Hello Charlton fans.
I would like to open by saying you truly are welcome, as I feel we've done much for your fair club in recent times. We tested the waters of giving with Paddy McCarthorse, a boon to any club, and a kindly courting gift. From there we escalated our shower of affection by taking the time and care to lovingly train your erstwhile folk hero, one Sir Christopher of Powell, in the painstaking art of football management - a blessing well marked by your progress.
Not sated, we later bestowed upon you the Franco flair and mobile magnifique of Yann Kermorgant. Even let me him score against us.
But I feel lately you've begun to abuse our well considered generosity. Advantage has been taken of our kind and doting nature, the people of Leicester have been abused by the good folk of Charlton and it's of considerable ingratitude that we should be struck so gravely by your Southern ilk.
You see, you've exposed us to a vermin of your creation, a lingering, malingering irritant with no sense of self understanding and no shame. That hovers, unwanted, on the fringes of discussion and interjects senselessly with tales of under-aged, imaginary girlfriends, awful betting tips, uneducated and biased opinions on Championship football, terrible banter, tales of the dole office and general benefit sponging and essentially making the entire populace of Planet Earth wish to devour it's own face rather than converse with the tool.
I am, of course, talking about this waste of perfectly usable oxygen:

Now don't play fvcking innocent, we know you know Nathan /
Lamby. And we're not amused.
He's been festering on Foxes Talk for six bastard years and he's still never taken the hint. But we understand his drastic rise in posting of late is in approximate correlation to you smug, clever ingrates banning the feck from your (very lovely, by the way - hi guys) forum. Well, great, we've baby-sat the prick for you all for long enough and now it's about time you had him back, eh?
So what do you say? As a courtesy gesture for Chris Powell and the three points we shipped you early on (and the three points we'll probably spuff up and ship you Tuesday) how about you let the lovable scamp back on your forum, eh?
Alternatively, anyone who'd rather just find him in SEwherever and just snap off his typing fingers is due a free pint up in Leicester any time.
Cheers. Happy V-Day.
hahaha! what a description!
Why dont you just ban him?
Ban him too, would be the simplest answer?
That doesn't sound like Nathan at all.....................
Simple thought though, why don't you just ban him as well?
I love her.
You can keep him though!
Sir Chris was always ours but a big thanks for Yan the Man.
We might let him work in the gift shop but he won't work Saturdays because then he might have to give up the fucking away days our taxes are paying for.