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Olympics - Closing Ceremony



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    edited August 2012
    Cant imagine having three bullets pass through my body then winning Olympic silver! Running!
    And Greece only got 2 bronze, but Cyprus beat them in the final table with 1 silver!
    Only 6 medals for the 2.21 billion people of India. Surely they have enough University teams/clubs to unearth more winners than that?
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    Keep playing the same three songs bloody mix it up
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    Seems a lot of people are having a moan up about this but I'm not sure they realise it's supposed to basically be for the athletes to come out and parade to a bit of music and then the flame handed over to Rio. It's not supposed to be Glastonbury or a West End show. They could have just stuck a CD on.
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    poor so far in my opinion
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    According to the BBC

    Ceremony director Kim Gavin has said he wants an athletes' "mosh pit" for the gig ahead. As in the opening, the athletes are filling the floor of the stadium. Their body language is so much more relaxed than that of two weeks ago.
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    I really like the way the Union Flag has been used to such effect at every opportunity. The Stadium from above looks just unbelievable.
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    Seems a lot of people are having a moan up about this but I'm not sure they realise it's supposed to basically be for the athletes to come out and parade to a bit of music and then the flame handed over to Rio. It's not supposed to be Glastonbury or a West End show. They could have just stuck a CD on.

    They have just stuck a CD on!
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    Good to see the athletes being kettled. A fine British tradition. :)
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    Surely they could have played some different tunes whilst the athletes are getting into place, pretty naff playing what we have already heard.
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    edited August 2012
    formal bit now about to start
    Bye bye flame
    the artistic director this time is the man who stages Take That's live shows
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    What's Charlie's real name then

    Charles ;0)

    Charles Phillip Arthur George, so Charles is one of his real names

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    hope not see Elton john here,eyeing up the young olympians
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    Mike said:

    Keep playing the same three songs bloody mix it up

    Once live, then to do the artists justice, pre recorded versions.
    you wouldnt want a live band whilst the pyramid is built would you?

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    poor so far in my opinion

    Better or worse that Sydney and Beijing closing ceremonies?
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    I very much doubt most have ever watched a closing ceremony before but fuck it it's shit anyway
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    I very much doubt most have ever watched a closing ceremony before but fuck it it's shit anyway

    Shit is a very colourful word Garry !

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    Well brown anyway.
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    I very much doubt most have ever watched a closing ceremony before but fuck it it's shit anyway

    Don't watch it then.

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    Do you really feel so strongly that you have to be quite so foul mouthed?
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    Good to see the feel good factor hasn't lasted past the closing ceremony.

    Welcome back the real CL/UK
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    WSS - brilliant - thanks for that.
    Are you there now?
    ValleyGary isn't as impressed as he was expecting to be.
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    edited August 2012
    I was bein sarcastic!!!!!

    People will actually moan about anything. I don't see how you can have a 'poor' closing ceremony.
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    Eric Idle?
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    I very much doubt most have ever watched a closing ceremony before but fuck it it's shit anyway

    That's one way of putting it I suppose........Mmmmmm!
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    like a bear crapping in the woods
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    Oh I forgot

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    Eric Idle?

    Always look on the bright side of life ?

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    Imagine all the people
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    Ah Mr Lennon and his 'sugar-coated communism' song Imagine.
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