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Millwall - hoping to increase capacity



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    Utter scum.
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    will all the helms who don't really care about us be dragging their knuckles around the valley without tickets and trying to break through any slight gap in security to bunk into our ground as they were last time we met
    i mean it was -4 fooking freezing and those doughnuts were walking around the valley looking for it so to speak
    every club has idiots but millwalls %age is as high as it gets

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    edited July 2012
    When my brother was about ten he went to watch Millwall vs Liverpool with his mate who supported Liverpool, at half time two sets off kids got the chance to do a relay around the pitch. My brother and his mate were picked to run around the pitch, his mate got the Liverpool end who's fans were cheering the boys on but my brother got the mill wall ends, my brother was wearing a Liverpool shirt but was Ten! He says the Millwall fans were screaming at him how they were going cut his f*****g throat, rape his mum and giving him the w****r sign. He was TEN! With scum of fans like that it is no surprise parents wont take their kids, I wouldn't.
    So, as a Charlton fan with a family member with a soft spot for Liverpool you're not surprised that random members of the public don't take their kids to a Millwall match based on a story from over 20 years ago.

    Fair enough.
    You want a bigger stadium, you need the next generation of fans to stay and watch games as there parents pass on. If a clubs reputation is tarnished by some hooligans you won't get the next generation of fans and the club will struggle with ticket revenue. Charlton have done extremely well to become a family club (part from a few idiots that I have seen) and in twenty years I can see us having a good fan base with younger supporters. With Milwall's rep I can't see that.

    As I'm getting a grumpy old git I can assure I'm bugged all the time by the amount of annoying youths at games.

    And I seriously don't think the current active Millwall fan base of c.20,000 odd will be put off from taking their kids...not when the den is probably the safest ground in the country now and they've lived through the bad old days of the 70s & 80s.
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    Best part of this thread is the quoted part Bunny has put in from the Udders fans, the bit that starts dion dublin...... Then goes on to say about the make up of udders crowd being 60/30 %

    Just made me chuckle ! Thick northern twat
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    Have to admire the defiant stand our two milllwall fans have of their club, even when the stories can’t really be defended.

    We all have stories of spanner fans acting like prats; I can tell stories and have heard them from other fans our lot behaving like prats.
    At millwall there is going to be more stories because there’s a bigger group of their support who are mindless nobs who like all sheep follow the "older" boys and then after a while they get to read the situation and no longer need to follow but become one with the "older" boys and the rest of the Neanderthal mob, so in unison they can give aggro at anything. They become one giant nob. And they love the feeling.

    Like I said it was some. I know some millwall fans and on the most part they are reasonable friendly bunch. My local used to be a millwall pub, went in there a few times and made it known when asked who i support that i was charlton. No problems. Would be surprised if there would have been some.

    One evening one of them said he was sick of having to try and defend the reputation of millwall. he goes to some away games and has been given more grief that necessary, especially in Yorkshire, just for being millwall. He's done nothing but they don’t care. or they see is some south london boy who supports millwall so he has to be a thug.
    He had to admit that he was embarrassed that the club has to have a walkway and fences up so the fans can’t get to each other. You two no doubt agree with him. However some millwall fans take pride in this.

    I personally could never be a millwall fan because having to deal with these morons day in day out will just leave me trying to fight them all and no doubt getting my head kicked in. Having the atmosphere aggressive is fine with me it’s just having to here unnecessary vile abuse, whether racist or not would get right on my nerves.
    which goes back to some of the posts on HOF, people give up trying to tell these fans off, not that doing that is right either. When you got quite a few feeling the same (going back to the older boys and people copying them so they can be accepted) then you can’t fight them all, well, not by yourself anyway.

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    edited July 2012
    will all the helms who don't really care about us be dragging their knuckles around the valley without tickets and trying to break through any slight gap in security to bunk into our ground as they were last time we met
    i mean it was -4 fooking freezing and those doughnuts were walking around the valley looking for it so to speak
    every club has idiots but millwalls %age is as high as it gets

    When have Millwall fans ever said they don't care about Charlton? We do. Just not in the trouble sense. But it is in terms of local bragging rights it is a big game. So, yes you can probably expect the same again.

    As for having more idiots than most, yep agreed. Although let's get it in to perspective...compared to the likes of Charlton, Fulham, Reading, Norwich we have a hell of a lot more idiots...but, I'd say we're pretty even with other big city clubs (and the big part refers to city, not club size) like Stoke, Leeds, Birmingham and Cardiff on the idiot front.

