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Game of Thrones



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    A far as I can tell the only vaguely intelligent person left alive in all of Westeros is Sansa. Okay maybe two if you include Tormund nope-ing out of this nonsense and taking the Wildlings back north.
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    thenewbie said:
    A far as I can tell the only vaguely intelligent person left alive in all of Westeros is Sansa. Okay maybe two if you include Tormund nope-ing out of this nonsense and taking the Wildlings back north.
    Tormund is one of the real winners. Guy got south of the wall, earned status and got a castle.
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    Laddick01 said:
    thenewbie said:
    A far as I can tell the only vaguely intelligent person left alive in all of Westeros is Sansa. Okay maybe two if you include Tormund nope-ing out of this nonsense and taking the Wildlings back north.
    Tormund is one of the real winners. Guy got south of the wall, earned status and got a castle.
    Unless there is a twist and somehow the White Walkers are coming back - Dont expect to happen though as be one almighty plot hole if they do
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    Laddick01 said:
    thenewbie said:
    A far as I can tell the only vaguely intelligent person left alive in all of Westeros is Sansa. Okay maybe two if you include Tormund nope-ing out of this nonsense and taking the Wildlings back north.
    Tormund is one of the real winners. Guy got south of the wall, earned status and got a castle.

    Tormund also a got a new pet.  Instead of Jon leaving his dire wolf Ghost at Winterfell to protect Sansa, he just gave him away.  The living, breathing symbol of the Stark family and he palmed him off on a wildling because... who the hell knows why.  Didn't even pat the poor boy's head to say goodbye.  More shite writing has left Jon Snow looking like a dick again. 
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    Missed It said:
    Laddick01 said:
    thenewbie said:
    A far as I can tell the only vaguely intelligent person left alive in all of Westeros is Sansa. Okay maybe two if you include Tormund nope-ing out of this nonsense and taking the Wildlings back north.
    Tormund is one of the real winners. Guy got south of the wall, earned status and got a castle.

    Tormund also a got a new pet.  Instead of Jon leaving his dire wolf Ghost at Winterfell to protect Sansa, he just gave him away.  The living, breathing symbol of the Stark family and he palmed him off on a wildling because... who the hell knows why.  Didn't even pat the poor boy's head to say goodbye.  More shite writing has left Jon Snow looking like a dick again. 
    Which is kind of a problem. Various characters are now trying to pitch Jon as a good King in the making, but in fact we've seen for ourselves very clearly he's a TERRIBLE leader. If not for industrial strength plot armour and several much more competent characters pulling his butt out of various fires REPEATEDLY he'd be long gone.
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    LoOkOuT said:
    I seem to have stumbled on the I-could've-done-it-better-myself-society's weekly luncheon. At least let it play out first.
    I don't recall ever saying I could do it better.  But I am parting with my money to watch it.  I'm the audience they're supposedly making this show for and I'm not impressed one bit.  I'm perfectly fine with calling it badly done by the writers who should know how to do better. 
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    LoOkOuT said:
    I seem to have stumbled on the I-could've-done-it-better-myself-society's weekly luncheon. At least let it play out first.
    I know exactly who could've done it better, and did - George RR Martin. It's no coincidence whatsoever that problems and weaknesses spring up once they overtake the books. 
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    edited May 2019
    Dany had only something like 80 soldiers with her at the last scene. Cersei had 50 archers and lots of big Scorpion guns. The final dragon was way in the background.

    Cersei could have killed every one of them with arrows on the spot.... easily. They would be dead long before Dany could yell “Drakaris.”

    Or, Dany could have had Jon Snow come from nowhere (seems to work all the time) on the dragon and take out every person at the top of the wall to Kings Landing, including Cersei. They would have had nowhere to run. Not to mention Cersei’s hand was never shown going back into the castle after negotiations and could have been executed by Dany after Cersei looped her head off. Whoops!

    Personally, both sides are so lame strategically this season that I think the Stannis of three seasons ago could have wiped both these groups out with ease.
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    Or, Dany could have had Jon Snow come from nowhere (seems to work all the time) on the dragon and take out every person at the top of the wall to Kings Landing, including Cersei. They would have had nowhere to run. Not to mention Cersei’s hand was never shown going back into the castle after negotiations and could have been executed by Dany after Cersei looped her head off. Whoops!
    They were ambushed and reacted, based on Tyrion's advice to seek a diplomatic solution. Jon was only en route. If they'd taken out everyone via Jon on dragon back, they'd have killed Missandei would have died and they were trying to prevent that, obviously. 
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    Still enjoying it but as others have said it does feel rushed. The Battle of Winterfell could easily have been made into two episodes to give us the scale and time of the long night and today’s episode could of been just the battle at sea with Euron Greyjoy , ending with the death of the dragon and with more of a story of the capture of Missandei .

    Bit silly Dany standing at the gates with about 80 unsullied too.


    Jamie will kill Cersei , the hound will kill the mountain and Ayra will kill Dany who turns mad like her father.

