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Game Of Thrones



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    I would assume a lot more than 4 minutes of ads in a 1hr 7m show. Could be they American airing has a "previously on" at the start and maybe even a "next time..." at the end

    Yes, the HBO official release on my HBO channel last night included a 'previously on' section at the start. The hooky copy I downloaded midweek went straight into the opening credits. I don't think HBO puts out a 'next week' section at the end though.
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    Up there with hardhome and battle of the bastards, this episode probably impacts the next season even greater though.
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    Just, wow.
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    edited August 2017
    Great episode.

    Appaling plan.
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    I did find that episode a bit silly. Part of it was the fact that they sent Gendry running back to the Wall to send a raven, so the raven could fly to Dragonstone, so Dany could read the message, decide to hop on her dragon and fly off to wherever the hell they were (did Gendry log them on his sat nav or something? Surely all he would have been able to say was that they were north, on a bit with some snow), and all this time the Wights just stood there for no reason other than it was plot convenient. Why were they just watching? A stone landing near one of them pissed them off so much that the whole army attacked so I have no idea what they were doing before that. I'm actually fine with the time jumps around the show normally but having everyone in a scene literally pause was a bit much. Dennis Pennis got so bored of it he bloody died.

    Mostly though I'm a bit wound up by this contrived Arya/Sansa story. If it turns out they're playing Littlefinger then I'll accept it's an acceptable plot, but it's such a dull bit of formulaic junk so far that I'm finding myself close to fast forwarding whenever they're on screen.

    I also don't really understand why Benjen didn't just hop on his own horse with Jon instead of choosing to slow the army down for approximately four seconds with his incense dispenser. They weren't going to catch a galloping horse, were they? Generally I love a good last minute rescue and a bit of action nonsense but this one didn't really feel like a Game of Thrones episode to me
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    edited August 2017
    At the risk of being shot down I actually thought episode 6 was pretty rubbish and very predictable. I agree with everything that has been said about the timeline being totally out of sync and Jon Snow is starting to grate me (time after time he has put people's lives at risk by making dumb arse decisions yet he always seems to get bailed out somehow!).

    I was actually cheering when the Night King took out one of Danys dragons. Stupid f@cking idiots deserved it!

    There is no way Jon Snow is going to end up on the iron throne. The man is an imbecile.

    And don't even get me started on Arya!
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    edited August 2017
    Carter said:

    Some of you are determined not to enjoy it arent you

    Suspend belief and lap it up

    I do enjoy it though. It's just the latest episode which wound me up a little.
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    Hundreds of the white walkers fell through the ice, so the rest stopped. The stone didn't piss them off, it showed the ice was thicker in that spot, so the walkers then cautiously advanced over the ice

    So zombies can drown? Or were they worried they'd get hypothermia if they paddled through the water?
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    Hundreds of the white walkers fell through the ice, so the rest stopped. The stone didn't piss them off, it showed the ice was thicker in that spot, so the walkers then cautiously advanced over the ice

    So zombies can drown? Or were they worried they'd get hypothermia if they paddled through the water?
    The White Walkers control the wights and presumably tbought having them all sink would be pointless.
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    That was the complete bollocks
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    Hats off to all who work on this - awesome
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    the hound has all the best lines end of

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    edited August 2017
    Now I'm not much of a gambling man but if anyone fancys a bet on who will rule Westeros at the end you can do so here. So who's everyone's money on.
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    Nicholas said:

    Now I'm not much of a gambling man but if anyone fancys a bet on who will rule Westeros at the end you can do so here. So who's everyone's money on.

    Bran at 33/1 while the Nights King is at 10s is good value if you believe the theories.
    Bronn at 100/1 is almost worth a shot considering the mans incredibly strong plot armour.
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    edited August 2017
    I love Ed Sheeran at 1000/1 lol
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    Ser Pounce at 500-1 is my favourite.
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    Hundreds of the white walkers fell through the ice, so the rest stopped. The stone didn't piss them off, it showed the ice was thicker in that spot, so the walkers then cautiously advanced over the ice

    It showed the ice had frozen thicker i thought...
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    Would be interesting to see if they actually introduce a lord of light for one mega battle with the white walkers

    Now they have a dragon, who's to say we can't see some sick spiritual being come in and smash the crap out the white walkers.

    I'm still buzzing after watching it last night as well. They do those white walkers so well. And the way the dragon just slipped into the lake. This is all too much for my senses
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    Hundreds of the white walkers fell through the ice, so the rest stopped. The stone didn't piss them off, it showed the ice was thicker in that spot, so the walkers then cautiously advanced over the ice

    So zombies can drown? Or were they worried they'd get hypothermia if they paddled through the water?
    The White Walkers control the wights and presumably tbought having them all sink would be pointless.
    Or they could have just done some light swimming. If they can attach industrial chains to a dragon sunk underwater I feel like they can do a touch of backstroke across a few yards. Never mind though
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    Truly great episode! Looking forward to the next already!
    When I thought Tormund was gonna snuff it, I was very close to boycotting the show due to emotional trauma! Ha
    It should be interesting in the last episode when they have there meeting..a prediction from me is that the night king might gatecrash on his new pet!
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    A couple of questions regarding the now ice dragon...

    Can the Night King speak in order to say "dracarys"?

    Will it still be able to breathe fire now that's it's ice or will it freeze everything rather than burn?
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    A couple of questions regarding the now ice dragon...

    Can the Night King speak in order to say "dracarys"?

    Will it still be able to breathe fire now that's it's ice or will it freeze everything rather than burn?

    I have read somewhere online (think it was on fb) that it isn't an ice dragon, its just a dead dragon as an ice dragon would be living thing? Does anyone have any info on this?
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    Red_James said:

    A couple of questions regarding the now ice dragon...

    Can the Night King speak in order to say "dracarys"?

    Will it still be able to breathe fire now that's it's ice or will it freeze everything rather than burn?

    I have read somewhere online (think it was on fb) that it isn't an ice dragon, its just a dead dragon as an ice dragon would be living thing? Does anyone have any info on this?
    Judging by the ice breath caused by the walkers scream on the hounds glove, I am going to assume that it will breath a blue frost.
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