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Nelson Mandela RIP



  • I think NM was interested in people learning to forgive their enemies.

    Two monks were walking in the rain when they came upon a pretty girl hesitating on one side of a muddy road.
    "Come on" said one of them, and lifting her up carried her across.
    They walked on in silence. When they arrived at the monastery the younger of the monks turned to the other.
    "I cannot remain silent. You know that our order forbids contact with the other sex. How could you break your vows so easily?"
    The older monk replied:
    "I put that girl down hours ago. You seem to still be carrying her".

  • RIP - An amazing man, an inspiration to us all.
  • edited December 2013

    What none of the obituaries have mentioned is that he believed in the noble ideals of communism until the day he died.

    That isn' t to say that he remained an unreconstrcted Marxist-Leninist and could not see where the Soviet Union went wrong. But there was something noble in the way he never renounced the high-minded ideals that inspired his membership of the South African Communist Party.

    Met him once and shook his hand back stage at the 46664 AIDS charity concert in Cape Town in 2003. Beyonce got a three minute ovation. Bono got a five minute ovation. And Mandela got a 10 minute ovation.

    When he finally quitened thecrowd after those 10 mins, he said one word - "comrades". Who else in the 21st cenrtury could start a speech with the word "comrades"?

    But there was then another four minute ovation before he got to say the second word of his speech. I have a silly CL forum name that I have done nothing to deserve. This man was the ultimate incorruptible...

    I think the bit about not seeing where the Soviet Union went wrong is a bit unfair - where is your evidence for this? Yes he had marxist leanings/influences - but they led him to believe in and strive for a fair just society - has this world gone so crazy where this is a negative?
  • edited December 2013
    He meant the world to me. In the heavy days of the anti-apartheid movement, I had taken my turn in the vigils that were held outside South Africa House. I used to hold up a 'Free Nelson Mandela' placard and would receive regular verbal abuse and was even spat at. In those days, Nelson Mandela was considered a killer, a terrorist and a dangerous communist ready to subvert the capitalist world. There was a clear and highly charged party political divide. I never for a second believed that before I died, Nelson Mandela's statue would be in Parliament Square and that he would become a world icon. That is how big a man he was.
    He was a skilled diplomat and politician but he kept his word, he never gave into bitterness, he didn't sell out, he valued justice and fairness and he never gave up hope that things could be changed. How many politicians today can you say those things about?
  • He meant the world to me. In the heavy days of the anti-apartheid movement, I had taken my turn in the vigils that were held outside South Africa House. I used to hold up a 'Free Nelson Mandela' placard and would receive regular verbal abuse and was even spat at. In those days, Nelson Mandela was considered a killer, a terrorist and a dangerous communist ready to subvert the capitalist world. There was a clear and highly charged party political divide. I never for a second believed that before I died, Nelson Mandela's statue would be in Parliament Square and that he would become a world icon. That is how big a man he was.
    He was a skilled diplomat and politician but he kept his word, he never gave into bitterness, he didn't sell out, he valued justice and fairness and he never gave up hope that things could be changed. How many politicians today can you say those things about?

    Thats one of the easiest questions to answer on CL ..... a big fat zero
  • RIP. His spicy Mexican rice was probably the standout product.
  • Shaun Bartlett ‏@shaunbart9
    A massive Thank You to Charlton fans, @CAFCofficial and my former team mate Chris Powell for paying tribute to my former president Mandela
    Retweeted by Charlton Athletic FC
  • Who could have blamed him if he wanted revenge - but South Africa needed him after the fall of the old regime. A man who could bring a nation together.
  • image

    46664 was Mandela's prison number
  • I've still got this number on an old shopping bag and my original badges. Responsibility not blame, reflection not reaction and communication not clashing. Not a bad way to try and live ones life.
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  • NB QEII and MANDELA : There was a video clip shown on TV when Mr Mandela met Queen Elizabeth. Mandela said "Good morning Elizabeth" The only one known to have addressed the Queen as such but it sounded so right ! RIP Madiba
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