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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Erm, I have a confession to make.

    Have only been back on the bike 2 weeks and I'm already looking at a new bike lol. So bad.
    I want Di2 and disc brakes!

    I love my Cube to bits but its old now...

    Haha - so it begins... :lol:

    My S5 is rim brakes but has Di2. Have to say the shifting is good - but I never really had a problem with shifting before. Takes a little getting used to the levers being so close together though. Also, don't do what I did and not check it's working before setting off. I was in a race on Saturday and didn't realise it was stuck in 53x11 - couldn't shift at all, and had to bin it after two laps. Spent five minutes figuring out that the shifter cables were unplugged from the little junction box onder the handlebar - I'd done it the night before when tidying the cables up...

    The Synapse is a beautiful bike - probably worth a look and seeing if you can get a 2017 one in your size - they'll be starting to come down in price now
  • the Synapse is on the shortlist. It was actually on the shortlist when I got my cube but someone persuaded me that the cube was more value for money
  • Of the big names I've always liked Cannondale. Fun to ride and great frames. What was the Cube like?

    I've got Athena Eps. It's decent but had one slide in the rain on a corner and the derailleur bent, without me noticing, then going up Boxley Hill it went in to the spokes.... snapped off. Not a particularly interesting story, just cost me £300 odd quid to replace it: About the time Camps decided to bin the Athena Eps. Normal Ultegra's good enough.
  • ColinTat said:

    Of the big names I've always liked Cannondale. Fun to ride and great frames. What was the Cube like?

    I've got Athena Eps. It's decent but had one slide in the rain on a corner and the derailleur bent, without me noticing, then going up Boxley Hill it went in to the spokes.... snapped off. Not a particularly interesting story, just cost me £300 odd quid to replace it: About the time Camps decided to bin the Athena Eps. Normal Ultegra's good enough.

    The one reason I went for the Cube over the Cannondale was that the Cube was full Ultegra (think its 6700 10 speed) and the Cannondale was only 105 at the time. I still love my Cube though. Its just not new any more lol. I think I need to be riding for at least 12 months before spending any money again. Got plenty to work with fitness-wise before I start looking for marginal gains. At least I can use it for some motivation towards getting to that target.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    ColinTat said:

    Of the big names I've always liked Cannondale. Fun to ride and great frames. What was the Cube like?

    I've got Athena Eps. It's decent but had one slide in the rain on a corner and the derailleur bent, without me noticing, then going up Boxley Hill it went in to the spokes.... snapped off. Not a particularly interesting story, just cost me £300 odd quid to replace it: About the time Camps decided to bin the Athena Eps. Normal Ultegra's good enough.

    The one reason I went for the Cube over the Cannondale was that the Cube was full Ultegra (think its 6700 10 speed) and the Cannondale was only 105 at the time. I still love my Cube though. Its just not new any more lol. I think I need to be riding for at least 12 months before spending any money again. Got plenty to work with fitness-wise before I start looking for marginal gains. At least I can use it for some motivation towards getting to that target.
    You going to follow a plan, or just ride for base fitness for now?
  • just base fitness for the time being. No point is setting any major targets until I know my groin/hip/pelvis issue is finally sorted.

    So far so good. Went round my old training loop twice last night just over 17mph, 5 mins off my PB for it but wasnt pushing all out. Know I still had a bit in the tank but being back on busy A roads and duel carriageways was another hurdle crossed off the comeback list.

    What I do need to do is get on the turbo and do some 90rpm sessions. Have found it all too easy sticking it in the bigger gears and grind out a ride but should be thinking more about my cadence. When I was doing that before, my fitness levels went up pretty quickly.

    However, I do need to manage my groin/pelvis. Cant just do junk miles now. Every ride counts.

    Looking to go out with Bigfoot CC on Saturday morning now I live over thats way.
  • Day two of London to Paris done. 109 miles of hell. Thank fuck it was "undulating" 20 mph head wind for 2/3 of the day and 3 monsoon like rain showers.

    Was absolutely soul destroying ploughing into that wind all day.

    Only the 1300 meters of climbing tonorrow.....
  • Day two of London to Paris done. 109 miles of hell. Thank fuck it was "undulating" 20 mph head wind for 2/3 of the day and 3 monsoon like rain showers.

    Was absolutely soul destroying ploughing into that wind all day.

    Only the 1300 meters of climbing tonorrow.....

    Well done, chapeau.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    just base fitness for the time being. No point is setting any major targets until I know my groin/hip/pelvis issue is finally sorted.

    So far so good. Went round my old training loop twice last night just over 17mph, 5 mins off my PB for it but wasnt pushing all out. Know I still had a bit in the tank but being back on busy A roads and duel carriageways was another hurdle crossed off the comeback list.

    What I do need to do is get on the turbo and do some 90rpm sessions. Have found it all too easy sticking it in the bigger gears and grind out a ride but should be thinking more about my cadence. When I was doing that before, my fitness levels went up pretty quickly.

    However, I do need to manage my groin/pelvis. Cant just do junk miles now. Every ride counts.

    Looking to go out with Bigfoot CC on Saturday morning now I live over thats way.

    PB! :lol:

    Definitely be careful about pushing bigger gears if you have groin issues. The more force you're putting through the pedals, the more chance you could end up damaging the groin. However, I'd think that spinning too small a gear might lead to different problems (overuse rather than overpower). Might take you a while to find the sweet spot, but you'll get there in the end.