    I lived near Bramall Lane for 2 years and can assure you that there was trouble outside every month.
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    Seth, some of that is anti-social behaviour that could be attributed to lots of other different groups (not just Millwall fans) - ie the story about the girl, people acting like idiots at a game.

    The two Millwall centric parts of the post are our abuse of the Charlton player on the strectcher and the comment re BWP.

    All I will say is the bloke talking about how we see the away fans/team as the enemy in the quotes I used is spot on...that's what happened with the player on the stretcher. As you say - nothing was thrown etc, he was just made to feel unwelcome.

    As for the comment re need to take that with HoF admin. But, yes, Millwall have some racist who are fans. It's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs, but is the least tolerated by the actual club than anywhere else.

    Bunny, the story regarding the girl is as Millwall centric as you can get. She was waitressing at Millwall, in the Millwall executive boxes, it is not just the story about the injured player or the unchallenged racist remark.

    As for your reaction to the stretcher what? 'he was JUST made to feel unwelcome'. No he wasn't. He was an injured footballer, carried off, no more part in the game, and roundly abused...I can't for the life of me understand your use of the word 'just' as if to diminish the snide nastiness of it all. What (god forbid) if it was a player carried off with some life-threatening condition...the crowd don't know that, it wouldn't be 'just' a bit of banter then, but way over the line.
    SLL the 'let him die' chant is common when players are treated on the pitch, thus holding up the game, and very distasteful in itself, but nearly every single time any player is carried off on a stretcher fans of both clubs give a sympathetic round of applause...but not on that occasion at Millwall.
    I think you Bunny, and SLL are decent Millwall fans judging by most of your posts on here, and I have known/know many other decent Millwall fans, but in my view, as I said above, alienating away support, 'the enemy', is in the end costing Millwall money.
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    Never really cared much for Millwall (still don't now to be honest) but did get a great insight to the club and its fan's when I hosted Lions Live on the radio a couple of seasons back.

    The guys who came on from MSC (Graham, George and the other guy who names escapes me) we're great lads and you could tell they desperate for the club to be painted in a better light. (it was them that managed to get the radio show up and running)

    During that season there were coins thrown on the pitch and at the linesman and you could almost feel the frustration that these small (but obviously damaging, let alone dangerous) things were still grabbing the limelight.

    Still makes me laugh that a Charlton fan was hosting that show....and I think I got away with it for about 5 months until someone outed me on HoF!
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    will all the helms who don't really care about us be dragging their knuckles around the valley without tickets and trying to break through any slight gap in security to bunk into our ground as they were last time we met
    i mean it was -4 fooking freezing and those doughnuts were walking around the valley looking for it so to speak
    every club has idiots but millwalls %age is as high as it gets

    When have Millwall fans ever said they don't care about Charlton? We do. Just not in the trouble sense. But it is in terms of local bragging rights it is a big game. So, yes you can probably expect the same again.

    As for having more idiots than most, yep agreed. Although let's get it in to perspective...compared to the likes of Charlton, Fulham, Reading, Norwich we have a hell of a lot more idiots...but, I'd say we're pretty even with other big city clubs (and the big part refers to city, not club size) like Stoke, Leeds, Birmingham and Cardiff on the idiot front.

    I lived near Bramall Lane for 2 years and can assure you that there was trouble outside every month.
    Yup, I second that.
    Birmingham City have way more kids looking for trouble than I ever see at Millwall in the past ten years or so.
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    Seth, some of that is anti-social behaviour that could be attributed to lots of other different groups (not just Millwall fans) - ie the story about the girl, people acting like idiots at a game.

    The two Millwall centric parts of the post are our abuse of the Charlton player on the strectcher and the comment re BWP.

    All I will say is the bloke talking about how we see the away fans/team as the enemy in the quotes I used is spot on...that's what happened with the player on the stretcher. As you say - nothing was thrown etc, he was just made to feel unwelcome.

    As for the comment re need to take that with HoF admin. But, yes, Millwall have some racist who are fans. It's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs, but is the least tolerated by the actual club than anywhere else.

    Bunny, the story regarding the girl is as Millwall centric as you can get. She was waitressing at Millwall, in the Millwall executive boxes, it is not just the story about the injured player or the unchallenged racist remark.

