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Leeds fans starting applause during minutes silence



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    Absolutely idiotic, I don't care if it was well intended or not. As others have said a minutes applause is appropriate for a member of the footballing community but remembrance is silence and always has been. If anyone was in any doubt a big man with a microphone and PA system said 'a moments silence yo remember those who have died fighting for our country, the start and end of which will be signalled by the referee blowing his whistle'

    Not a moments applause or a moments chanting from some thicko muggy northerners. I can see why some fans joined in the applause but the fact it was realised it was not the way to behave and the clapping stopped will hopefully mean it will be observed next year

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    JaShea99 said:

    A minute's silence was asked for so it should have been observed by all. A minute's applause is (to me) only used when there is fear that some might spoil it but that wouldn't have happened in this case.

    As I said above I'm sure it was a minutes "remembrance" that was asked for which some may interpret differently from "silence"
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    It was announced as silence so that was what it should have been. I don't think the applause was malicious though.
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    Some idiots were shouting in the Leeds end. Plenty of Leeds were telling them to shut up but also plenty of Leeds were trying to stop the clapping.
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    I'm sure most of us have had family who have fought in previous conflicts,some will have survived, and some sadly we've lost , I thought it was a nice touch by Charlton to do the act of remembrance.

    Not going to berate the Leeds fans , but was a bit gutted as for me it spoilt the moment to show my respect for family members that lost their lives that i never had the chance to meet.
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    Weren't there. Could it be a Case of pissed up ones coming in not knowing what was going, so this way others tried to cover it up maybe ?

    mart77 said:

    Some idiots were shouting in the Leeds end. Plenty of Leeds were telling them to shut up but also plenty of Leeds were trying to stop the clapping.

    This was my take on it. There were a few people shouting in their end and then others started applauding to drown them out. The applause didn't start right after the ref blew the whistle, there was a pause first.

    Then it kind of petered out. All very odd.
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    When has there ever been a minutes applause to remember the dead and injured?
    Everyone knows how to observe remembrance. Attention seeking prats.
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    I'm sure most of us have had family who have fought in previous conflicts,some will have survived, and some sadly we've lost , I thought it was a nice touch by Charlton to do the act of remembrance.

    Not going to berate the Leeds fans , but was a bit gutted as for me it spoilt the moment to show my respect for family members that lost their lives that i never had the chance to meet.

    You still have Monday at least :-)

    We all can show respect our own ways on Monday. At my University they didn't even have the minutes silence so I got up out of my lecture while it was still ongoing at 10.55 and walked out with 2 friends to observe it
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    I think it's obvious fans of certain clubs can't be trusted to show respect, Leeds unsurprisingly are one of such clubs. Of course this isn't true of all of their fans, just the majority.
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    I'd rather listen the Leeds fans clapping than the dicks sitting a couple of rows infront of me whose repatoire today went from:

    "Always look out for Turks carrying knives"


    "We hate muslims"


    "F**k the pope and the IRA"

    All of which were surrounded by virtually every player being called a c***.

    All within earshot of a steward who did nothing.
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    Just thick Northerners didn't understand " their will now be a minutes silence".
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    I'd rather listen the Leeds fans clapping than the dicks sitting a couple of rows infront of me whose repatoire today went from:

    "Always look out for Turks carrying knives"


    "We hate muslims"


    "F**k the pope and the IRA"

    All of which were surrounded by virtually every player being called a c***.

    All within earshot of a steward who did nothing.

    Are these regulars ? If they are I would definitely suggest you report them.

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    I can't believe the number of Charlton fans who started clapping.

    What is it about the word SILENCE do you struggle to comprehend?

    And to top a really poor performance by the ref - he didn't even let it last a minute.
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    I thought the Leeds fans seemed to start the applause (wrongly in my view as the announcer clearly said a minute of silence to remember) because there was some noise from the concourse behind the Jimmy seed stand where some of their fans were still coming in. Perhaps to cover it?
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    It should definitely be a minute's silence to show respect when remembering those who have lost their lives defending their country, clapping is totally wrong. If you're celebrating the life of a player who has passed away that is completely different.
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    I'd rather listen the Leeds fans clapping than the dicks sitting a couple of rows infront of me whose repatoire today went from:

    "Always look out for Turks carrying knives"


    "We hate muslims"


    "F**k the pope and the IRA"

    All of which were surrounded by virtually every player being called a c***.

    All within earshot of a steward who did nothing.

    Well you will insist on sitting in the Directors' Box, Clem....


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    Pathetic that a minute's silence can't be observed...
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    Don't those think Northerners and the ones from Sussex understand a minutes Silence.
    Surely you are not supposed to clap dead Service Men/Women?
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    Former players, maybe.

    Those that have died fighting for our country, no.

    I don't think it was that disrespectful (an old guy next to me was partially clapping) but just cos it's fashionable it does not make it right.
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    Not as bad as me, who took a bite of my pasty during the silence.!! I chewed quietly though...
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    It was a bit odd. I think it was more down to thickness and some crowd mentality. Some Charlton supporters clapped in front but stopped when they worked out that it was supposed to be a minutes silence.

    The clapping was restrained, and even though it was a mistake, I found the moment special. In the future, it should be emphasized that it is silence.
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    I was confused - I thought Big Dave said "silence"?
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    was stood next to my Army mate who observed it as a minute's silence.
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    Didn't hear any singing and it seemed there was no disrepect in the clapping.

    Still wrong but not an insult.
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    I think they meant it in the right way, they were not being disrespectful. Maybe a bit of confusion, but nothing more than that.
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    Silence was what was announced.

    Nothing surprises me anymore but I find it sad personally that people don't have the self discipline to be quiet for one minute.

    Hey ho.
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    Can't see what the fuss is about personally. As long as they were showing respect what's the problem?
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    Is it not a consequence of this whole move towards clapping instead of silence? 10 years ago everyone knew the score and you either respected it or you acted like a disrespectful twunt but there was no room for misunderstandings, innocent or not.

    Would really like to see us move back to minutes silence in every case.
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    Can't see what the fuss is about personally. As long as they were showing respect what's the problem?

    The tradition is silence.

    I know tradition is a dirty word to many but it is appropriate when remembering family members who have died in war.

    In my opinion.
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    edited November 2013
    Watching MOTD, every game in the Prem had a minutes SILENCE.
    Surely, even for the hard of thinking, 1 minute, every year, isn't too much to ask ?

    [edit: that was a pop at the Leeds fans, not anyone on here].
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