay to abuse anyone and I think this will hopefully be a deterrent to all those who think freedom of speech gives them the right to say what they like. There are some on this board who come close to abusing others and hopefully it will make them think before they post. The sentence will probably be halved anyway, so a month in jail is not too long for this idiot.
  • Don't feel he's been sentenced too harshly, hopefully it will put off other morons thinking about doing similar things.

    Assault/Burglary etc are under punished as opposed to this being disproportionate. Just my view though of course
    I agree with that. I'm happy for him to get 56 days, if other crimes, which some may say were more serious, were punished to an equal extent.
  • I think the sentence given is meant as a warning to all those who think it is okay to say exactly what they like on social media. It is not okay to abuse anyone and I think this will hopefully be a deterrent to all those who think freedom of speech gives them the right to say what they like. There are some on this board who come close to abusing others and hopefully it will make them think before they post. The sentence will probably be halved anyway, so a month in jail is not too long for this idiot.
    But will he come out a new man, educated into now seeing the world differently, or will he still think of the things he said, but just be wise enough not to say it in public?

  • Lets look at his other tweets when called out, the last is probably an incitement charge in itself;

    • you are a silly c**t… Your mothers a w*g and your dad is a rapist! Bonjour you scruffy northen c***!
    • owwww go suck a n****r d*** you f*****g aids ridden c**t
    • go suck muamba's dead black d**k then you aids ridden t**t! #muambasdead
    • go rape your dog! #C**t!
    • I aint your friend you w*g c**t ….go pick some cotton!
  • I'm a firm believer in free speech, but also believe you should be held accountable for what you say.
  • Lets look at his other tweets when called out, the last is probably an incitement charge in itself;

    • you are a silly c**t… Your mothers a w*g and your dad is a rapist! Bonjour you scruffy northen c***!
    • owwww go suck a n****r d*** you f*****g aids ridden c**t
    • go suck muamba's dead black d**k then you aids ridden t**t! #muambasdead
    • go rape your dog! #C**t!
    • I aint your friend you w*g c**t ….go pick some cotton!
    Outrageous, but why are we not getting tens of prosecutions & prison sentences each day. Surely, he is not the only person who has tweeted vile & racist stuff ?
  • Lets look at his other tweets when called out, the last is probably an incitement charge in itself;

    • you are a silly c**t… Your mothers a w*g and your dad is a rapist! Bonjour you scruffy northen c***!
    • owwww go suck a n****r d*** you f*****g aids ridden c**t
    • go suck muamba's dead black d**k then you aids ridden t**t! #muambasdead
    • go rape your dog! #C**t!
    • I aint your friend you w*g c**t ….go pick some cotton!
    How is that 'inciting racial hatred'? If he was charged with 'exhibiting racial hatred' then that's a fair cop but he's not inciting anything with those comments.

  • Banter
  • will al murray be defending him?

    "I defend everyone's right to tell rotten jokes," he said. "It is how I earn my living. The law is being pointed absurdly at the wrong thing here. In the end it means we can't say what we want on Twitter and these things are incredibly important."
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  • Lets look at his other tweets when called out, the last is probably an incitement charge in itself;

    • you are a silly c**t… Your mothers a w*g and your dad is a rapist! Bonjour you scruffy northen c***!
    • owwww go suck a n****r d*** you f*****g aids ridden c**t
    • go suck muamba's dead black d**k then you aids ridden t**t! #muambasdead
    • go rape your dog! #C**t!
    • I aint your friend you w*g c**t ….go pick some cotton!
    Mmmmm.............makes me and Chirpy look like angels!!!

  • if they are going to punish racism that way then as long as its fair across the board, any nationality creed or race...if they are stirring up racial hatred then punish them all the same.

    I hope muamba gets better and i feel sorry for his family but i do find the media and the footballing world including fans have gone way over the top with this. Normal people also have heart attacks. people die. friends. family. now though i feel sad for what muamba and his family has gone through we all need to get some perspective. Everyone, press, fans, managers, players all seem to be trying to out do each other in their shows of sorrow towards what muamba has been through. its makes it quite sicking. especially as most don’t even know who muamba is.

    so this kid would obviously be punished more severely than what you would normally get because this event has oddly but still fine brought the nation and those across the world together.

    i agree with sparrows. he needs education, he needs to have his mind changed towards other races and see they can be alright some of the time. just like everybody else.

    looking at what he said i had to laugh at one of them.... "go rape your dog! #cu*t!" ..... what a pleb.

  • He should have got bird if Muamba had have been white.....just vile things to say about or white.
    edited March 2012
    He should have got bird if Muamba had have been white.....just vile things to say about or white.
    Some of those phrases wouldnt make any sense directed at a white person though.

    Also, the justification angle of "if it was said to white/ginger/fat/bald person..." is bloody ridiculous when you consider the context in which certain words and phrases are used and what they relate to.
  • He should have got bird if Muamba had have been white.....just vile things to say about or white.
    Some of those phrases wouldnt make any sense directed at a white person though.

    Also, the justification angle of "if it was said to white/ginger/fat/bald person..." is bloody ridiculous when you consider the context in which certain words and phrases are used and what they relate to.

    I think you know what I 'm driving at we really need to disect it to the n'th degree?

  • What he said was vile and the man is an idiot , but prison? come on ! He showed his ignorance and stupidity but ruining the guy's life for a moment of drunkenness helps no one.
  • His going to do about 21 days and will be in a cat d within ten days he will be fine
  • Sparrow said '...he clearly never spouted those views in 'public.'
    By its very nature Twitter is 'public' and for anybody that uses it to think their views are afforded any sort of privacy or censure are more dim-witted than the thoughts they tweet.

    I for one am glad the prick's in prison.
  • What about the text jokes that people send to each other about celebs and stuff.

    How long before somebody is prosecuted over a Tulisa or Redknapp joke ?

    More likely to be a text joke about Al Quatarda or Abu Hamza which results in a damages payout.
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