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Christmas Party Thread



  • Can't wait for the Charlton Life Xmas party. Got my invite yesterday.

    It's clique only
    Plenty of free Veuve Clicquot.
  • My wife has no less than four different events at work, the first of which was last night.

    As for me, sadly I don't have any :-(

    But then I don't work :-)

    You would't go anyway.
  • After seven years at a firm where you had to pay to go to the Christmas party, I'm now going to two Christmas dos with my new employer.
    One in a pub on the embankment called The Rose (never been there) and a the other in a Cuban place, lower marsh street, Waterloo.

    Been to the Cuban place before, not a bad place but quite small.
    Should be ok for us, it's just the immediate project team, about 30 or so. I'm not complaining about the free food and drink!
  • After 12 years of working In Local Government and having to pay for every xmas meal myself ( although we did have some crackers - good people = good nights regardless) I'm quite excited by the free meal (£40 allowance pp) at my new place - restaurant in West Malling followed by the local pubs.

    Stunned by what some people get on this thread - free bars??! Its like another world.

    Can I introduce you to CAFCBourne?
    Ha ha there be a group of about 40 roofers if the Organiser is there that night he'll know.

    Probably only get in The Joiners or 5 pointed with a group although prefer the Swan
  • Same stationed boat on the Thames for the last 4 years, 2 free drink tokens and no free buffet food as that is gone instantly.

    I'd love a free bar or a spread not looking like Kerry Katona and Peter Andre did a massive shop in Iceland.
  • smiffyboy said:

    Suited and booted and am on the way to mine now

    Where u going paulie
    Met in the dial arch in woolwich, now on thames clipper, TBH not sure where the meal and free bar is tho
    On CL at your Xmas party ? It must have been great :-)
  • Our company hired out Loop Bar on the 15th from 1pm till 1am. 3 course meal with free bar and all that, shame I work with absolute bods so not sure what the banter will be like.
  • Our company hired out Loop Bar on the 15th from 1pm till 1am. 3 course meal with free bar and all that, shame I work with absolute bods so not sure what the banter will be like.

    Get drunk and show them what your banter is about
  • Taking my team to Monmore greyhounds - their choice!!
  • Blueberry Bar was good; maximised the 4 hour free bar and minimised the queueing by queueing up for pitchers of lager... (Then refilling the same glass and pretending I was sharing the pitcher... Good skills if I may say so myself.)

    The women from our work actually looked pretty decent for once which was a complete and utter shocker. They all went home to get changed, whilst the lads took a more relaxed "It looks clean and smells clean. it must be clean." approach. Truth be told, I actually noticed a girl I work next too for the first time since she started 2 months ago. Gotta love Christmas Parties.

    Was a bit of an anti-climax though, and I managed to smash my phone up - not sure how. £100 down on the insurance claim for that..

    @paulie8290‌ - Rainbow's looks like the perfect establishment for a gentleman like myself; shall definitely add it to my list...
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  • LuckyReds said:

    Blueberry Bar was good; maximised the 4 hour free bar and minimised the queueing by queueing up for pitchers of lager... (Then refilling the same glass and pretending I was sharing the pitcher... Good skills if I may say so myself.)

    The women from our work actually looked pretty decent for once which was a complete and utter shocker. They all went home to get changed, whilst the lads took a more relaxed "It looks clean and smells clean. it must be clean." approach. Truth be told, I actually noticed a girl I work next too for the first time since she started 2 months ago. Gotta love Christmas Parties.

    Was a bit of an anti-climax though, and I managed to smash my phone up - not sure how. £100 down on the insurance claim for that..

    @paulie8290‌ - Rainbow's looks like the perfect establishment for a gentleman like myself; shall definitely add it to my list...

    Did she get better looking as the hours went by?
  • Our company hired out Loop Bar on the 15th from 1pm till 1am. 3 course meal with free bar and all that, shame I work with absolute bods so not sure what the banter will be like.

  • edited December 2014
  • edited December 2014
    Got mine on Thursday lunchtime (!), an Xmas lunch in a decent pub in the village of Sandridge, Herts.

    Good thing is we don't have to go back to work in the afternoon so no doubt we'll move on to St Albans until the early hours.
  • Had ours at a bar in Waterloo area called Carriage 34 last week. It was a great venue.
  • Well ours was at some corporate lunch on Friday, then everyone moved onto the pub.

    Safe to say I was 'that guy' that got it slightly wrong. Oh well!
  • Ben18 said:

    Normally I avoid these functions like the plague. Nothing against a booze up, but I have to see these morons 5 days a week as it is.

    This year I've been stitched up though as they booked it back in June, and I couldn't use my usual lie "I'll have to check, cause I think that's my football team's night out"

    So it's in a couple of weeks, all paid for, at a nice hotel/spa in Cambridge.

    haha same.

    Mine is on Saturday. got it booked back in July. Dreading it.

    Everyone is getting all dressed up. they have been talking about it everyday for the last month and a half. sky sports with a title decider on the last game of the season couldn’t even come close to the kind of build up that this lot have given this Christmas party!!

    3 course meal, comedy club then a dance with a hotel booked at the end. near Piccadilly.

    got through mine without to much hassle. for once I didn't make to much of a show of myself.

    Girls got a bit drunk and got a bit bitchy with each other and one of our sales team members was asking everyone out for a fight. I on the other hand spent most of my time getting intoxicated and producing dance moves that even john Travolta would be proud of.

    best bit was when I realised the following day that it's all over for another year. depending if I have a job that far ahead of course.
  • going on the dads from my sons footy team annual piss up Friday, meet at 8am for a fry up, up to Ascot for the racing, then up to chinatown for a meal followed by a more booze which is usually O'Neills by Chinatown.
  • Avoided mine.
  • Had four so far. Have another tomorrow night then a lunch on Thursday and I'm done.

    Have put on about a stone. Will need to dust off my running shoes in the new year!
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  • edited December 2014
    Went to Rocket (just of Old Broard Street) yesterday with wifes old work crowd, food and drink was excellent.
  • BUMP - MASH on the 11th lunch into the afternoon, then maybe evening
  • Cancelled - cost cutting.
  • Avoided mine. An overnight at our premier resort in Skegness. The thought of the drive back hungover the next day is more than an old man like me can face.
    Aside from the fact that I detest my job and several of my colleagues.
  • 11th - Smolenskys at the Strand. Early doors meet at The Porterhouse boozer CG first.
    I am very lucky, after 8 years working at places I have not liked just to pay the mortgage, and 3 redundancies, I have been working for the last 18 months for a company in Tonbridge, great people, excellent boss and working conditions, and I bloody deserve it.
    If last years 'do' is anything to go by, this one will be a belter.
  • Postponed until the New Year. Project delivery pressures mean 25% of the office obliged not to attend so deferred for a few weeks (with hopefully larger budget)
  • Let’s bump this again

    Going to the same place as last year. Can’t even remember the name. Some restaurant in Farringdon for lunch

    Over to you
  • Anyone else not getting one because their company ‘can’t afford it’?

    For context I work for a company of 50,000+ employees. Very poor.
  • I’m a bit lucky...working on a contract for a small private equity company that’s very wealthy! Sitting on a plane to Madrid for the Christmas conference/party with a trip to the Bernabau stadium thrown in...
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