    As for your reaction to the stretcher what? 'he was JUST made to feel unwelcome'. No he wasn't. He was an injured footballer, carried off, no more part in the game, and roundly abused...I can't for the life of me understand your use of the word 'just' as if to diminish the snide nastiness of it all. What (god forbid) if it was a player carried off with some life-threatening condition...the crowd don't know that, it wouldn't be 'just' a bit of banter then, but way over the line.
    SLL the 'let him die' chant is common when players are treated on the pitch, thus holding up the game, and very distasteful in itself, but nearly every single time any player is carried off on a stretcher fans of both clubs give a sympathetic round of applause...but not on that occasion at Millwall.
    I think you Bunny, and SLL are decent Millwall fans judging by most of your posts on here, and I have known/know many other decent Millwall fans, but in my view, as I said above, alienating away support, 'the enemy', is in the end costing Millwall money.
    Seth, I doubt the injured player gave it much thought after getting into the dressing room.
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    they'll soon be selling prawn sandwiches and magnums of Bollinger .. a 'roots' alternative to Arsenal or Chelsea for the aspiring rich
    Never understood the "Prawn sandwich" thing: Been a veggie (no meat or fish for 32 years), but, everyone I know has vinegar & pepper on their seafood, doesn't that make the bread go soggy ?
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    Seth, I doubt the injured player gave it much thought after getting into the dressing room.
    Oh, well that's OK then, sorry for mentioning it Bunny old bean.

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    they'll soon be selling prawn sandwiches and magnums of Bollinger .. a 'roots' alternative to Arsenal or Chelsea for the aspiring rich
    Never understood the "Prawn sandwich" thing: Been a veggie (no meat or fish for 32 years), but, everyone I know has vinegar & pepper on their seafood, doesn't that make the bread go soggy ?
    toast with prawns goes. the bread is probably best to be thick brown served fresh. with some lettuce protecting the bread.

    i don’t mind soggy sandwiches myself. tomato and mayonnaise left for it a bit so the bread goes a bit soggy with the juice out of the tomato. lovely.
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    When my brother was about ten he went to watch Millwall vs Liverpool with his mate who supported Liverpool, at half time two sets off kids got the chance to do a relay around the pitch. My brother and his mate were picked to run around the pitch, his mate got the Liverpool end who's fans were cheering the boys on but my brother got the mill wall ends, my brother was wearing a Liverpool shirt but was Ten! He says the Millwall fans were screaming at him how they were going cut his f*****g throat, rape his mum and giving him the w****r sign. He was TEN! With scum of fans like that it is no surprise parents wont take their kids, I wouldn't.
    So, as a Charlton fan with a family member with a soft spot for Liverpool you're not surprised that random members of the public don't take their kids to a Millwall match based on a story from over 20 years ago.

    Fair enough.
    You want a bigger stadium, you need the next generation of fans to stay and watch games as there parents pass on. If a clubs reputation is tarnished by some hooligans you won't get the next generation of fans and the club will struggle with ticket revenue. Charlton have done extremely well to become a family club (part from a few idiots that I have seen) and in twenty years I can see us having a good fan base with younger supporters. With Milwall's rep I can't see that.

    As I'm getting a grumpy old git I can assure I'm bugged all the time by the amount of annoying youths at games.

    And I seriously don't think the current active Millwall fan base of c.20,000 odd will be put off from taking their kids...not when the den is probably the safest ground in the country now and they've lived through the bad old days of the 70s & 80s.
    Ok Bunny, fair play for defending your team.
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    It will be well weird seeing South Bermondsey turned into yupee land. If the price of land becomes worth a lot more than a tier 2/3 football club then I wonder if Millwall will eventually be turfed out of their ground and have to ground share elsewhere, especially if they go down a division.
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    It will be well weird seeing South Bermondsey turned into yupee land. If the price of land becomes worth a lot more than a tier 2/3 football club then I wonder if Millwall will eventually be turfed out of their ground and have to ground share elsewhere, especially if they go down a division.
    Very interesting point. This was a major fear when all this was first dreamed a time when shady property developer Graham Ferguson Lacey appeared with Peter de Savary on the board. There were rumours of them running us into the ground and then negotiating a move to a 12,000 capacity stadium in Southwark Park, in order to sell of the land that the Den was built on.

