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JJ on the wing

edited August 2012 in General Charlton
I wasn't at the game last night because I had to work unfortunately but it sounds like Jackson was anonymous/off the pace on the wing. I had doubts about him in the off season, playing on the wing. I think we need another left winger and have Jackson as back-up for that spot. But I think that he could do a better job for us in the centre of midfield or even behind the striker. What does everyone think?


  • I wasn't at the game last night because I had to work unfortunately but it sounds like Jackson was anonymous/off the pace on the wing. I had doubts about him in the off season, playing on the wing. I think we need another left winger and have Jackson as back-up for that spot. But I think that he could do a better job for us in the centre of midfield or even behind the striker. What does everyone think?

    Yeah he was made to look very slow at times - not sure if their RB and RW were particularly pacey but Wiggins was faced with 2 against 1 on a few occasions as JJ just couldn't keep up when it came to tracking back with their guys.

    Hope it's just a blip - if it's more noticeable over the coming weeks then maybe Haynes can play there.

    Think JJ could only play in the centre if we played 5 in midfield (3 in the centre)
    - you couldn't play him alongside Hollands as part of a 4-4-2 as their lack of pace would be exposed ... IMO
  • I thought he played ok but looked very tired after 60 mins of the game.
  • Redhenry said:

    I thought he played ok but looked very tired after 60 mins of the game.

    Leicester's passing game just left us shattered by the hour mark I think
    - the other players just disguised how exhausted they must have been much better than Jackson did
  • Problem is when Pritchard and JJ tuck in we totally boss the centre of the midfield, which happened a lot. Second half you saw the down side. I'd maybe play JJ in the middle in place of Stephens with Haynes/Cook on the left
  • I think he was shattered, the problem was we really didnt keep the ball well enough second half and we ended up as a team chasing alot and subsequently shattered. There was a big difference last night in the time your allowed on the ball at this level, plenty of times we got caught out taking a second touch.

    But it's all a learning curve
  • Bubble said:

    I think he was shattered, the problem was we really didnt keep the ball well enough second half and we ended up as a team chasing alot and subsequently shattered. There was a big difference last night in the time your allowed on the ball at this level, plenty of times we got caught out taking a second touch.

    But it's all a learning curve

    let see how he gets on against Hull on Sat ... then after 5 minutes start PANICKING !!!

  • We beat one of the favourites in the division, and people still find something to moan about. Leicester look a very decent outfit and will be no doubt in with a shout for automatic promotion at the end of the season. Let's just be happy and see how we perform on Saturday. Jacko is an absolute key player for us. He looked tired, but is an essential cog, if we are going to do well this season.
  • Sadly, I don't think it's tiredness. JJ has had zero pace since his injury last season. And he didn't have a huge amount of it before that! I love the guy to bits and think he's a superb player technically but at this level we simply cannot afford a player that can be completely bypassed when defending and cannot keep up with the rest of the team when attacking.

    I hope I'm wrong.
  • I am afraid I have the same thoughts as Rizzo. Don't get me wrong either, I too love JJ to bits and do see him as essential to how well we do this season. His free kicks and pens will be vital. But it's a results business in a much tougher environment now so perhaps we may see SCP resting him more between games or deploying him in a five man-midfield when we use those formations. Just my thoughts though folks.
  • Him in a midfield 3 alongside Pritchard and Hollands would work well, and I see central midfield as being his position in the future. He's the kind of guy I don't mind having to carry though, purely for his delivery and his ability to ghost into the box
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  • Hasn't the general concensus on here always been he's too slow for the wing...until last season....

    The fact is he's a wide midfielder not a winger, he's never gonna get round the outside of the opposition. Last night it was magnified as we also didn't have much pace on the right either and, bar Pritchard, all our midfield looked leggy from 60min on
  • I wouldn't read too much into it personally. Leicester's wingers were exceptionally quick, and I don't think we'll have to come up against counter attacking play like that week-in, week-out in this league.

    His goals and leadership are too valuable to lose.
  • Still looks like he hasn't recovered properly from his injury but to b honest they all looked like they were blowing out of there arses buy the end . It may just take them all a few games to get used to the higher tempo of this division but we defo need jacko on the pitch 4 his delivery of the ball and his goal scoring threat
  • I really can't believe the rubbish that I read on here sometimes.
  • cafc_joe said:

    I really can't believe the rubbish that I read on here sometimes.

