I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
If other 92 year olds had access to the best healthcare, round the clock servants pandering to their every need for their entire lives, no money worries whatsoever, so no stress, then I reckon you'd see a few more out and about. Its no coincidence that most members of the Royal Family live to a ripe old age.
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
If other 92 year olds had access to the best healthcare, round the clock servants pandering to their every need for their entire lives, no money worries whatsoever, so no stress, then I reckon you'd see a few more out and about. Its no confidence that most members of the Royal Family live to a ripe old age.
I had a long post on this thread last night but deleted the draft. It basically covered quite a bit of what's been said this morning though, coincidentally. I also just wanted to ask, with all the cultures the Country seems to embrace, why would some people be happy to see a large part of British culture dismantled?
What do you mean when you say 'a large part of British culture dismantled' ? Are you just referring to the monarchy?
Yeah, or is our Monarchy not part of Our cultural heritage?
I think there will always be a debate about replacing the monarchy with an elected head of state - the ultimate argument is whether it will improve things and will it cost more?
If you're going to change things you have to be pretty confident the change is going to work. It's easy to concede that change could make things a lot worse.
No system will be perfect and to make wholesale changes is potentially very dangerous. I do feel there needs to be reform with the way the upper chamber operates but with the Head of State it's not so clear for me.
It's very clear for me. Monarchy is part of the entertainment industry with some PR responsibility. If it's like a soap opera so what? Who doesn't enjoy a good soap.
For the soap opera to work the head of state needs to be a star performer and be apolitical. They need to do nothing more than act out whatever role the nation at any point in time wants acted out to reinforce a sense of belonging to a single nation.
It's a job, and the trappings that go with are the only rewards for doing the job. If you want the star of the soap opera to represent the average Joe Soap off the street no one would bother watching it. Anyway why should you vote the person in if he wants the job just to live in big council house at the end of the Mall and trouser the proceeds of selling his three bed semi in Mottingham. Would he be prepared to turn up at the studio day in day out performing the boring tedious duties that go with the job.
Perhaps we could have a jury headed by Simon Cowell and have televised auditions to check out the performances of people with experience at being Heads of State. Final vote would be down to viewers, how much more democratic can you get.
Perhaps more practical to double up the job with that of Prime MInister. Then we don't need to shell out for all the trappings of a Head of State and save about £63m p.a on the sovereign grant. The fact that we lose the £60bn p.a that the Monarchy is reckoned to bring to the economy is balanced by the fact that we will have a better democracy because ...................?.
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
If other 92 year olds had access to the best healthcare, round the clock servants pandering to their every need for their entire lives, no money worries whatsoever, so no stress, then I reckon you'd see a few more out and about. Its no confidence that most members of the Royal Family live to a ripe old age.
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
If other 92 year olds had access to the best healthcare, round the clock servants pandering to their every need for their entire lives, no money worries whatsoever, so no stress, then I reckon you'd see a few more out and about. Its no confidence that most members of the Royal Family live to a ripe old age.
The Queen of England and The Commonwealth is a stress free job ? Wow.
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
If other 92 year olds had access to the best healthcare, round the clock servants pandering to their every need for their entire lives, no money worries whatsoever, so no stress, then I reckon you'd see a few more out and about. Its no confidence that most members of the Royal Family live to a ripe old age.
The Queen of England and The Commonwealth is a stress free job ? Wow.
Decent salary, fantastic perks, guaranteed roof over her family's head, finest healthcare, round the clock protection, and a job for life without any risk of the tin tack or redundancy - so none of the things that make normal 'work' stressful.
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
If other 92 year olds had access to the best healthcare, round the clock servants pandering to their every need for their entire lives, no money worries whatsoever, so no stress, then I reckon you'd see a few more out and about. Its no confidence that most members of the Royal Family live to a ripe old age.
The Queen of England and The Commonwealth is a stress free job ? Wow.
Decent salary, fantastic perks, guaranteed roof over her family's head, finest healthcare, round the clock protection, and a job for life without any risk of the tin tack or redundancy - so none of the things that make normal 'work' stressful.
Hard work - yes - but not stressful.
I suppose it depends what stresses an individual.
I'd be stressed having to go everywhere surrounded by bodyguards in case I'm murdered.
I'd be stressed being the head of millions upon millions of people.
I wouldn't want to be King (no hang on perhaps I would, but some on here wouldn't be best pleased )
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Jeez, she's 92 years old. It's amazing that she's still working, out and about. It's amazing that she can walk ffs.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
If other 92 year olds had access to the best healthcare, round the clock servants pandering to their every need for their entire lives, no money worries whatsoever, so no stress, then I reckon you'd see a few more out and about. Its no confidence that most members of the Royal Family live to a ripe old age.
The Queen of England and The Commonwealth is a stress free job ? Wow.
Decent salary, fantastic perks, guaranteed roof over her family's head, finest healthcare, round the clock protection, and a job for life without any risk of the tin tack or redundancy - so none of the things that make normal 'work' stressful.
Hard work - yes - but not stressful.
I suppose it depends what stresses an individual.
I'd be stressed having to go everywhere surrounded by bodyguards in case I'm murdered.
I'd be stressed being the head of millions upon millions of people.
