It is an interesting experiment to tape yourself speaking and then listen to your voice played back. Most people say 'that doesn't sound like me' because the sound they hear is filtered through their skull whereas everyone else hears something different. I speak in a beautiful modulated and pleasing tone but unfortunately the bloody tape machine distorts it...
As someone recently said to me, we have three voices. The one we hear, the one everybody else hears, and the one in your head.
It is an interesting experiment to tape yourself speaking and then listen to your voice played back. Most people say 'that doesn't sound like me' because the sound they hear is filtered through their skull whereas everyone else hears something different. I speak in a beautiful modulated and pleasing tone but unfortunately the bloody tape machine distorts it...
As someone recently said to me, we have three voices. The one we hear, the one everybody else hears, and the one in your head.
|I've got 10. The one I hear, the one everybody else hears and the eight voices in my head.
Damn you crap restricted bandwidth portable broadband!!
Jumped onto Google last night when reading this thread and looked for some internet voice recording software. Most required an update of Adobe on my lap top which took a serious age to download by which time I had convinced myself it was perhaps not a good idea for CL to hear my dulcet Sarf London tones...
Unless you've got a pc from, like 1990 you should have sound recorder built in. You shouldn't have to download anything. Just type "sound recorder" into the start menu search, or look in accessories.
I apparently sound a lot younger than I actually am over the phone, so people who've only ever spoken to me that way are usually surprised when they meet me.
Damn you crap restricted bandwidth portable broadband!!
Jumped onto Google last night when reading this thread and looked for some internet voice recording software. Most required an update of Adobe on my lap top which took a serious age to download by which time I had convinced myself it was perhaps not a good idea for CL to hear my dulcet Sarf London tones...
Unless you've got a pc from, like 1990 you should have sound recorder built in. You shouldn't have to download anything. Just type "sound recorder" into the start menu search, or look in accessories.
People tell me I sound just like my mum on the phone, I've heard recordings of myself and think I sound like a relatively well spoken 12 year old. Bizarre.
matt_himself sounds like Sloth from The Goonies
This thread is giving me some strange visuals!
Bawwy Kwipke
You've both received a good amount of Lols at my expense
But if you must know I sound like someone from Sheffield, an accent that seems normal and extremely clear to understand?