  • cafctom said:

    I wouldn't read too much into it personally. Leicester's wingers were exceptionally quick, and I don't think we'll have to come up against counter attacking play like that week-in, week-out in this league.

    His goals and leadership are too valuable to lose.

    Agree. Particularly after one game - and against a very strong and quick team.
  • cafc_joe said:

    I really can't believe the rubbish that I read on here sometimes.

    How dare anyone have an opinion based on observations?! The bloody cheek of it!!

  • mentioned on another thread that Jackson had some sort of whack to the head - ball maybe :o)

    Might explain this - certainly hope this to be the case anyway
  • Two things. Firstly JJ got clattered after about ten minutes and I think he was hurt. Secondly we won't come up against a team like Leicester every week. They play with pace and I think he and Wiggins had to work hard last night well in fact they all did. It was fairly certain that JJ was going to get found out on a few occasions this year because of his pedestrian pace. Last night was one of them. Against the average Championship teams he will look fine because the team will look and play better.
  • I'd disagree when people keep saying that we won't come up against teams like this each week as their as loads of teams just like them in this division.
    Blackpool, Leeds, Bolton, Blackburn, Wolves, Cardiff, M'boro,
    ... shall I go on ?

    We have to take it as read that the teams that we play this year are going to be much better than those we played last season.
    That's not a "doom and gloom" comment, just a fact.

    Our game needs to adapt to this division and I think we can do that using the majority of the guys we won League 1 with last season.
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  • I sit just behind the home dugout and he did take a very nasty knock in a 50/50 with their right back. How their right back did not get a card for going over the ball I will never know. For the next ten minutes he kept looking at the bench and they were asking him to run it off. He is our captain and scores important goals I would keep him where he is..for now! He is a top top player and will show that this season.
  • Rizzo said:

    cafc_joe said:

    I really can't believe the rubbish that I read on here sometimes.

    How dare anyone have an opinion based on observations?! The bloody cheek of it!!

    I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic, but It is tiresome mate. We have just come off the back of a record breaking season and have 4 points (should have been 6) against two promotion contenders. What more do people want? Seriously. After suffering the 5 seasons before last, I am delighted.

    We were dominant on Saturday and held on last night against a team made up of multi-million pound signings.
  • cafc_joe said:

    We beat one of the favourites in the division, and people still find something to moan about. Leicester look a very decent outfit and will be no doubt in with a shout for automatic promotion at the end of the season. Let's just be happy and see how we perform on Saturday. Jacko is an absolute key player for us. He looked tired, but is an essential cog, if we are going to do well this season.

    I'm not moaning. Don't know why you think I'm moaning. Just giving my opinion which you obviously disagree with. Opinions differ but just because you've read something you don't agree with, doesn't mean the other person is moaning.

    I also agree with Rizzo.

    Plus this is the first I've heard of his knock. As I've said, I wasn't at the game.
  • He has undoubted qualities. He is a leader and I think other players look to him during the game as a calming influence and respect his authority. He delivers a good cross and his corners and free kicks are particularly dangerous. I also notice he is better in the air than I initially realised.
    He took two significant knocks last night. One early on in a challenge with De Laet and then the ball whacked him right in the face. This may be the reason why he had a relatively ineffective game during open play last night. He was caught in possession a couple of times which allowed them to break quickly and his lack of pace was noticeable.
    However, he is a capable Championship player who will play an important role on and off the pitch this year.
  • Jackson was incredible last year and is our captain! He had 1 off game, give him a break!
  • Dont think was great last night for whatever reason, but was better against Birmingham.

    He does lack pace and has seemed to lack a bit of fitness over the last six months but he's crucial to the way we, especially Wiggins, plays. When Wiggins bombs on like he did against Brum, thats usually a sign JJ is playing well.

    Too soon to write him off i think.
  • Who's writing him off? For me, he is a brilliant player and I love him to bits but I am just saying I don't think he's quick enough for the wing. I think he'd be much better in the middle of the park as he's good in the air and good at getting in the box. I think he can do a job on the wing but not for the whole season. He is however, one of the first names on the team sheet.
  • I honestly thought he was out of it again today .
  • Are we going to have this after every match? Seriously?
  • Sorry he is so slow I love him to bits but he is not up to championship standard. Good for free kicks and and crosses but his movement is obvious and we will be found out over the season if he continues to play like this
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