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Christmas Party Thread



  • TelMc32 said: mentioned on thread already...this year it's Madness at The O2 on the 20th.

    Don't forget "our house".
  • TelMc32 said: mentioned on thread already...this year it's Madness at The O2 on the 20th.

    Don't forget "our house".

    The "House of Fun"??

    Might be possible if I have the "wings of a dove". Can't remember getting home last time. Might as well have been on the "Night Boat to Cairo" as I was a total "Embarrassment"!!
  • Got my work one tomorrow... Is an all day event which involves us going to a Cookery School where we'll be making our own Xmas Dinner learning how to turn simple meals into Michelin starred meals (Which'll be interesting as I only know how to cook cheese on toast so wanna know how that can be made more michelin styled)
  • My wife has no less than four different events at work, the first of which was last night.

    As for me, sadly I don't have any :-(

    But then I don't work :-)

  • Riviera said:

    My works party starts at 5pm next Friday 12th December and will hopefully carry on for about 30 years.......

    Suggest you don't carry a donor card though. Who is going to want your liver?
  • My company has hired the upstairs of a bar in the city. 50% of the office smoke so will be outside all night. Its a drinks token basis, when you run out you have to ask for more from designated people...."Please sire can I have some more"

    Will go for an hour then head home. I too hate 99% of the people I work with. The 1% I married this year so I think she is alright!
  • Mines tomorrow, finish at 1pm up to London village to the Porterhouse in Covent Garden for drinks and then to the Chop Shop at the Haymarket for grub, I'm looking forward to it, after a few years of working for at best 'average' companies I'm working for a very cool design company. Happy days.
  • Sit down meal at the Don in one of their private rooms. Plus partners too.

    Ooohh VGary I am jealous. Have not been since the changeover. I am going to the Duck and Waffle the following Friday but thats with mates, my boss wouldnt push to that.
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  • i work in a small office with 4 other people ..we have all worked with each other for ages and we all agreed some time ago theres no point having a xmas do ...bah humbug etc
  • Normally I avoid these functions like the plague. Nothing against a booze up, but I have to see these morons 5 days a week as it is.

    This year I've been stitched up though as they booked it back in June, and I couldn't use my usual lie "I'll have to check, cause I think that's my football team's night out"

    So it's in a couple of weeks, all paid for, at a nice hotel/spa in Cambridge.
  • I honestly don't know. I decline the offer every year so thankfully they've stopped asking. I can honestly say I do not like anyone I work with and can't think of anything worse than spending an evening with a load of people who go out once a year and have no idea how to enjoy themselves.

    I keep laughing at this... i assume you are being ironic as you come across as the miserablest man in the world.
  • I had an email this morning tell us all there will be no more funding of our xmas meal.
  • Curb_It said:

    I honestly don't know. I decline the offer every year so thankfully they've stopped asking. I can honestly say I do not like anyone I work with and can't think of anything worse than spending an evening with a load of people who go out once a year and have no idea how to enjoy themselves.

    I keep laughing at this... i assume you are being ironic as you come across as the miserablest man in the world.
    Trust me, if you worked in my office you would have sent a similar response!.

    I actually quite like Xmas and will enjoy it with family and friends.
  • edited December 2014
    @Curb_It - you do know who @Clem_Snide‌ is 'in the real world' don't you? It'll explain everything ;-)
  • lolwray said:

    i work in a small office with 4 other people ..we have all worked with each other for ages and we all agreed some time ago theres no point having a xmas do ...bah humbug etc

    I work in an office with 5 other people. One of them does my absolute nut and I try to keep my responses down to one word answers if she tries to engage me on any level. We have ours next Friday at MASH in the Cov Garden/Soho area I think (wasn't paying attention) then drinks after.

    Y'day I was the only one in the office with her at lunchtime which was very hard. After a few benign questions she gave up and I just watched the snooker, a satisfactory outcome
  • is she fit though
  • City bar near St Pauls on the 17th Dec, usual stuff, free booze/food - christmas jumpers dress code.

    had a lunch yesterday at La Tasca Leadenhall mkt which ended 8 hours later so feeling a bit jaded today with a broken work blackberry
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  • After seven years at a firm where you had to pay to go to the Christmas party, I'm now going to two Christmas dos with my new employer.
    One in a pub on the embankment called The Rose (never been there) and a the other in a Cuban place, lower marsh street, Waterloo.
  • edited December 2014
    Mine is a very shady not-London nightclub near Leicester Square about 200 yards from our office. Original. A company our size probably needs a venue twice as big but it's probably a deliberate ploy to stop as many people going to rinse the free bar…which is exactly what I'll be doing before a few us head off somewhere else!

    Got a couple of industry and team meals and drinks over the next few weeks as well which will be better.
  • CHG said:

    Ape & Bird 19th, schwerving it as arranged a Leo with some old pals.

    Good pub. Very nice food.
  • After seven years at a firm where you had to pay to go to the Christmas party, I'm now going to two Christmas dos with my new employer.
    One in a pub on the embankment called The Rose (never been there) and a the other in a Cuban place, lower marsh street, Waterloo.

    Been to the Cuban place before, not a bad place but quite small.
  • After seven years at a firm where you had to pay to go to the Christmas party, I'm now going to two Christmas dos with my new employer.
    One in a pub on the embankment called The Rose (never been there) and a the other in a Cuban place, lower marsh street, Waterloo.

    Been to the Cuban place before, not a bad place but quite small.
    Should be ok for us, it's just the immediate project team, about 30 or so. I'm not complaining about the free food and drink!
  • We've got a Christmas meal over at Canary Wharf. Decided not to go when I found out it was £50 per head. If it was a friends or family thing, no problem but spending £50 for a basic meal and the company of work colleagues that you long to get away from at 5pm, no thank you.
  • Got about 4... all free bars dotted about the city... first one is the Bavarian Beerhouse on the 11th!
  • I've stumped up a tenner, my employer is putting in £25 per head to go for lunch followed by drinks at Hush Brasserie on Hign Holborn - not been before but based on the website and the menu we've been given to choose from I'd say it's probably very bland and devoid of anything resembling flair or imagination, reflecting very accurately my employer's senior management team.

    Quite a few colleagues who I get on with, but the prospect of exchanging insincere pleasantries with my boss and any of his seniors dictates that I'll be heading for the exits asap - have basically paid £10 for the opportunity to get home from work an hour or so early.
  • Ben18 said:

    Normally I avoid these functions like the plague. Nothing against a booze up, but I have to see these morons 5 days a week as it is.

    This year I've been stitched up though as they booked it back in June, and I couldn't use my usual lie "I'll have to check, cause I think that's my football team's night out"

    So it's in a couple of weeks, all paid for, at a nice hotel/spa in Cambridge.

    haha same.

    Mine is on Saturday. got it booked back in July. Dreading it.

    Everyone is getting all dressed up. they have been talking about it everyday for the last month and a half. sky sports with a title decider on the last game of the season couldn’t even come close to the kind of build up that this lot have given this Christmas party!!

    3 course meal, comedy club then a dance with a hotel booked at the end. near Piccadilly.

  • Work for a very large company. As far as I can currently tell, no money available for our team to have a do and because of badly handled redundancies, no real appetite.
    We might have a meal in the local Wetherspoons sometime later this month, but I won't hold my breath. Oddly enough I like most of the people I work with, though most of the people I got on best with have gone this year.
    Most people are in the 35-60 age range, so there are no "young people" who might want to go on after. I think there's only a couple of us left that even drink much.
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