    However, thankfully they were eventually chased out of town by John Berylson. Furthermore, the Den pitch has a covenant on it, which says it must always be used for recreation. Okay, there are ways around that, I'm sure, but it does give the football club some security, and maybe what helped convince Lacey and de Savary to move on - it would be massive hurdle to overcome and I also think that they discovered that their very lives might be put at some risk should they push it through. Luton fans put petrol bombs through their chairman's letter box, after all.

    But you can never say never...who knows, perhaps in 30 years time Millwall and Charlton will be sharing a stadium on the Greenwich peninsula.

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    As this thread is looking like dangerously getting back on topic...

    That link again.

    According to that the Compulsory Purchase has got the nod.
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    Seth, some of that is anti-social behaviour that could be attributed to lots of other different groups (not just Millwall fans) - ie the story about the girl, people acting like idiots at a game.

    The two Millwall centric parts of the post are our abuse of the Charlton player on the strectcher and the comment re BWP.

    All I will say is the bloke talking about how we see the away fans/team as the enemy in the quotes I used is spot on...that's what happened with the player on the stretcher. As you say - nothing was thrown etc, he was just made to feel unwelcome.

    As for the comment re need to take that with HoF admin. But, yes, Millwall have some racist who are fans. It's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs, but is the least tolerated by the actual club than anywhere else.

    You say it's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs. Why is that ? I can only speak with any authority about The Valley and this message board but racist comments would nort be tolerated and attract being told to shut up at the stadium with likely ejection and being roundly condemned and banned on this forum. Why do Millwall fans not do the same ? Is it because of fear of getting beaten up by the abuser ? It's really something that should not be tolerated t all don't you think ?

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    Seth, some of that is anti-social behaviour that could be attributed to lots of other different groups (not just Millwall fans) - ie the story about the girl, people acting like idiots at a game.

    The two Millwall centric parts of the post are our abuse of the Charlton player on the strectcher and the comment re BWP.

    All I will say is the bloke talking about how we see the away fans/team as the enemy in the quotes I used is spot on...that's what happened with the player on the stretcher. As you say - nothing was thrown etc, he was just made to feel unwelcome.

    As for the comment re need to take that with HoF admin. But, yes, Millwall have some racist who are fans. It's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs, but is the least tolerated by the actual club than anywhere else.

    You say it's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs. Why is that ? I can only speak with any authority about The Valley and this message board but racist comments would nort be tolerated and attract being told to shut up at the stadium with likely ejection and being roundly condemned and banned on this forum. Why do Millwall fans not do the same ? Is it because of fear of getting beaten up by the abuser ? It's really something that should not be tolerated t all don't you think ?

    Have you not read the Charlton Loyal website?

    As for why it's 'more tolerated'...that's a complex issue. Perhaps it's down to the history of the area and resentment from that....or we just don't have that many left wing, liberal fans? Or because we're scum?
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    All 3 I think.
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    Seth, some of that is anti-social behaviour that could be attributed to lots of other different groups (not just Millwall fans) - ie the story about the girl, people acting like idiots at a game.

    The two Millwall centric parts of the post are our abuse of the Charlton player on the strectcher and the comment re BWP.

    All I will say is the bloke talking about how we see the away fans/team as the enemy in the quotes I used is spot on...that's what happened with the player on the stretcher. As you say - nothing was thrown etc, he was just made to feel unwelcome.

    As for the comment re need to take that with HoF admin. But, yes, Millwall have some racist who are fans. It's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs, but is the least tolerated by the actual club than anywhere else.

    You say it's probably more tolerated by the fans than at most clubs. Why is that ? I can only speak with any authority about The Valley and this message board but racist comments would nort be tolerated and attract being told to shut up at the stadium with likely ejection and being roundly condemned and banned on this forum. Why do Millwall fans not do the same ? Is it because of fear of getting beaten up by the abuser ? It's really something that should not be tolerated t all don't you think ?

    Have you not read the Charlton Loyal website?

    As for why it's 'more tolerated'...that's a complex issue. Perhaps it's down to the history of the area and resentment from that....or we just don't have that many left wing, liberal fans? Or because we're scum?
    Bunny you opened my eyes to "Charlton Loyal" just made my first and last visit. There's someone on there that called Charlton Life "wankers" I don't know any wankers on here. Well not many.

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    edited July 2012
    bunny (you spanner) ive come to this conclusion about your posts... you stink of propaganda!

    i for one will not be having none of it!

    the end.
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    Listening to the spanners that come on here pleading innocence, yet repeatedly referring to the past, their behaviour and what they got up to: To me it's like reading a tabloid interview with a glamour model (yeah, bear with me here) who had a huge drug problem, but is apparently 'cleaning up', but spends most of the interview showing off and glamourising how much she did.

