No it was just a gentle nudge where still mares had a word with him cleared the air and will meet up for a drink after the game. What's all the fuss about?
Football players to many to mention go to prison then on release go back to their parent clubs in some cases and carry on playing football. In some cases cause serious injury with intent Roy Keane amongst others so keep it it prospective big fine touch line ban but the sack no way. As a football manager he should know better but we all make heat of the moment mistakes that we later regret and at the end of the match he is only sort of human
Horrible bloke.
His predictable answer to the question.
This was when his side were 3-1 up as well!
Absolute cock of the highest order.
"Huge, enormous, massive, massive trouble"
some good shots of it on here
Especially seeing as all they do is basically lightly touch each other.
Anyone would think he was engineering another big pay off.