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Shocking (Kate Hoax Call)



  • Only on charlton life can a thread about someone commiting suicide can it be likend to saturday at millwall
  • Victims of their own prank in the most spectacular way.

    Wasn't even a decent prank.
  • Just heard the news on my way home, so very sad. Wouldn't want to lay the blame at the Aussie presenters, crass as their prank was. Thoughts to her family.
  • LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Unbelievable but so predictable.
  • Shocking indeed, RIP
  • edited December 2012
    Terrible and sad. RIP.
  • It's CL lore i am afraid PL54... Soapy sighs and signs off
  • edited December 2012
    PL54 said:

    LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Unbelievable but so predictable.
    I really don't see this as predictable. For sure it was a very misjudged prank that invaded the privacy of someone who was in hospital at the very early stages of pregnancy, as well as upsetting the people who were duped, but it was not something that anyone could ever predict would lead to death.

    I would confidently say that everyone who has commented in this thread has at some point in their life made a bad decision that has adversely affected someone else, it's just that for us it hasn't lead to the death of that person.

    These Djs haven't mercilessly bullied anyone, they've pulled a shit prank that wasn't very funny. Without wanting to be crass and comment on something I know very little about, I would imagine that for this lady to have taken the action she did the prank call cannot have been the only factor, she must have been in a bad place before hand.

    Anyway, the whole thing is just very, very sad, and I feel for everyone involved.
  • edited December 2012
    This is why I hate these types of practical jokes/shows.

    Practical jokes are fine on people you're close to and know very well. It my book no humour is out of bounds but it's all about context.
    But when strangers and messing with peoples jobs are involved then it's dangerous. You don't know what's going on in that persons life, what state they're in and what effect it might have. It appears they couldn't or wouldn't comprehend that if they were successful then someone's job is on the line. In it's simplest rational how did they know that the husband hadn't recently lost his job, that the family were struggling and now she feared being sacked.

    This joke itself might not be the 'reason' but it was obviously a contributing factor. Not worth the risk in my opinion but I'm sure the many people who make up the lowest common denominator in life and aren't directly effected and the media who pander to them will just say it's humour and things like this couldn't be foreseen.

    Thoughts are with the family.
  • LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Someone has lost their life and you think it's the place to score points? Seriously?

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  • Len give it a rest
  • LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Someone has lost their life and you think it's the place to score points? Seriously?

    The point was made by others higher up the thread if you read it in full. I merely added my opinion.

  • LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Put a sock in it Glover. What has this sad and tragic incident got to do with last saturday at Millwall!
  • shirty5 said:

    LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Put a sock in it Glover. What has this sad and tragic incident got to do with last saturday at Millwall!
    READ THE F_ING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my comment is in response to others so don't single me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • LenGlover said:

    LenGlover said:

    A crass prank but I don't think any reasonable person could have foreseen this consequence (unlike chairs and incendiary devices where the potential dangers are obvious to those with more brain cells than a plant).

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Someone has lost their life and you think it's the place to score points? Seriously?

    The point was made by others higher up the thread if you read it in full. I merely added my opinion.

    Oh two wrongs make a right then, I really despair at times.

    Off to bed.

    RIP, such a waste.

  • So - this woman is coming to the end of a tiring night shift when she receives a disturbing phone call. From her name she's not British, and so the callers' appalling accents don't register. Flustered, she doesn't stop to think what the old dear is doing ringing at such an ungodly hour .... the call goes through in good faith, and a few hours later she and her colleagues are the subject of global ridicule.

    When the royal circus hits town it's a game-changer. As far as physical security is concerned doubtless the in-house arrangements were bolstered by a few discreet ear-piece wearers. But what of other forms of security ?

    The flames of the broadcast media and the social media burn hot and strong. They need a lot of fuel, whether it's a shovel-full of coal or a priceless book - what the hell does it matter as long it burns.

    This pathetic "event" could have compromised worthy people's careers at the very least, and certainly brought to world-wide attention a serious lapse in security. Those would be entirely foreseeable consequences. Unexpectedly, however, a dedicated caregiver has now taken her own life - no, not just a prank, but yes, she really did it. It seems the media lack all forms of self-restraint and basic respect. For the public entertainment, anything goes !!
  • How very sad.

    On the 'flare' thread someone posted that 'actions have consequences'. How true that is, just goes to show that when you do something, however minor you think that may be, it could have far more serious consequences than were intended.
  • How very sad.