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    I liked The Old Den, got dragged there as a kid.

    Was a complete shithole and stank of piss mind.

    New Dens about as intimidating as a tea party. You just can't take 15 year old wallies giving cut throat signs seriously. Pain in the arse getting in and out but thas it.

    Welcome aswell by the way,
    Not what Leeds, Man City, Everton, Bristol City, Cardiff, Wigan, Forest, Birmingham City, Liverpool, Wolves and Huddersfield etc etc fans have said over the years.

    I find Palace and Charlton fans always trot out this line - as if our matches v them should be some kind of bear pit...when the truth is they on a level - hostility wise - with the likes of Brighton, Southampton or Gillingham. Big games, but not hooligan grudge ones.

    Although Palace did cop it once - when they beat us 4-1. Apparently we went from being 'soft' and 'not scary anymore' to 'should be closed down' and 'terrifying'.

    I liked The Old Den, got dragged there as a kid.

    Was a complete shithole and stank of piss mind.

    New Dens about as intimidating as a tea party. You just can't take 15 year old wallies giving cut throat signs seriously. Pain in the arse getting in and out but thas it.

    Welcome aswell by the way,
    Not what Leeds, Man City, Everton, Bristol City, Cardiff, Wigan, Forest, Birmingham City, Liverpool, Wolves and Huddersfield etc etc fans have said over the years.

    I find Palace and Charlton fans always trot out this line - as if our matches v them should be some kind of bear pit...when the truth is they on a level - hostility wise - with the likes of Brighton, Southampton or Gillingham. Big games, but not hooligan grudge ones.

    Although Palace did cop it once - when they beat us 4-1. Apparently we went from being 'soft' and 'not scary anymore' to 'should be closed down' and 'terrifying'.

    4-0 against us was nothing special.

    Seen you a few times against your Barnsley's etc and thought the atmosphere was no better if not worse than The valley.

    Fair play, The West Ham game on Mothers Day and Liverpool in the cup were quality atmospheres.

    But back in the 80's etc, a lot of you lot would hang on to the scenario that away fans were scared of turning up which was true to an extent. I know footballs changed but
    you can go to the Den these days through the cage without even seeing a home fan. And in the ground for an averahe game...Its just a few lippy kids in the east upper.

    If you was still that intimidating, you wouldn't have the likes of Luton walking around the ground smashing pubs up!
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    I used to live in Sheffield for a bit (sorry AFKA)...and popped over to watch Wednesday and United a few times.

    Very different clubs. And it did remind me of Millwall and Charlton.

    Like most Wall fans I don't hate Charlton, but I do want to beat them and look forward to our games.

    I love Millwall being a very partisan place to watch football...but can also appreciate the more laid back atmosphere at Wednesday and the Valley.

    Sometimes having to defend us after another incident gets very tedious, and it is clear that our rep holds us back in terms of improving gates. The 2002 riot was a massive blow - that ended 3 seasons of very good gates, which included a lot of home area sell-outs, and gates of 15,000 plus even for provincial games v the likes of Coventry, Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich. Our lowest gate was 10,500 v Barnsley on a Tuesday night after a heavy away defeat.

    But would I change us? No.

    Like I'm sure you lot wouldn't change Charlton. At least Charlton are respected as a friendly club with a good support.

    Some clubs do family/welcoming/laid back very well - Charlton, Norwich, Fulham..

    Others do hostile better - Millwall, Stoke, Leeds..

    I think the reason we both despise Palace is that they are neither a decent family club or a partisan one. They are just a bit nothingy.
    One of the best posts I've read on this site.
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    4-0 against us was nothing special.

    Seen you a few times against your Barnsley's etc and thought the atmosphere was no better if not worse than The valley.

    Fair play, The West Ham game on Mothers Day and Liverpool in the cup were quality atmospheres.

    But back in the 80's etc, a lot of you lot would hang on to the scenario that away fans were scared of turning up which was true to an extent. I know footballs changed but
    you can go to the Den these days through the cage without even seeing a home fan. And in the ground for an averahe game...Its just a few lippy kids in the east upper.

    If you was still that intimidating, you wouldn't have the likes of Luton walking around the ground smashing pubs up!
    Luton pulled off a nice little stunt there, but once word was out they were very quickly caught up with & given a hiding!
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