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Transfer Deadline Day Thread - Rumours and Deals (8pm CAFC summary: meh)



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    Hull have been really busy today
    Abel Hernandez- Signed Permanent
    Mo Diame Signed- Permanent
    Gastón Ramírez- Signed Loan
    Hatem Ben Arfa- On his way to Hull for medical will Sign Permanent
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    Bloody hell, you lot are sounding like whiney Arsenal fans. We'll do just fine without any signings if that's the way it's to be.

    Unless Vetokele gets injured obviously
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    Bloody hell, you lot are sounding like whiney Arsenal fans. We'll do just fine without any signings if that's the way it's to be.

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    edited September 2014
    All the moaning on here is a joke What do it guys want?

    I would rather us sign no body today then just panic buy and get a load of tosh we got through the door like last time ie: Nego,PP,Reza and others,like bob said" we won't be buying players for the sake of buying players".

    Maybe we was being quite because we only want to make the right choices now and RD has learnt a serious lesson.

    We still have a loan window which I'm sure we will look into and also we have signed 8 players so far I'm sure if we need to we will look into the loan market or offer a free agent a contract.

    I'm pleased with our actions in the market and I can't stand people moaning like 13 year olds on here cause we are not signing someone every 5 mins.
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    Last season on deadline day we moaned about needing a striker and got lumbered with Sordell and Church I dont want a repeat of that
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    You look through a window ! ;0)
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    Take igors goals away what position would we be so the people that ain't bothered about getting anybody else in you better cross them fingers and toes that he doesn't get injured or lose his form
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    Hull getting Gaston Ramirez and Hatem Ben Arfa. Fair play.
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    Last season on deadline day we moaned about needing a striker and got lumbered with Sordell and Church I dont want a repeat of that

    Sordell came good.

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    edited September 2014
    dancafc said:

    Take igors goals away what position would we be so the people that ain't bothered about getting anybody else in you better cross them fingers and toes that he doesn't get injured or lose his form

    Don't agree at all

    It's a team effort yes Igor is getting goals but he's not doing it on his own.

    We are creating these chances for him and we are defending well as a team and playing great football.

    It's not down to just Igor.
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    edited September 2014
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    Bloody hell, you lot are sounding like whiney Arsenal fans. We'll do just fine without any signings if that's the way it's to be.

    C'mon surely you are not that stupid. We'll do just fine? Hope you are still saying that when you have Church and Piggy paired together up front. In fact, even one of them starting a game fills me with dread.

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    edited September 2014
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    That wasn't the question take his goals away Wat position would we be in . create chances for church or George would they put them away can't see it
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    I take it you're not watching SSN?
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    Not moaning and think Roland is in no rush to push us up the league. A solid base this year and maybe give it a go next season. We are however, without a number nine, and surprisingly seemed to put all our eggs in the delort basket to get one.
    Our failure to get him says to me that we are still short, and I'm guessing bob agrees.
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    dancafc said:

    That wasn't the question take his goals away Wat position would we be in . create chances for church or George would they put them away can't see it

    We're signing Tony Watt!? Nice one Dan
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    CAFCsayer said:


    You're a right little charmer aren't you!
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    edited September 2014
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    Chris Parkes is at work, surely he wouldn't have been called in if there wasn't a chance of something happening?
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    Delort to Charlton ... You heard it here first
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    dancafc said:

    That wasn't the question take his goals away Wat position would we be in . create chances for church or George would they put them away can't see it

    George looked class when he scored against Derby.

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    CAFCsayer said:

    Chris Parkes is at work, surely he wouldn't have been called in if there wasn't a chance of something happening?

    Can he cook curry ?

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    Nick Powell at Leicester... GET WOOD!!
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    Surely not?
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    If I was a player I'd just turn up at random clubs and make sure the Sky cameras see me.
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    Alderwield to Southampton? Great signing!
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    He's been on the same pitch as igor and who gets taken off all the time and who stays on to score the goals I'm happy with the team just not the back up/competition
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