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Game of Thrones



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    In hindsight - the writers should have killed off the White Walkers in series 7 and allowed series 8 to be about proper character development to reach its conclusion. Easy to say now though.

    The latest episode was back to what GOT does brilliantly. Swinging wildly from disliking, to liking, back to disliking characters. I even felt sorry for Cersai at the end. Historically that kind of character development happened over 2-3 series, now, it's happening over the course of an hour, which must be impossible to write without having to disregard previous details.

    I have no idea how they are going to wrap up the last episode in an hour, but however it ends (and even if it doesn't make sense), I hope it's as enjoyable to watch as this episode was.
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    cfgs said:
    I really enjoyed that episode, as long as you accept the major character arc that is occurring everything makes sense.  

    Loved Tyrion and Jamie's goodbye and the battle scene was immense. Trouble brewing between Greyworm and Jon, plus I predict Arya has a new name on her list.  
    I wonder what colour eyes Dany has?
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    cfgs said:
    I really enjoyed that episode, as long as you accept the major character arc that is occurring everything makes sense.  

    Loved Tyrion and Jamie's goodbye and the battle scene was immense. Trouble brewing between Greyworm and Jon, plus I predict Arya has a new name on her list.  
    I wonder what colour eyes Dany has?
    Exactly she may still get to kill a cruel queen.
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    Best episode of the eighth series in my opinion. Still annoyed about what they did to Jaime and Arya’s plot armour knows no bounds but otherwise had a much more typical Game of Thrones feel to it.  
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    My predictions for next episode, Greyworm Vs Jon. What I don't see is where Brienne, Sansa etc will fit in. Will they head down to kings landing or will Dany head back to them? 

    Also I have to add there was one cringe moment where I thought cmon that's too Hollywood for my liking. When Euron is dying and the camera goes to him and he speaks out loud I killed Jaime Lannister. Just not needed but truly other than that I enjoyed the episode and am actually looking forward to the finale now 
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    cfgs said:
    cfgs said:
    I really enjoyed that episode, as long as you accept the major character arc that is occurring everything makes sense.  

    Loved Tyrion and Jamie's goodbye and the battle scene was immense. Trouble brewing between Greyworm and Jon, plus I predict Arya has a new name on her list.  
    I wonder what colour eyes Dany has?
    Exactly she may still get to kill a cruel queen.
    Emilia Clarke has green eyes, Danaerys Targaryen has purple eyes. 
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    edited May 2019
    • Episode one - 54 mins
    • Episode two - 58 mins
    • Episode three - 82 mins
    • Episode four - 78 mins
    • Episode five – 79 mins
    • Episode six – 79 mins
    That should be long enough to wrap things up. 

    I now will state I have no idea what the ending will be. I think Jon has done his part, bringing together the living to take out old pointy head. 

    I'd like to think that even the leaks are wrong about the end (dodged most of them), as I believe there are multiple endings filmed.
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    As you all know I have been critical of past episodes this series and rightly so in my view, but now I truly feel like people are just being picky to join in? Quite comfortably the best episode of the season so far.

    I loved Jaime and Tyrions moment, cleganebowl didn't disappoint, as someone said love the metaphors with the fire use and mountain using his trademark 'finisher'. Danys turn although predictable wasn't the worst thing ever. Sets up nicely for conflict between the Starks and the 'south' again. When it's all said and done that's what this show has always been about imo, the Starks always have been powerless and just when you think they have made it out of the woods now they have to deal with Dany. Again as someone pointed out the ash setting at the end was beautiful, shot really well and now all of a sudden the show has a purpose imo, stop the evil Queen. I loved Varys arc end, all set up very well. 

