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  • At the end of the day yes they can be annoying but they are one of gods creatures and have as much right to be here as us.
  • One of the bastards crapped in my work boots a few years ago. And fox shit smells horrendous. If you fancy yourself as a sniper, get hold of a decent air rifle with a scope and stake them out.
  • Carter said:

    One of the bastards crapped in my work boots a few years ago. And fox shit smells horrendous. If you fancy yourself as a sniper, get hold of a decent air rifle with a scope and stake them out.

    Think that was MCS !

  • I have heard that human urine deters them, first one of the morning (stronger aroma) is best. Just make sure your neighbours are not watching when you spray it about.
  • Surely its every mans right to pee in his own garden? European Court of Human Rights here we come.
  • Sorry for your loss, but I'm on the foxes side. We have very little wildlife left in this country. Great ratters to.
  • Hate them in london, elsewhere they're still naturally very timid but I've lost count of the amount of times I've been walking home from the pub and I walk past and within 2 feet of a fox eating some ones rubbish or vomit or whatever crap there is lying around on a Friday night. It's unnatural and unnerving they seem so comfortable around humans.
  • In the minority it seems but I like seeing them about. Do they really do that much harm ? So they rip open a few bin bags and make a bit of noise now and again. Hardly life threatening. Nature and wildlife are wonderful.
  • Their shite smells worse than human dung
  • Don't want them hunted but I have started to dislike them after hearing my mates rabbit died from a heart attack from foxes trying to get into the hutch I also believe when cats go missing they have them
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  • Difficult to pass judgement on an animal going food shopping...nobody has ever got angry with me for going to Aldis.
  • edited October 2012
    Sorry to hear that lancashire lad

    The problem with foxes is that they kill indiscriminately. Aparently if they kill say 6 chickens they will take one and come back for the rest later. It is their way of "storing" food. I live in the country so there are no foxes here - the farmers won't have them around as they kill the game birds - they have all moved to the cities so hopefully my chickens are safe.
  • Thankfully plenty of foxes in rural shropshire and enough rabbits to keep them well fed. A decent portable fence has always been enough to keep the foxes at bay from my chickens.
  • I think there f*^+ing cool.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm not far from Shrew and agree...loads of bunnies to feed on, although Myxomatosis has devastated their numbers this year. Used to see foxes on a daily basis in London but havnt seen one since I've lived here.
  • My drive to work is quite rural so I see all sorts of wildlife but along one particular stretch I used to see the same fox regularly, it had very distinctive markings. A truly beautiful country fox, a joy to behold.
    Driving home one night I saw it lying on the verge, obviously dead, a victim of being hit by a car.
    Don't mind saying I shed a tear.
  • Shot my 5th one this evening

    Thats the collar on mt coat done
  • Shot my 5th one this evening

    Thats the collar on mt coat done

    That reminds me - my mother used to have a fox stole - very difficult to get rid of these days - charity shops won't touch something like that. Eventually gave it away to an amateur dramatics society.
  • Assuming you were keeping chickens for their eggs, why dont you just eat baby foxes for a few weeks until you've got enough to replace the lost birds? It'll cover your loss and also help with the general fox population problem! Two birds...
  • These days, whenever people from 'the country' visit me they always ooh and aah over all the foxes as they simply don't see them anymore out in the sticks. That's cos the little buggers have all moved into town! I'm all in favour of bringing back fox hunting but in an urban format, perhaps with scooters instead of horses.
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  • My land rover loves the cute disease ridden vermin, out in t'country they just run out into the bloody road, I find it difficult to swerve on a country road! Never mind!
  • Shot my 5th one this evening

    Can you pop over to Dartford for me? Fed up with having to replant my bulbs due to them being dug up by either foxes or cats. Whichever it is, shooting them is obviously the best answer to rid me of the vermin!

  • I ran one over on the slip road coming off the A20 at Crittals Corner once. I saw it in the road, slowed right down, moved as far over as I could to avoid it and then just as I was getting close it ran right in front of the car. SPLAT!!

    Maybe it was depressed or something...
  • Rizzo said:

    These days, whenever people from 'the country' visit me they always ooh and aah over all the foxes as they simply don't see them anymore out in the sticks. That's cos the little buggers have all moved into town! I'm all in favour of bringing back fox hunting but in an urban format, perhaps with scooters instead of horses.


  • Are they using toy guns? They look tiny!
  • you have probably heard this one before ...but if you can get hold of a supply of lions crap from the zoo ...put this around where you keep the chickens ...they wont go near (tigers/leopards etc will also suffice) ...

    but agree foxes do poo in the most amusing of places ...i think there must be some fox channel programme (no pun intended) "reynards got talent ?"..where the winner poos in the most obscure place
  • edited October 2012
    you'd think that the larger supermarkets would be all over the sale of big cat excrement.
  • Macronate said:

    you'd think that the larger supermarkets would be all over the sale of big cat excrement.

  • had them in the hse many times ,even upstairs. They take shoes from the hall way ? Left a headless rabbit on the grass in the back garden other year.
    Watched them stalking the pigens(sic) and catching em this summer.
    we have dogs either side of us they clearly know our garden is the motorway between A to B .
  • I'm a BBC radio producer making a drama about foxes. I want to record with some people who hate foxes, maybe going out to try and find some. Its not a political piece, a new fiction with new writing by Sam Thompson who was shortlisted for the booker prize but with sounds and clips from real people woven in. There is more details in the word doc attached to this post and everything would all be anonymous and I can explain more if you're interested. Its about urban foxes rather than rural foxes. nth london addick I wondered if you in particular might be up for this. Thanks Francesca Panetta 07817 168339
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