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Get well March51



  • That's shit mate, I lost my old man to one a couple of years ago. One comfort is that even until the end, he wasn't in any pain and when when it finally came, it came quickly. Make the most of the time you've got with him and all the best.
  • Thoughts with you, stay strong.
  • Best wishes to your Dad, you and your family.
  • Best wishes to your dad and all the family and friends things in life are so unfair and never easy
  • Best wishes to you all.
  • Sorry to hear this news ,thoughts are with you and your family stay strong
  • Our thoughts and good wishes are with you Jimmy.
  • Best wishes to you all
  • My heart goes out to you and your family, Jimmy.

    Not only have I had lots of exchange with your Dad on Charlton Life - but even met him a couple of times and he has been very kind to me. He's a lovely bloke.

    If you are able, please pass on my best wishes to him.

  • jimmy i know your pain only too well my friend

    i have been down that road and its not nice if ever you want a chat just send me a pm

    try to enjoy the time you have left together

    god bless you all and especially your dad

    March good luck your much loved that you do know, god bless fella god bless
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  • Thoughts are with you all at this time.
  • Oh bugger, sorry to hear that Jimmy85. Even if your Dad can't come home for palliative care, would release to a hospice be possible? At least that way, he'll be in a less institutional environment, while still getting the care he needs. Best wishes to you all
  • I'm so so sad and sorry to hear that Jimmy. I've been doing a lot of thinking about you and your family since I heard you're dad was poorly.

    Be strong mate and treasure all the time you get.
  • Jimmy, I don't know you or your dad, but my heart goes out to both of you as well as the rest of your family. Always hope for that miracle but if his time has come, I hope for all your sakes that it is peaceful and dignified. Thinking of you mate.
  • nothing we can say to help --only that people out here are thinking of you all
  • Thoughts are with you, hope you and your family can stay strong.
  • Sending our thoughts to you as well.
  • I'm saddened to hear your news, Jimmy. Stay strong. I've been there myself so I know what you're going through. All the best ...
  • Keep strong mate
  • edited January 2015
    Hi @JiMMy 85‌ i'm so sorry to read the latest update mate.

    Nothing i can to what the others have said and we've discussed privately, but just to reiterate your dad has been a member on here for 7 years now, making over 3,000 contributions. He is a liked and respected member of this community and if there is anything whatsoever we can collectively try and do / arrange that he might appreciate, please let us know.

    Thinking of you Terry, @JiMMy 85‌ and your family
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  • My thoughts are with you and your family Jimmy.

    My wonderful mother in law has had a brain tumour for a while now, following on from breast cancer and missed during scans due to incompetence I'm afraid to say.

    She also has trouble swallowing and is fed through a tube and drips. She was misdiagnosed again and had to have some vocal cords removed, which didn't need to happen.

    She has had pneumonia since Christmas. She is a former Sister at the Royal Marsden and has spent her life helping others in the same position, it's the one thing she didn't want to get.

    Again, my thoughts are with you fellow Addick.
  • I've only just caught up with this but SO sorry to hear this sad news.

    Try to keep talking to your dear Dad about all the good times your family have had together & the memories created will never go away.

    Thinking of you at this difficult time.

    And to red_murph , another heart rending story . SO cruel.
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