    I could go on but I think you get the point. A good episode imo and I truly think people are just trying to spoil it for themselves at this point. 
    At this point I don't think we can characterise things as predictable in any negative way. This is the penultimate episode of an 8 season show. Everything that happened with Danaerys has been built up since the early episodes, from her being told her whole life that the people would be happy to see her (and then finding out they weren't), to her being told the throne was her birthright, to her crucifying the masters and burning the Dothraki leaders, culminating in her deciding that fear is the way to rule. At this stage if things are coming completely out of left-field for characters then that's an issue with the groundwork that's been laid. Dany becoming the mad queen won't have surprised anyone in a major way, but as long as you can look back and see it was earned it's a good pay-off
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    Very well put, @garrymanilow - I think watching the show again will show this direction makes a lot of sense for her. She’s often talked about burning stuff down, and we’ve had visions of her dragon over Kings Landing (same shot was in this episode) as well as ash falling on the iron throne. Short of starting the show with this episode and treating the rest as a flashback, I don’t see how it could have been better sign-posted!
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    As you all know I have been critical of past episodes this series and rightly so in my view, but now I truly feel like people are just being picky to join in? Quite comfortably the best episode of the season so far.

    I loved Jaime and Tyrions moment, cleganebowl didn't disappoint, as someone said love the metaphors with the fire use and mountain using his trademark 'finisher'. Danys turn although predictable wasn't the worst thing ever. Sets up nicely for conflict between the Starks and the 'south' again. When it's all said and done that's what this show has always been about imo, the Starks always have been powerless and just when you think they have made it out of the woods now they have to deal with Dany. Again as someone pointed out the ash setting at the end was beautiful, shot really well and now all of a sudden the show has a purpose imo, stop the evil Queen. I loved Varys arc end, all set up very well. 

    I could go on but I think you get the point. A good episode imo and I truly think people are just trying to spoil it for themselves at this point. 
    At this point I don't think we can characterise things as predictable in any negative way. This is the penultimate episode of an 8 season show. Everything that happened with Danaerys has been built up since the early episodes, from her being told her whole life that the people would be happy to see her (and then finding out they weren't), to her being told the throne was her birthright, to her crucifying the masters and burning the Dothraki leaders, culminating in her deciding that fear is the way to rule. At this stage if things are coming completely out of left-field for characters then that's an issue with the groundwork that's been laid. Dany becoming the mad queen won't have surprised anyone in a major way, but as long as you can look back and see it was earned it's a good pay-off
    I don't mean it in a negative 'edgy' tone. I just mean based from how this season has gone. I don't think it's a bad turn and like I said they have won me back, roll on finale 
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    Dazzler21 said:
    cfgs said:
    cfgs said:
    I really enjoyed that episode, as long as you accept the major character arc that is occurring everything makes sense.  

    Loved Tyrion and Jamie's goodbye and the battle scene was immense. Trouble brewing between Greyworm and Jon, plus I predict Arya has a new name on her list.  
    I wonder what colour eyes Dany has?
    Exactly she may still get to kill a cruel queen.
    Emilia Clarke has green eyes, Danaerys Targaryen has purple eyes. 
    In the books that's true, but to my knowledge has never been the case for the TV show.
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    edited May 2019
    Dazzler21 said:
    cfgs said:
    cfgs said:
    I really enjoyed that episode, as long as you accept the major character arc that is occurring everything makes sense.  

    Loved Tyrion and Jamie's goodbye and the battle scene was immense. Trouble brewing between Greyworm and Jon, plus I predict Arya has a new name on her list.  
    I wonder what colour eyes Dany has?
    Exactly she may still get to kill a cruel queen.
    Emilia Clarke has green eyes, Danaerys Targaryen has purple eyes. 
    In the books that's true, but to my knowledge has never been the case for the TV show.

    This is why I explained it as I did. 

    They haven't given her contacts.
  • Options
    As you all know I have been critical of past episodes this series and rightly so in my view, but now I truly feel like people are just being picky to join in? Quite comfortably the best episode of the season so far.

    I loved Jaime and Tyrions moment, cleganebowl didn't disappoint, as someone said love the metaphors with the fire use and mountain using his trademark 'finisher'. Danys turn although predictable wasn't the worst thing ever. Sets up nicely for conflict between the Starks and the 'south' again. When it's all said and done that's what this show has always been about imo, the Starks always have been powerless and just when you think they have made it out of the woods now they have to deal with Dany. Again as someone pointed out the ash setting at the end was beautiful, shot really well and now all of a sudden the show has a purpose imo, stop the evil Queen. I loved Varys arc end, all set up very well. 

