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Scottish Independence.



  • Riviera said:

    Salmond wants to keep the £, keep the Queen and stay in the EU. Doesn't sound very independant to me.

    its called having your cake & eating it !!

    I personally have nothing against the smellies but 'd love them to vote Yes just to see them go the same way as the Irish, Greece etc etc. Its funny, because like the Aussies, the smellies don't like us much, but they all know they would be better off in than out.

  • I haven't met an Aussie yet that dislikes the poms, and I've been livingbhere for 30 years. They don't like the cricket team, and think the Poms have their heads up their arses at times, but that's got a degreeof truth!
  • Let them get independance, declare war on them, give them a shoeing and it will all be INGERLAND!
  • Soon as possible please, then build the wall again.
  • If it affects the English why don't we get a vote . I will certainly help out those Scots who want independence .

    I think the Westminster government want to keep the Scots in the UK. If they let England, Wales and Northern Ireland citizens vote they're worried that it would tip the scales in favour of the nationalists :-)
  • I get asked quite a bit about this subject up here. I normally tell the most "Mel Gibson" of them that the quickest way to get independence for Scotland is to let the English vote as well.
  • It'll chuck over 40 Labour MP's out of Westminster, so maybe it's not such a bad thing after all.

    Can't say I've met a Scot in favour of independence, they all seem to be on TV - in other words it's being hyped up by the media on both sides of the border as to how close it is between the two sides.

    To hold the vote just after the Commonwealth games is deeply cynical but I'm pretty sure it will be a firm rejection.
  • EGAddick said:

    It'll chuck over 40 Labour MP's out of Westminster, so maybe it's not such a bad thing after all.

    Can't say I've met a Scot in favour of independence, they all seem to be on TV - in other words it's being hyped up by the media on both sides of the border as to how close it is between the two sides.

    To hold the vote just after the Commonwealth games is deeply cynical but I'm pretty sure it will be a firm rejection.

    Stay on tack, or it will end up with the normal pointless argument...
  • They'll never vote for independence. Not enough of them are that stupid. They'll mobilise the no vote well enough if it looks like the Muppet show are tapping into the ingrained xenophobia of the odd jock knuckledragger.

    Quite a reasonable assessment tbf.
  • I'm at the point where I don't see how the Union can continue with so many of them wanting independence.
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  • Dansk_Red said:

    The Labour party will be campaigning hard for a no vote as they will not be able to win enough seats in Westminster without the scotish seats, especially if the Tories win a majority at the next election and bring in the boundry changes they want, which the Liberals stopped this time around.

    I think that is a bit of a myth. I believe that it has only effected the result once in the last seven or so elections.
  • Based on the results at the last election the Tories would have a majority of 13 seats over all the other parties put together, when you remove the Scottish seats. The number of seats per party without the Scottish seats is Cons 302 Lab 216 LD 45 others 28. To gain an overall majority Labour would be have to win an extra 82 seats.
  • have they gone yet
  • I like the idea of a trial seperation. Unfortunately it would mean we get the Welsh every other weekend.
  • Or we keep the Welsh and they get Northern Ireland?
  • Flicking over to tonight's debate whilst watching the football and I have to say Salmond is comfortably defeating Darling so far, it will be very interesting to see if the polls (which are fairly close together) move in favour of independence as a result.
  • Salmond is only winning because he is lying through his teeth and in a debate such as this, live fact-checking really isn't possible. Darling really needs to find the courage to call Salmond a liar and expose him on the myths regarding currency, the NHS, the debt, the Tories and welfare. Scotland deserves much better than leaving their future to be handled by these charlatans.
  • Salmond is not winning. He is simply a more engaging if incredibly rude and irritating orator. His answers have lacked any substance whatsoever.
  • Fiiish said:

    Salmond is only winning because he is lying through his teeth and in a debate such as this, live fact-checking really isn't possible. Darling really needs to find the courage to call Salmond a liar and expose him on the myths regarding currency, the NHS, the debt, the Tories and welfare. Scotland deserves much better than leaving their future to be handled by these charlatans.

    Oh absolutely, I don't believe a word that comes out of Salmond's mouth but Darling should have been much better prepared to expose the nonsense (things like plan B essentially being a default on masses of debt owed to Scotland's biggest trading partner not being a particularly brilliant idea). He hasn't been able to do that and I think the "no" campaign will suffer for resting on its laurels.
  • edited August 2014
    Thing is, it's not a choice between Salmond and Darling. I'd be surprised if the debate moves the numbers much and amazed if Yes won.
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  • se9addick said:

    Fiiish said:

    Salmond is only winning because he is lying through his teeth and in a debate such as this, live fact-checking really isn't possible. Darling really needs to find the courage to call Salmond a liar and expose him on the myths regarding currency, the NHS, the debt, the Tories and welfare. Scotland deserves much better than leaving their future to be handled by these charlatans.

    Oh absolutely, I don't believe a word that comes out of Salmond's mouth but Darling should have been much better prepared to expose the nonsense (things like plan B essentially being a default on masses of debt owed to Scotland's biggest trading partner not being a particularly brilliant idea). He hasn't been able to do that and I think the "no" campaign will suffer for resting on its laurels.
    True. Everything Salmond has said has been trotted out in public before and Darling should have done his homework so he could quickly and effectively rebut the lie or myth spilling out of Salmond's lips.

    This moderator is doing a horrible job though, half the time they're all talking over each other. The idiots from the Yes crowd who keep screaming over Darling's answers ought to be evicted from the room, it's terrible.
  • This debate has been a right mess. Just a shouting match, Glasgow pub rules.
  • edited August 2014
    first direct factual question El Presidente Salmondo has been asked (about Faslane) and he's spouting a load of guff. No substance.
  • The currency is absolutely crucial but Darling did really over use it this time.
  • Jeez its like to men in the pub shouting at each other. The BBC presenter needed to conrtol it better.

    The debate between Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg was much better.
  • As long as I can still get me Paterson's shortbread Fingers then I couldn't care less really.
  • England says YES, NOW, no vote needed, all they seem to be interested in is what is in it for them. Plymouth/Portsmouth have suffered with all the big contracts heading up there.

    Let them try and get more benefits than they already have when they are outside the UK and se how they get on.
  • If they go in theory:

    West Lothian question solved

    Unemployment in England reduced as HMRC jobs come back to England. Maybe someone will answer the phone?

    No more Jock accents all over the BBC

    No more subsidising by the English taxpayer

    In practice none of the above even if they vote yes probably so we're stuck with them.
  • time they went their own way, grew some cahunas for once, this is their big chance, I think they will poop their pants at the thought of the purse strings being cut. hope I am proved wrong.
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