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just found that the local fox has taken 6 of my chickens, ok I've still got 11 but that's not the point, I let them roam free so that they have a good life, perhaps I should fence them in, that way they might live longer.

I know in the big wide world it is an insignificant thing and there are people on here who have far worse problems than me. but I'm just upset and as the Lass is still at work I have to vent my feeling somewhere, so you lot have got it instead.

Aaaaaah !


  • they have bunk ups outside my house every night. f*ckin things.
  • fox gotta eat too ya hear
  • Yeah I think Leicester fans are greedy arseholes too, but stealing chickens, that's a new low
  • As long as you let the council know. you are legally allowed to shoot foxes in your garden
  • I sympathise with your loss, but I eat chicken four or five times a week. Vermin they say, but beautiful creatures close up.
  • As long as you let the council know. you are legally allowed to shoot foxes in your garden

    you can shoot a fox wherever you want,not right though just let the thing get on with its life.
  • hate them too and they're so "ooo look at me " these days as well.

    they do not fail to shit in the most obscure places and they must do it on purpose... on top of slides, on dog toys...dirty bastards.

    that Basil Brush has got a lot to answer for.
  • Last place I lived at, I was woken by the cat flap going on a number of occasions.

    Our cat was already in most of the time so when i went to investigate i always knew one of the little Ginger fckers would have his bonce through door.
  • Sorry Lad but you have to fence and roof them in. Burry the chicken wire a foot down at least...
  • Macronate said:

    hate them too and they're so "ooo look at me " these days as well...

    Ha ha, that's a great quote Macronate, even though I don't agree with it.

    I love foxes. But humans; they think they own every scrap of land on the planet and that any other animal is trespassing.

    The real problem with foxes is twofold. Firstly we've ripped up their natural habitats to make huge featureless fields that can't support them. Secondly, we are so wasteful that we leave leftover food and waste outside for them to eat. Of course they're going to kill chickens, explore cat flaps and crap on the lawn, we've made it so that the only easy existence they've got is to come into town and live with us.

    For all that though, I am sorry to hear about your chickens Lancs.
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  • As long as you let the council know. you are legally allowed to shoot foxes in your garden

    When taking out the charlie, bare in mind Section 161 of the Highways Act (below). Also, are you an experienced gun? Do you have a suitable back drop to take any stray shots?

    If the answer to the any of the above is no, get a professional in!

    In a built up area, I'd use a live capture traps and take any fox to my vet (who would be pre-warned) to be euthanized.

    Section 161 of the Highways Act 1980 England & Wales; makes it an offence to discharge a firearm within 50 ft of the centre of a highway having vehicular rights without lawful authority or excuse, if as a result a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered.
  • lots of soppy old biddies in London put out food for them .. There are not too many around here .. the farmers and gamekeepers shoot them
  • Stig, lucky you wear a white crash helmet!
  • My Nan has foxes in the house - she is a proper mentalist though.
  • @Stig

    you are right of course but they are one of the only animals i know that deliberately set out to wind you up. why else would a fox crap on top of a kids slide? some of the angles they land their turds on could only be achieved by their mates holding them up. swear i can hear the sniggering at me as they're doing it.
  • One of the spookiest things about returning home to Elibank Road, Eltham,nowadays, is marching up the road and finding a fox on somebody's porch staring insolently and giving you that "who the ---- are you" look.
  • I'm not keen on foxes - neighbour used to keep chickens and he had a lot of trouble with them - lucky for him and unlucky for them, he has a shotgun and knows how to use it. And him walking up and down the back gardens sure does deter the local tea leafs!
  • Sorry to hearyour loss Lancs, it is an aweful thing to come home to. Although I like foxes i can understand your being upset. i live in the city and they live on the common behind my house,so are in/out of my garden throught the day. Last year my neighbour where i used to live lost all his chickens to the fox. He was upset of course but he didnt blame the foxes, only himself. he had the chickens for three years and no problems at all until he left them out late one night. The foxes had never bothered his garden in the three years despite walking within 10 feet of the chickens dueto them being left out daily. One thing that struck me was their killing spree. they killed as many chickens as they could then came back for them one by one to collect them.

    i've just seen one this evening whilst cooking my dinner. it sat outside my kitchen window waiting for something. as for the turds, there is a strange thing they do. if i put food out in a bowl for them, quite often they will leave a turd in the bowl.

  • Macronate said:

    hate them too and they're so "ooo look at me " these days as well.

    they do not fail to shit in the most obscure places and they must do it on purpose... on top of slides, on dog toys...dirty bastards.

    that Basil Brush has got a lot to answer for.

    One of them shat my neighbour's BBQ. Ginger pricks.
  • Buy a nice dog and set him on the foxes

    The blighters have taken the right pish since the ban

    There's loads of them now all firmed up wand ready for it

    They need taking down a peg or too them and the moles

    I know the moles are plotting a take over and are using the foxes as front men for the impending invasion

  • Sponsored links:

  • Buy a nice dog and set him on the foxes

    The blighters have taken the right pish since the ban

    There's loads of them now all firmed up wand ready for it

    They need taking down a peg or too them and the moles

    I know the moles are plotting a take over and are using the foxes as front men for the impending invasion

  • The title of the thread is a great name for a band LL....... sorry to hear about the chooks, reminds of the chilly night song from when I was a nipper that I always found a bit scary.
  • F**king leave em be. Just get better fencing mate!

    Vive le Vegetarian!
  • No fecking get a dog and when yiu get eniugh you have a coat
  • Keep foxes. They don't lay eggs, but hens won't eat them.
  • F**king leave em be. Just get better fencing mate!

    Vive le Vegetarian!

    Try telling that to the Foxes.

    Urban scroats. They go round in hoodies here.

  • Stig said:

    Macronate said:

    hate them too and they're so "ooo look at me " these days as well...

    Ha ha, that's a great quote Macronate, even though I don't agree with it.

    I love foxes. But humans; they think they own every scrap of land on the planet and that any other animal is trespassing.

    The real problem with foxes is twofold. Firstly we've ripped up their natural habitats to make huge featureless fields that can't support them. Secondly, we are so wasteful that we leave leftover food and waste outside for them to eat. Of course they're going to kill chickens, explore cat flaps and crap on the lawn, we've made it so that the only easy existence they've got is to come into town and live with us.

    For all that though, I am sorry to hear about your chickens Lancs.
    I agree with stig.
  • Never mind the foxes, it's the Eastern Brown snakes you have to worry about! Seriously though, it's their land as well as yours, try living in harmony with them. We destroy the habitat of animals and then wonder why they get closer and closer to humans. Same thing happening with Tigers in India and Bears in Canada. An alarming number of Koalas are getting killed on the roads here because we are chopping down their trees for housing estates. We need to stop destroying the areas where wild animals would prefer to live. RIP chickens.
  • This thing about us sharing the land in harmony with Foxes would be true, if it weren't for the fact that they have multiplied exponentially in cities over the last few years. This is largely as a result of us being messy f***ers who leave sodding great piles of food waste in thin plastic sacks all over the place. There's no real solution to this, other than to start treating them like vermin when they're clearly not.

    I find cats are as much of a deterrent as dogs. Mine are vicious little gits, and chase foxes whenever they end up in the back garden. I saw one of mine chase a fox right up the garden path, clawing at it's back and jumping on it as they ran over the fence a couple of years back. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster, because if the fox ever had no escape route and was cornered by the cat, it would tear it to bits.

    No easy answer, other than making people put their rubbish in lockable bins.
  • they have multiplied exponentially in cities over the last few years.

    Definitely? Thought that was a mistaken perception.
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