    You going out with their A group? Not that familiar with them, but I know they've got at least a couple of racing lads - rode with them in a sportive (haha) in Kent/Surrey a couple of months back when I was daahn saaahf visiting a mate. Don't smash yourself to bits trying to hang on too soon if they're rapid as you might do yourself a mischief
  • Ha, am I heck like lol. No chance, going to start off in one of the lower groups before moving up. The bottom groups all do around 35-40 miles at a comfortable 13-14mph but they adjust the climbing according to the ability. I'll do a few spins during the week and I'll be back to speed in no time hopefully.

    Main thing is to get the weight down ASAP so strict diet now.
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  • Awesome work @Clem_Snide. You've been particularly unlucky with the head winds.
  • I hope you used the winds to your advantage Clem to split the peloton :smile:
  • Day 3 London to Paris done.

    74.2 miles
    3700ft climbing.

    Does the wind ever stop blowing in your face in Northern France. Jesus wept another day of 20mph head winds. Add in the 30 degree heat and it was a proper slog. Pleased to get a 14mph average TBH.

    Very emotional stop at a tiny WW1 Graveyard this morning. Nice to contemplate and pay our respects.

    Well done Clem.
  • Chapeau - cracking achievement! Shame about the weather - often a problem on L2P2 rides. Well done, now get drunk!
  • Finished L2P today. Another horrific day with the weather. Yet another day of 20mph head winds and absolutely pissed down for 2 hours.

    The ride from the meeting point 4km from the Eiffel Tower will stay with me forever, what an experience.

    Brilliant. A proper achievememt. Be proud.
  • Brilliant stuff @Clem_Snide. Brings back a few memories for me. Riding up the Champs Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe and then on to the Eiffel Tower is still one of the most amazing things I've done. Strangers coming up to us, shaking our hands to say well done. I came away feeling 10 foot tall. Would love to do it again one day.
  • It turned properly ugly this afternoon in the rain. 6 crashes. 5 got up and ploughed on, but have just heard that the other guy has broken his femur in 3 places. It was horrific. My group came round as he was being lifted on to the stretcher and he was screaming his head off. A farmer had spilt a load of grain on a bend and that stuff is like marbles.

    Nearly had a smash myself with 10 miles to go. Yawned, took my eye off the road and my front wheel stuck in the gutter. No idea how I stayed up. The 4 guys I was riding with said they thought I was a goner.
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  • Ah christ that sounds bloody awful :(
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Ah christ that sounds bloody awful :(

    It was.
  • Does anyone know if you can sync data from Stava to Garmin connect? I know the usual practice is to do it the other way round, but on day 2 of L2P I forgot to charge my Garmin and it ran out on 81 miles - I had to track the last 26 miles on Stava.
  • Does anyone know if you can sync data from Stava to Garmin connect? I know the usual practice is to do it the other way round, but on day 2 of L2P I forgot to charge my Garmin and it ran out on 81 miles - I had to track the last 26 miles on Stava.

    you can't sync but should be able to export from strava and then do a manual upload
  • So what do you think- more miles or break out the new gloves?
  • Hundreds of miles left in them... :lol:

    Yeah, probably time for some new ones! I go through about three pairs of mitts a year - both the pairs I have now are worn and falling apart. Don't think I'm particularly hard on them, I guess they just have a 'mileage life' like all kit
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    just base fitness for the time being. No point is setting any major targets until I know my groin/hip/pelvis issue is finally sorted.

    So far so good. Went round my old training loop twice last night just over 17mph, 5 mins off my PB for it but wasnt pushing all out. Know I still had a bit in the tank but being back on busy A roads and duel carriageways was another hurdle crossed off the comeback list.

    What I do need to do is get on the turbo and do some 90rpm sessions. Have found it all too easy sticking it in the bigger gears and grind out a ride but should be thinking more about my cadence. When I was doing that before, my fitness levels went up pretty quickly.

    However, I do need to manage my groin/pelvis. Cant just do junk miles now. Every ride counts.

    Looking to go out with Bigfoot CC on Saturday morning now I live over thats way.

    Had a look at your loop and I'll give it a go as I'm only based in Welling. What's your PB for one loop?

    Due to constant knee issues my riding has been restricted to commuting but that no longer seems to be enough to keep the weight off.
  • jamescafc said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    just base fitness for the time being. No point is setting any major targets until I know my groin/hip/pelvis issue is finally sorted.

    So far so good. Went round my old training loop twice last night just over 17mph, 5 mins off my PB for it but wasnt pushing all out. Know I still had a bit in the tank but being back on busy A roads and duel carriageways was another hurdle crossed off the comeback list.

    What I do need to do is get on the turbo and do some 90rpm sessions. Have found it all too easy sticking it in the bigger gears and grind out a ride but should be thinking more about my cadence. When I was doing that before, my fitness levels went up pretty quickly.

    However, I do need to manage my groin/pelvis. Cant just do junk miles now. Every ride counts.

    Looking to go out with Bigfoot CC on Saturday morning now I live over thats way.

    Had a look at your loop and I'll give it a go as I'm only based in Welling. What's your PB for one loop?

    Due to constant knee issues my riding has been restricted to commuting but that no longer seems to be enough to keep the weight off.
    21:54, 20.7mph. Its got a bit of everything that loop. Spent many an hour just riding that again and again. That was the loop my old cycle club used to use for midweek 'training'.
  • If anyone fancies tracking @olster progress in the TCR, here is the link. He's race number is 209.

    He's also posting pictures and updates on both Twitter and Instagram.

    T: @Sbmooco
    I: @omcoombs

    Good luck Oli!
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