I wouldn't want to be King (no hang on perhaps I would, but some on here wouldn't be best pleased )
She is most certainly not my head - that is reserved for my missus!
Some years ago (about 20 I think) we were at work set for a royal visit by Prince Charles who was going to visit the cancer centre. We were told that we were to form a line and if the Prince deigned to speak to us individually we were to address him as “your highness” or “Sir”.
I told my managers that if he spoke directly to me that I would of course be polite and respectful but I couldn’t rule out the possibility of me calling him “mate”
Strangely that day I was told that I would need to remain clinical during the visit and work in the CT scanner.
In the end he didn’t show up due to him running late from a previous engagement.
I did on three occasions meet Princess Diana who made frequent visits to the department where I worked at that time. She always arrived after the dept was closed generally after six and would turn up with one bodyguard. I found her charming and genuinely interested in what was going on. She made sure that her visits were low key and generally unannounced.
How did you address Diana ? Luv, darling or perhaps gal ?
I don't hate the Royals, they don't bother me and I am not concerned about the cost to the country I just wish the Queen would cheer up when out and about. People stand for hours after travelling for miles to get a glimpse of her and wave their Union Jacks and she barely cracks a smile.
The younger Royals however do get more involved and seem happy to engage.
Indeed... When i lived in Scotland the Queen and Prince Phillip opened up mossmorrran oil refinery in Fife... The junior kids from one of the local schools stood for ages in the pissing rain with flags and banners etc... Then they came along in their cortege of bentleys and jags and didn't have the time of day to slow down and wave to them. Don't hate them but don't have much time for them either. Don't understand the obsession with them either.
Felt sorry for Kate having to get all dolled up for the media a few hours after giving birth.
So what is your problem with having a German or Greek Royal family then? Not that they are.
If or when Harry and Meghan have kids and it's a boy, will it be okay to joke that the child should be called Denzil or Leeroy?
Denzil is a good old Cornish name apparently - so Mr Google tells me. Leroy means 'the King' so maybe not the best choice as it would upset the other royals.
Haha if someone else made this comment chizz and the gang including yourself would be flagging away and using words such as “fathom” in outrage.
The point I’m making and you know full well is that the British Royal family is about as British as Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The reference to the two names comments to the fact The Duke of Edinburgh was born in Corfu of the Greek and Danish Royal families and considers himself Danish. It also speaks to the fact that until 1917 the royal family name was Saxe-Coburg and Gotha but George V had it changed to Windsor due to it not sounding British enough.
That’s recent history. We could go back further of course to look at Willem of Orange or do you think that there is a bloodline of succession from King Alfred The Great ?
The royals are a business and they do whatever is expedient at the time to survive.
No problem with Greeks, Germans, Danes or any other nationality by the way. I wish the UK were aligning themselves more with those countries and not trying to isolate itself but that’s another thread.
I wonder how many people in the country are still working at 92 ? That's 92 !!!!!!!!!!!
I was thinking more along the lines of
The People's Democratic Republic of Englandstan.
For the soap opera to work the head of state needs to be a star performer and be apolitical. They need to do nothing more than act out whatever role the nation at any point in time wants acted out to reinforce a sense of belonging to a single nation.
It's a job, and the trappings that go with are the only rewards for doing the job. If you want the star of the soap opera to represent the average Joe Soap off the street no one would bother watching it. Anyway why should you vote the person in if he wants the job just to live in big council house at the end of the Mall and trouser the proceeds of selling his three bed semi in Mottingham. Would he be prepared to turn up at the studio day in day out performing the boring tedious duties that go with the job.
Perhaps we could have a jury headed by Simon Cowell and have televised auditions to check out the performances of people with experience at being Heads of State. Final vote would be down to viewers, how much more democratic can you get.
Perhaps more practical to double up the job with that of Prime MInister. Then we don't need to shell out for all the trappings of a Head of State and save about £63m p.a on the sovereign grant. The fact that we lose the £60bn p.a that the Monarchy is reckoned to bring to the economy is balanced by the fact that we will have a better democracy because ...................?.
Hard work - yes - but not stressful.
I'd be stressed having to go everywhere surrounded by bodyguards in case I'm murdered.
I'd be stressed being the head of millions upon millions of people.
I wouldn't want to be King (no hang on perhaps I would, but some on here wouldn't be best pleased
You said (wtf?) Chris or Johnnie.
Nothing too confusing. ;-)
*there may have been editing for artistic license.
If or when Harry and Meghan have kids and it's a boy, will it be okay to joke that the child should be called Denzil or Leeroy?
Felt sorry for Kate having to get all dolled up for the media a few hours after giving birth.
The point I’m making and you know full well is that the British Royal family is about as British as Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The reference to the two names comments to the fact The Duke of Edinburgh was born in Corfu of the Greek and Danish Royal families and considers himself Danish. It also speaks to the fact that until 1917 the royal family name was Saxe-Coburg and Gotha but George V had it changed to Windsor due to it not sounding British enough.
That’s recent history. We could go back further of course to look at Willem of Orange or do you think that there is a bloodline of succession from King Alfred The Great ?
The royals are a business and they do whatever is expedient at the time to survive.
No problem with Greeks, Germans, Danes or any other nationality by the way. I wish the UK were aligning themselves more with those countries and not trying to isolate itself but that’s another thread.