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The £5 pint



  • Just back from Iceland where lager was about £7.50 - £8.50 for what I would guess is 2/3 of a pint. 
    Didn't drink much!

  • This with a Gin n Tonic was a manageable £12 over in Bromley North earlier today.
    The pint went down very well as well.
    How is the ‘handbag’ these days? Not been for a while. 
    Got a few snide Vuttons from Brazil I can do you a deal on though.
    I understand it was a gay bar some time back and the locals referred to it as the Crown & Handbag. 
    He knew that really 

  • This with a Gin n Tonic was a manageable £12 over in Bromley North earlier today.
    The pint went down very well as well.
    How is the ‘handbag’ these days? Not been for a while. 
    Got a few snide Vuttons from Brazil I can do you a deal on though.
    I understand it was a gay bar some time back and the locals referred to it as the Crown & Handbag. 
    So you were a regular then? :)
  • Off_it said:
    Just back from Iceland where lager was about £7.50 - £8.50 for what I would guess is 2/3 of a pint. 
    Didn't drink much!
    The price went up massively after they changed their name from "Bejam".
    F****** 'ell, that takes me back.

  • This with a Gin n Tonic was a manageable £12 over in Bromley North earlier today.
    The pint went down very well as well.
    How is the ‘handbag’ these days? Not been for a while. 
    Got a few snide Vuttons from Brazil I can do you a deal on though.
    I understand it was a gay bar some time back and the locals referred to it as the Crown & Handbag. 
    He knew that really 
    We should never have lost that flag facility here.

  • £4.70 in here, always enjoyed a pint of this before I discovered an IPA.  The boozer is great so I'll be back again as only 5 minutes walk for a few weeks.
    Wanna pay the lord nelson a visit. One of only two left on the OKR.
    Errrmmm, this is The Lord Nelson.
    Should have said, one of two pubs left on OKR. Other being the Windsor.
    There were seventeen in 1977!
  • Went for a quick pint at the pub in Paddington Stn after the match on Saturday. £8.30 for a pretty standard craft beer. 

  • se9addick said:
    Went for a quick pint at the pub in Paddington Stn after the match on Saturday. £8.30 for a pretty standard craft beer. 

    4 hours later :'(

  • £5.20 for a cracking pint in here, am gonna have another one before I retire to my bed on the OKR.
    @se9addick I believe has not been in this boozer before, strange as it is local to his gaff.
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  • se9addick said:
    Went for a quick pint at the pub in Paddington Stn after the match on Saturday. £8.30 for a pretty standard craft beer. 

    If Guinness is brewed by Diagio (sic) then every Fullers brand is brewed by Asahi and Neck Oil is brewed by Heineken...

    Can you put them right next time you are there?

  • In spanner area now, this place is always safe at their hovel.
    £5.70 for this is acceptable, still not cheap mind.
    Best pub in Noo X
    Proper proper boozer, I've had so many laughs in there over the years
  • Punk IPA in the Gatwick spoons, £7.05 it could have been worse I suppose.
    Still shocking to be over £7
  • edited September 13
    Just back from Iceland where lager was about £7.50 - £8.50 for what I would guess is 2/3 of a pint. 
    Didn't drink much!
    I got a four pack of Carlsberg from Iceland for a fiver last time I was there. 
  • se9addick said:
    Went for a quick pint at the pub in Paddington Stn after the match on Saturday. £8.30 for a pretty standard craft beer. 

    £6.80 for a low alcohol is a joke 
  • se9addick said:
    Went for a quick pint at the pub in Paddington Stn after the match on Saturday. £8.30 for a pretty standard craft beer. 

    You can’t expect Club Tropica drinks to be freeeee…….
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