    I could go on but I think you get the point. A good episode imo and I truly think people are just trying to spoil it for themselves at this point. 
    At this point I don't think we can characterise things as predictable in any negative way. This is the penultimate episode of an 8 season show. Everything that happened with Danaerys has been built up since the early episodes, from her being told her whole life that the people would be happy to see her (and then finding out they weren't), to her being told the throne was her birthright, to her crucifying the masters and burning the Dothraki leaders, culminating in her deciding that fear is the way to rule. At this stage if things are coming completely out of left-field for characters then that's an issue with the groundwork that's been laid. Dany becoming the mad queen won't have surprised anyone in a major way, but as long as you can look back and see it was earned it's a good pay-off
    I don't mean it in a negative 'edgy' tone. I just mean based from how this season has gone. I don't think it's a bad turn and like I said they have won me back, roll on finale 
    Yep, sorry, I didn't think you were, I was kind of trying to expand on your point there. Predictable, within reason, is good at this point.
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    I actually didn’t enjoy this episode as much as the others. Got up early to watch it though so that may be a factor, I’ll re-watch tonight with my dinner.
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    edited May 2019
    As you all know I have been critical of past episodes this series and rightly so in my view, but now I truly feel like people are just being picky to join in? Quite comfortably the best episode of the season so far.

    I loved Jaime and Tyrions moment, cleganebowl didn't disappoint, as someone said love the metaphors with the fire use and mountain using his trademark 'finisher'. Danys turn although predictable wasn't the worst thing ever. Sets up nicely for conflict between the Starks and the 'south' again. When it's all said and done that's what this show has always been about imo, the Starks always have been powerless and just when you think they have made it out of the woods now they have to deal with Dany. Again as someone pointed out the ash setting at the end was beautiful, shot really well and now all of a sudden the show has a purpose imo, stop the evil Queen. I loved Varys arc end, all set up very well. 

    I could go on but I think you get the point. A good episode imo and I truly think people are just trying to spoil it for themselves at this point. 
    At this point I don't think we can characterise things as predictable in any negative way. This is the penultimate episode of an 8 season show. Everything that happened with Danaerys has been built up since the early episodes, from her being told her whole life that the people would be happy to see her (and then finding out they weren't), to her being told the throne was her birthright, to her crucifying the masters and burning the Dothraki leaders, culminating in her deciding that fear is the way to rule. At this stage if things are coming completely out of left-field for characters then that's an issue with the groundwork that's been laid. Dany becoming the mad queen won't have surprised anyone in a major way, but as long as you can look back and see it was earned it's a good pay-off
    I don't mean it in a negative 'edgy' tone. I just mean based from how this season has gone. I don't think it's a bad turn and like I said they have won me back, roll on finale 
    Yep, sorry, I didn't think you were, I was kind of trying to expand on your point there. Predictable, within reason, is good at this point.
    fair enough. 

    I think the likely setups are Jon vs Greyworm macho fight, Tyrion to help against Dany in some way, Dany to target Sansa which triggers Jon getting involved, Arya to be the one to kill Dany. 

    One character I am curious about is Bran, surely he has a part to play still 
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    I am certain Jon will kill Dany. Jon's heritage is bigger than his Night King story... It feels like they're purposely leading us away from it.

    I wouldn't be surprised (were I correct) to see Arya's death being what makes Jon turn on Dany.
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    I've not seen this episode but the way Varys and Tyrion talked about Jon being a King who could unite both the South and the North made me think that its the sort of ending that can tie up a whole series
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    Brilliant episode. Loving this season.

    As for Jon Snow, the look on his face in his final scene, he's done with Dany.  Greyworm acted like he knew all along they were going to destroy King's landing. Jon saw that and knows he can't trust Dany.
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    Arya and horse vs Dany and dragon.
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    Twitter having a meltdown that she’s gone mad. Feminists around the world are going ape shit, it’s made some funny reading.
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    I actually didn’t enjoy this episode as much as the others. Got up early to watch it though so that may be a factor, I’ll re-watch tonight with my dinner.
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    Twitter having a meltdown that she’s gone mad. Feminists around the world are going ape shit, it’s made some funny reading.
    Get sharing Gaz
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    Best one of the series by a mile.
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