    On the 'flare' thread someone posted that 'actions have consequences'. How true that is, just goes to show that when you do something, however minor you think that may be, it could have far more serious consequences than were intended.

    Knew it wouldn't be long before the whole gang assembled!
  • edited December 2012
    It's really sad and a bit creepy that people are using this incident to compare to last saturday or score points.

    Come on, a family have lost their daughter/wife/mum

    Have a bit of respect.
  • No rip on charlton life for her then
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  • I don't think people making a joke in poor taste can be held responsible. At the time no one would have known about the mental state of the person taking the call. If the joke was not made who knows what would have happened. It's a terrible tragedy and you have to feel for her family. Another example though of people wanting to hold someone responsible no matter what little part they had in it.

    And how this thread got on to the flare is astonishing. Can't we just let it go? ;-)
  • Such a sad, sad chain of events. Not a lot shocks me these days, but this has.

    I understand the woman was married with two children. Whatever the rights and wrongs of you lot bickering there's two kids that have lost their mum today.

    I, for one, am deeply saddened by that. That's all.
  • The fact is - these "jokers" ARE responsible. Whether they meant for this to happen is beside the point. They freely undertook a course of action which ended up in tragedy. They can live with this now.
  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't think people making a joke in poor taste can be held responsible. At the time no one would have known about the mental state of the person taking the call. If the joke was not made who knows what would have happened. It's a terrible tragedy and you have to feel for her family. Another example though of people wanting to hold someone responsible no matter what little part they had in it.

    And how this thread got on to the flare is astonishing. Can't we just let it go? ;-)

    I only referred to the 'flare' thread as the quote I used was not my own but someone else's, and I did not wish to tread on anyone's toes by making a statement that someone else had made. The statement that 'ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES' was used on that thread, My intention was not to start that discussion again, just to state a very true fact made by someone else.
  • LenGlover said:

    shirty5 said:

    LenGlover said:

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Put a sock in it Glover. What has this sad and tragic incident got to do with last saturday at Millwall!
    READ THE F_ING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my comment is in response to others so don't single me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don't pick on Len, I first made the suggestion that the hospital management are to blame,and I stand by my accusation.
  • just watched it on london tonight, blimey!

    my thoughts are who still does prank calls on radio stations anyway?... then i thought who would think it a good idea to call a hospital with sick people in it to do a prank call?... treading on very fragile ground there whatever in my opinion.

    while there may be other things and sides to the story, its still very sad for her family, what a shame for them.
  • edited December 2012
    I might be wrong but my understanding is that the pranks on Beadles About would not be broadcast unless the victims of the pranks first gave their permission. These two DJs obviously did not ask her permission ( I know it was first recorded live but the so called humour was not dependent on it being live as it was replayed on that radio station and the internet countless times). . They could not have known she would take her life but they understood completely that broadcasting that prank would cause huge public and private embarrasement and humiliation to an innocent individual trying to do her job. They are just scumbag bullies who could not give a fuck for anyone other than themselves and their own careers.

    But nothing surprises me about Australians these days!

  • edited December 2012

    LenGlover said:

    shirty5 said:

    LenGlover said:

    I hope the high paid hospital management in their ivory tower have a clear conscience in terms of their subsequent treatment of the nurse who answered the phone.

    Put a sock in it Glover. What has this sad and tragic incident got to do with last saturday at Millwall!
    READ THE F_ING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my comment is in response to others so don't single me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don't pick on Len, I first made the suggestion that the hospital management are to blame,and I stand by my accusation.
    With absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Classy.

    Shame on you.
  • colthe3rd said:

    I don't think people making a joke in poor taste can be held responsible. At the time no one would have known about the mental state of the person taking the call. If the joke was not made who knows what would have happened. It's a terrible tragedy and you have to feel for her family. Another example though of people wanting to hold someone responsible no matter what little part they had in it.

    And how this thread got on to the flare is astonishing. Can't we just let it go? ;-)

    I only referred to the 'flare' thread as the quote I used was not my own but someone else's, and I did not wish to tread on anyone's toes by making a statement that someone else had made. The statement that 'ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES' was used on that thread, My intention was not to start that discussion again, just to state a very true fact made by someone else.
    But you knew what went on in that thread and to bring it up again is just a bit silly imo.
  • Dealing with such an extraordinary media frenzy - in all its forms - is surely beyond the capabilities or experience of the management on the ground. Just as physical security is beefed up, the state entourage which attends the Majs should embed their own personnel with the necessary skills and experience to handle things.
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