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Nelson Mandela RIP



  • The word 'legend' is used a lot these days, but this man....
  • RIP

    one of the greats.
  • Well said NLA - totally agree - Mandela was a truly remarkable man and one of the greatest human beings that I have encountered (in written word and on television etc.) during my lifetime.
    Rest in Peace Nelson.
  • Fought for justice and then peace and for a time at least succeeded. I remember that quote which went something like while one man is not free none of us are free. A great man of our lifetimes in a world where there seem very few like that.
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  • what I worry about is what will happen now that Mandela has gone. without his leadership/presences will the country start to go down hill as racism is still very much there
  • He made history in our lifetimes. A true leader of humanity. RIP.
  • There will be a million words written and spoken trying to do justice to him, they will endure, his memory will endure.
    RIP Great Man.
  • I am old enough to remember the apartheid era from a simplistic British point of view - no sporting teams from South Africa playing here, rebel cricket & rugby tours, bans on South African fruit & products, Gary Bailey being one of the few contemporary South Africans anyone had heard of & of course frequent & terrible news reports of massacres in places like Soweto. Can still vividly recall watching the live coverage of him leaving prison, which was incredibly nearly a quarter of a century ago. RIP to a great & inspirational man.
  • Sad news. RIP.
  • A wonderful individual, selfless throughout and most definitely to the end

    God bless

  • Incredible man. Changed millions of lives for the better and although his body lived a long life, his name and what he stood for will live for millennia. Surely that's the pinnacle of human existence?
  • A truly great man, RIP.
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  • RIP.

    The world needs many more like him.
  • A truely inspirational man and a true legend.
  • “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite"

    Rest In Peace Madiba
  • R.I.P. No more words needed.
  • It's rare for someone to really have been unique in the way that Mandela was - it is talked about lots, but Mandela is one of the few times recently where history has been made by one man. . At the time of his release, which was pushed for on both sides of the racial divide in SA, things could really have gone in any direction. There was mass unrest, lots of ongoing strikes and regular murders of black activists, both by the security forces and by their rivals. Not long after he was released, some white supremacists invaded a black homeland and were killed by the local township police. It not going a different way is in large part down to Mandela, and to de Klerk on the other side. For all the lionising of Mandela going on, he was in no way some saintly individual - he had chosen a path that involved violence after the Sharpville massacre, reasoning that he had no choice. It was other events, including increasing isolation that brought the SA govt to the table and released him, but it did take 27 years. In that time, he had learnt a lot and was able to steer a course between what his constituency wanted and what the white establishment needed. There's still loads wrong in SA, and there's still massive racism and discrimination and poverty. But it could have been so much worse. And for most of his life, he wasn't held up as the saint that he is now. I can remember a Young Conservative on the tv in the 80s saying he should be hung for terrorism. But in a way, it was because he had the background in armed struggle that he could negotiate: it's certainly to the benefit of SA and the rest of the world that he did. Nor could anyone else have done it - most other top ANC people of the time wouldn't have had either the prestige or the front.
    For that alone he is worthy of respect and admiration. RIP.
  • “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite"

    Rest In Peace Madiba

    Wow what a post
  • A great man RIP Mr Mandela
  • edited December 2013
    Surely all that needs to be written on a Charlton forum is.....SISS

  • Icon, legend, hero.

    Rest in Peace Madiba
  • edited December 2013
    He is immortal. His spirit and what he stood for hasn't died. A truly historic great man.
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