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    Totally loving the latest episodes of the last season. Don’t understand the moans about it being too dark in some parts as it’s been like that throughout the whole 8 seasons and the title The Long Night sort of gives away the darkness in episode 3. The 4th episode is right back into the characters and their scheming after the epic battle.
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    thenewbie said:
    LoOkOuT said:
    I seem to have stumbled on the I-could've-done-it-better-myself-society's weekly luncheon. At least let it play out first.
    I know exactly who could've done it better, and did - George RR Martin. It's no coincidence whatsoever that problems and weaknesses spring up once they overtake the books. 
    The thing is though, this isn't necessarily true. We don't know, because Martin hasn't finished the books. In fact, he's pretty much bottled finishing it now. The closer he got to needing to write towards an ending, the more he circled away and started writing irrelevant sub-plots, and now his latest trick is to to just not bother at all. He's never going to finish the books. He might not even bother finishing the current one. Instead, he's going to write a load of prequel stuff, because it's way easier for him to start over making that than to create a satisfactory ending. I think it's really easy to identify the showrunners running out of material as the reason for a perceived decline in quality, but finishing an epic saga like this is difficult, and it's never going to satisfy everyone, so for all we know the quality of the book plots could have dropped off the same way if they had actually been written. There's no way the showrunners have written this without any storyline input from Martin, so it's not like it's going to have been radically different from his plan.

    The massive plus I'd say about the show's writing over Martin's is at least with the show we get an ending, which beats the hell out of the story ending close but too far away from the finish line.
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    If Martin decides to make a scenery chewing pirate with ninja sea magic the only reason Cersei hangs onto power in the end game I will be astonished.
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    Moan, moan, moan but you’ll miss it when it’s done.
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    Really enjoyed that... Bit long but as adverts go for Starbucks it was pretty epic.
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    edited May 2019
    1StevieG said:
    Totally loving the latest episodes of the last season. Don’t understand the moans about it being too dark in some parts as it’s been like that throughout the whole 8 seasons and the title The Long Night sort of gives away the darkness in episode 3. The 4th episode is right back into the characters and their scheming after the epic battle.
    Got to agree I'm loving this season too. I did feel a bit disappointed that Arya took out Horny headed C*** the Night King but actually she's probably had the most deadly training out of anyone.

    The ships that took out Rhaegal were were b the small islands, so not nearly as stealthy as many made out.

    Love Varys and Tyrion back to political struggling.
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    Still enjoying it but as others have said it does feel rushed. The Battle of Winterfell could easily have been made into two episodes to give us the scale and time of the long night and today’s episode could of been just the battle at sea with Euron Greyjoy , ending with the death of the dragon and with more of a story of the capture of Missandei .

    Bit silly Dany standing at the gates with about 80 unsullied too.


    Jamie will kill Cersei , the hound will kill the mountain and Ayra will kill Dany who turns mad like her father.

    Think Jon will end Dany but otherwise agreed.
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    edited May 2019
    Enjoyed that episode. Only thing is with Missandei, Melisandre croaking in this series and the short haired Sand Snake going in the last series Westeros must be running low on seriously decent clunge.
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    Jamie has left to kill Cersei, right?
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    Jamie has left to kill Cersei, right?
    Definitely. Realised that Dany will lose as Cersei is outsmarting them repeatedly, and if they lose then Brienne and everyone else will die. I don't think he expects to survive hence why he was cruel to Brienne before he left
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    This thread totally ruins my judgement on GOT, previously I felt it was quite good to read and miss extra bits but peoples reactions are well over the top now. Everyone expects this/ that, some of what I read just riles me on its own lol

    Im out!

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    Jamie has left to kill Cersei, right?
    Think you might be surprised. And not in a good way.

    For me this is the marker for how bad the writing has become. If they blatantly ignore 5 seasons of character building to just have him return to Cersei (a woman who put a hit on him) then I don’t know what they are thinking.
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    Thing is we will all be a bit disappointed at how some characters end, because we have invested over a decade in them but it is what it is.  When a series runs this long not everything will be to your liking, hopefully the end will crush the doubts and moans, but alas I fear not.
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    We feel the writing is suddenly bad because we're being told it's bad because unexpected things are happening. 
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    cfgs said:
    Thing is we will all be a bit disappointed at how some characters end, because we have invested over a decade in them but it is what it is.  When a series runs this long not everything will be to your liking, hopefully the end will crush the doubts and moans, but alas I fear not.
    Gotta say I still love it.

    Literally the only thing that irked me was how easy the NK was to kill... In 8 Series of a TV show, that's not bad. 
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    Dazzler21 said:
    We feel the writing is suddenly bad because we're being told it's bad because unexpected things are happening. 
    Or because it is actually bad. Like a dragon dying thanks to everyone just forgetting Euron exists. Like characters literally mobbed by enemies multiple times in one episode and surviving whilst extras die by the dozen. Like Tyrion's IQ dropping like a stone. Bran being critically important despite not actually doing anything.

    But that's just my view. Still plenty to like but it's definitely suffering for being rushed IMO.
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