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Game of Thrones



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    edited May 2019
    Who says Jon wants the throne? He has never wanted power, it's always thrust upon him. He even gives it away quite freely. 

    I could see Dany turning darker still. We can see she has a hunger and thirst for power that has made her merciless. She has now lost Jorah, her most trusted advisor and the one that helped her make the best decisions.

    How bitter sweet would it be for Dany to try to kill all others with an interest in the throne only for Jon to be the one to kill her to end her madness and once again have power thrust upon him to lead Westeros.
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    Entirely possible Snow has to kill Daenerys I’d say. 
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    All the battles in GoT last one night though. It's just the way the format of the show works as an episodic programme. There's been so many situations that could have been sieges or long drawn-out affairs that either got compressed into one episode like Blackwater or Ramsey taking Winterfell from Theon, or even got glossed over completely like Whispering Wood or Fist of the First Men. I'm surprised anyone thought that The Long Night would be anything other than quite a long night.
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    Has there been a night time episode, I’d better catch up. 
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    cafcpolo said:

    As for Bran being pointless...
    ...He done exactly what he needed to do. It's not like he could have rolled around Winterfell running over wights in his wooden wheelchair
    Don’t know why, but this bit really tickled me.  :D
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    last week's episode was tense but ulltimately underwhelming.

    Would've loved to have seen the white walkers fighting, at the very least a sword fight between jon and the night king would've quenched it.
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    I can understand why the White Walkers kept out of it a bit though given the (recently introduced), kill a WW and it takes out his wights rule.  They were winning anyway, why risk a whole load of wights dying if a WW loses a swordfight?

    They used to fight a bit more like at Hardhome but they may have realised a load of people were fighting with dragonglass etc now so the risks were higher.
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    edited May 2019
    I saw some leaks for tonight’s episode.

    Gotta say I know they are out of source material but I think they’ve got these final 3 episodes very very wrong.
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    Was going to say as above be careful as you browse, alleged leaks out already 
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    I am sorry but that episode has taken the absolute piss. It was honestly amazing until the last ten minutes or so. That is plot armour to a whole different level. This will be an interesting episode review 
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    Read a few leaks before last night's episode and believe from that they're turning Dany into the mad queen... Sad way to end it if true but bittersweet? Not sure I agree.
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    I’ve seen last nights episode. It’s been leaked how it ends in episode 6 too.

    Its awful. Subversion of plot is one thing, and I could kind of get behind the Arya kills NK storyline, but there are so many more characters they’ve absolutely butchered trying to be unpredictable.

    Theres no way GRRM ends the books like this unless he is well and truly out of ideas.
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    There are so many little sub plots, it does make you wonder how they can finish them all off to a decent ending over the last two episodes.
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    Missandei 😢
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    edited May 2019
    Yeah thats a sad ending... Good episode this week, dragged on needlessly a bit though

    Loads could have been cut from that without hindering the story line I felt with scenes extended for the sake of it

    Fully expecting something to happen in the North again

    Doesnt seem right for the likes those at Winterfell and beyond to have quite happy endings whilst everything happens in the South
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    the ending really made no sense to me

    Cersei is a total loon and has no qualms about doing whatever is needed to win, so why didn't she just have everyone shot including the dragon and basically end it all there and then? 

    and Missandei should've just grabbed Cersei and jumped seeing as she was going to die anyway
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    Here's another thing: Tyrion knows about Cersei's (apparent) baby.

    Euron thinks it's his child but if that was the case, how would Tyrion know about it? Surely that would create conflict between Cersei and Euron?

    Don't be surprised if that's completely glossed over as well.
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    Here's another thing: Tyrion knows about Cersei's (apparent) baby.

    Euron thinks it's his child but if that was the case, how would Tyrion know about it? Surely that would create conflict between Cersei and Euron?

    Don't be surprised if that's completely glossed over as well.
    As Tyrion referred to the baby I turned to my wife and said “He’s just told Euron the baby isn’t his.” But there was no cut to Euron’s reaction, so I think you’re right that they’ll gloss over it.
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    Another thing that annoyed me was how they cut away from the scene where Bran was about to explain Jon’s parentage to the majority of the main characters. It would have been important to see their reactions
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    Dizzle said:
    Another thing that annoyed me was how they cut away from the scene where Bran was about to explain Jon’s parentage to the majority of the main characters. It would have been important to see their reactions
    Oh that did my nut in!!!... Not to mention Jon: "You cant tell anyone"

    10mins later you have Tyrion and Varys talking about it

    Yeaaa well done Sansa, great job at proving yourself that you can be trustworthy!!
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    That episode was a massive why didn't and what ifs. Genuinely undefendable at this point and it should have had an extra series. I can't stress you need to have a good finale season and they are making a cock up with it. It just doesn't make sense, the show is so hot, they could have easily carried it on for an extra 2/3 seasons no one would have complained. 

    How did the iron fleet go unnoticed with Dany that high up? 

    If they were so accurate on taking down Rhagel from an angle like that, how did they miss 20 or so arrows from a closer and easier shot? 

    Why didn't Dany knowing how slow the ballistic reloads and how slow ships turn simply fly around the side of the mountains and take out the whole fleet? 

    How did they happen to just find Missandei among everyone and why didn't they try and finish off Danys army while they tried to swim ashore? 

    Why did Cersei let Tyrion, who she hates stand there and confront her like that which btw is the most awful scene ever, we have established she is evil at this point and his pep talks don't work on her. Also she literally sent Bronn to kill him with an arrow? I mean are they taking the piss 

    While we are at that point why didn't Missandei try and jump off with Cersei? Why didn't Cersei order an assault? It's not her character to show mercy, Dany and the unsullied were outnumbered heavily, would have been easy targets, she probably won't get an easier chance than that? Why didn't they have a pop at Drogon, he was in range and would have been easier to harpoon from the ground rather than the sky? 

    Truly awful awful writing, I am left wound up again cause other than everything I just said which was what 10 /15 minutes the episode was amazing. Old style GoT back, secret conversations with Varys, Bronns scene, Tormund heartbroken, Jon and the Starks tree conversation. So many good little engagements all undone by awful plot armour writing. 

    Sorry I've gone on a bit but I just don't get how a series with this kind of budget and fan base is cocking it up and the final hurdle 

    To be fair, they've been cocking this up since series 5.  Since they ran out of books to follow and George briefed them how it should all finish, it's gotten steadily worse.  What's really telling for me is GRRM's twitter.  He has barely said one word about series 8.  He's completely checked out on it.  He might still get a credit as executive producer but he has little or no influence on the show now.  All we have is Dan and Dave in their Emperor's new clothes and people are beginning to see them for the buck naked hacks they really are. 
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    Preferred this week’s over last weeks tbh. More intrigue like old school game of thrones and a couple of shocks. 
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    edited May 2019
    They've massively dumbed this show down for the American masses. 
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