My almost seven year old Son has a bit of a speech delay, and got a feeling he's autistic.
The former is definitely coming along leaps and its great being able to understand him now - Although bit awkward in the funny sense last night walking home from school, as this bloke walks past us and my Son turns me and goes:
Whenever we're at the in-laws, my MIL always insists the kids have a snack for the drive home 'in case of emergency'. One day, as we're driving back home along the M2, the car in front of me braked rather rapidly and I did the same. Not quite a proper emergency stop but a lot more rapid deceleration than normal. My daughter, who was 7 at the time, pipes up from the back "Should I eat my emergency banana now?".
My almost seven year old Son has a bit of a speech delay, and got a feeling he's autistic.
The former is definitely coming along leaps and its great being able to understand him now - Although bit awkward in the funny sense last night walking home from school, as this bloke walks past us and my Son turns me and goes:
"OH MY GOD, he's got a big belly"
Did he follow up with 'you fat bastard' and 'who ate all the pies'?
Daughter: 7
Father in law: 70?
Daughter: No, 7 without the ‘T’
The former is definitely coming along leaps and its great being able to understand him now - Although bit awkward in the funny sense last night walking home from school, as this bloke walks past us and my Son turns me and goes:
"OH MY GOD, he's got a big belly"
Wanted the ground to open up when asked why the girls were dressed up as black ghosts.