When I read through the threads and comments, I find myself imagining how other posters would sound if I could hear them, instead of just reading their words. For example, I am pretty sure Henry Irving must speak very s-l-o-w-l-y and CLEARLY, projecting his voice, as if to the far reaches of a Victorian theatre, sounding like a cross between John Sessions, Kenneth Brannagh and Larry Olivier.
How do you think other posters sound?
Prague - Ian McKellen
Greenie Junior - Joey Essex
Viewfinder - Stuart Hall
This thread is going to be fun...
Not really - slightly posh sarf Lunden is me
I'd like to think the prejudices against accents are dying out, but I've had more than one person tell me a variation of 'I used to think you were thick' when they've got to know me.
Ah well. There are worse things. For instance, I could be thought of as a patronising, condescending prick. Oh, wait...
Oggy Red - "my luvly"
Ormiston - "he's fair dinkum"
Henry - "RADA posh"
Goonerhater - "diabolical liberty"
And then I read what they say in a funny mocking squeaky voice
AFKA sounds like larry Grason
Enough people have met me or heard me speak at meetings etc but while I'm obviously articulate and funny Henry Irving is not my real name so I don't actually sound like a Victorian actor.
I reckon it is a bit of a disadvantage with my job as I work in sales, and the people I sell to are often well spoken, with neutral accents. The slips often lessen my gravitas I feel. Sometimes I think it is better to play it up, but then I'm not so sure.
I also think it was/would have been an issue when I did my LPC and having interviews for training contracts. That is definitely an industry that needs a certain approach and a way of communication. It's always difficult because I don't want people to think I have a 'chip on my shoulder' as they say, as I know people from all backgrounds work hard and succeed where I had not. However, I still think in general people do judge you and can react to your accent. Just my thoughts.
Plaaayer - Olly Murs