As an aside to Bailey appearing on a TV doing what dogs do, they have just asked if I can put together a short video of him with the Upbeats at Sparrows lane/The Valley and maybe a short chat with the guys (leave me out of it) for use alongside a interview they will do with me in front of a live audience.

So if anyone with video camera and the ability to use it along with some spare time at very short notice please shout.
With little or no time to put this together and no idea where to start, I thought good old CL would come to the rescue (hopefully)
The budget for is not huge in fact the best you'll get is a pint.

and a chance to promote The Upbeats which is payment enough.
Can't help with the video taping but well done for all your hard work, you're a credit to Charlton fans.
Carl or Hollie might have access to equipment or know someone who does.
With only two weekends before the filming starts and they've known about since before Christmas they could have asked sooner but if it happens it could be a great platform for the Upbeats and the Trust.
I've emailed Hollie and Tweeted (how very modern) Terry,
I'll take Bailey up there this weekend in order to get it done, but with a game on I'd have to miss the game and take him back home. Unless someone has a WEST stand parking permit they could loan me, then I'll bring him to the game.
Inbox me.
But this has got much bigger than I anticipated when I agreed to the audition and I'm very much in the dark as to what is going on.
But they tell me they were impressed with the audition (it was a disaster, trust me) with agility course set up for smaller breeds Bailey destroyed it, an 18" canvass tunnel ripped from the ground, the producer hid Bailey's tug in her Gucci handbag despite my pleas that was not wise, not only did he retreive it filling the bag with slobber he cleared 7 or 8 cups of coffee from the table at the same time into the crews laps. The story behind Bailey's illness and how Mrs Redmidland spotted the initial problem and then onto his diagnosis and subsequent recovery. The fight to get our money from the insurance company and the court cases against two vets. Which apparently for legal reasons wont be used in any interviews. I keep expecting someone to tell me its a big prank and we'll go back to doing what we do everyday enjoying our dogs along with putting a few smiles on faces at Sparrows Lane every couple of months or so.
They want a little bit of what you think Bailey brings to the Upbeats, a little interaction (maybe Upbeat with Bailey weaving in and out of some cones) along with some cuddles from them all. Put together over 4 or 5 minutes. If its outside, I take it we will be up on the astroturf?
My comment about leaving Bailey in the west Stand car park was rather tongue in cheek. (he's a Covered End boy for a start) He'd be all secure in the back of the car but I'd insist the tailgate would be left open and I cant see the club allowing that.
If it means I miss the game sobeit.
But thanks...........
How exciting!
Probably for free as well!
Your story certainly needs to be told , partly as a tribute to you & those who fought for Bailey and partly for other dog owners out there who may not have your doggedness ( sorry!) to fight for your pet to the nth degree....
But also for Bailey himself - the true star of this saga and SO worthy of being a winner in so many ways.
I take my hat off to you both .
And lots of people kept us going at our lowest point Mr and Mrs Redmidland again were stars, vets were giving up and suggesting more scans MRI at 750 each and CT at 1400 quid a go, I read someone suggesting they might have been emotionally blackmailed into spending another £600, Baileys illness should have been found with a £60 blood test within a fortnight instead he suffered for over 12 months at a cost of over 17k. When after that time I asked a "vet" what would be our next move, he shrugged his shoulders and said " what would you like to do" I have a fantastic vet in Blackheath now and despite living some 50 mile away we'll stick with him and use a local one just for emergencies. If you aren't sure or even if you are, get a second opinion. Our boy would be dead now if we listened to the caring professional!!
Ken from T2TV might be able to help. They are the ones who film all our home games so are about on match days if you want me to introduce you.
Just let me know.
you don't get bad dogs just bad dog owners remember so if that is true then on the ying for the yang you don't get good dogs just bloody good dog owners
Now congratulations and I want a signed photo of you and a paw print from bailey and if you read this Red i want a double paw print of bailey and your famous hound 8)
Thanks D, when nice things are said about him it means a lot.
On another subject, I may have got the ok to wear a t-shirt with "Charlton Upbeats" printed on the front. I have just asked Terry if there is such a thing but no company logo would be allowed, Nike etc.
Do we know of anyone maybe with their own sports shop who would print one and supply it FOC ....... I can't think of anyone myself!
Thanks Henry.....
Who'd thought popping into Sparrows Lane to see how the trust operated a while back would have led to this? What's next Charlton Life " The Movie"
Its safely in a drawer at home, let me know if you are going to the game on Sat Ray and i'll bring it.