1) Defacing a war memorial is appalling behaviour. 2) Consider the State's use of agent provocateurs. The Tories can expect dissent and are lining up more repressive measures, including water cannon, against those who dare to oppose them by taking direct action. The newspapers and TV newsrooms are offered emotive images that suit an agenda (e.g. graffiti on inappropriate places, such as statues and war memorials). Apoplectic, Colonel Trumpington-Bumpton contacts his MP, demanding the use CS gas, tazers, injunctions, ASBOs, water cannon, horse-whips, white noise and nerve-gas. And, hey presto.
1) Defacing a war memorial is appalling behaviour. 2) Consider the State's use of agent provocateurs. The Tories can expect dissent and are lining up more repressive measures, including water cannon, against those who dare to oppose them by taking direct action. The newspapers and TV newsrooms are offered emotive images that suit an agenda (e.g. graffiti on inappropriate places, such as statues and war memorials). Apoplectic, Colonel Trumpington-Bumpton contacts his MP, demanding the use CS gas, tazers, injunctions, ASBOs, water cannon, horse-whips, white noise and nerve-gas. And, hey presto.
Absolutely, the state does use agent provacteurs. They even have deep cover police in political groups that have slept with protesters, had sexual relationships and fathered children. The state does do some despicable things. A bit of grafitti on the war memorial and it allows the protest to be deligitimised and to be called 'filthy left wing scum' and then open to very heavy action.
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
If Labour had got in, would Tory supporters have been launching protests up and down the country to the same extent?
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
If Labour had got in, would Tory supporters have been launching protests up and down the country to the same extent?
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
If Labour had got in, would Tory supporters have been launching protests up and down the country to the same extent?
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
If Labour had got in, would Tory supporters have been launching protests up and down the country to the same extent?
No, but I guarantee you these weren't Labour supporters kicking off in London yesterday. These are the same opportunist, anti establishment anarchist scum that kick up at any opportunity the can, regardless of who is in government. They get a lot more social justification for it under s conservative government, but hardly any of these people really care.
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
If Labour had got in, would Tory supporters have been launching protests up and down the country to the same extent?
Nope. But when Labours policies started effecting the Tory grass roots support in rural areas the Countryside Alliance was very quick to organise protests as a result.
You're also assuming these protestors are ALL Labour whereas they are likely to be made up from wide range of organisations on the left, most if them way to the left of the average Labour voter I'd suggest.
Suggesting the scum kicking off yesterday are representative of Labour voters in any way is akin to saying all Tories support the racist scumbags who go to Luton/Bradford etc to stir up trouble.
Lets not try and see everything through the spectrum of Tory/Labour, I know that's difficult after the last couple of months of debate.
not a chance and it makes me very happy that the left sided folk never got in, if that is a snap shot of their demographic,
I wish more of them protested when their left friends were wasting anD spending their way to oblivion, causing the need for such cuts
Scum who done that yesterday filth in the bottom of shoe
NLA don't be so quick to judge you're better than that. Yes they went about it all wrong and the few that went too far and defaced war memorials have been arrested and dealt with but a lot of them just felt desperate. Imagine how desperate they must have been to have taken these measures, how bad must their lives been. Cuts, although Cameron says they're fair, do not affect everyone. Not everyone has to use the services that have been cut, not everyone has their lives in tatter but a lot of them that do had a hope that things could change, a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak but now that hope has gone. Try being an unworking single dad who recently lost his wife to cancer, having 5 kids under 9 and have lost his mortgaged house due to not being able to afford the mortgage and having to live in a 3 bedroom private rented accomadation where the rent is £300 per week and after all bills he's left with £40 to feed 6 of them and that is about to be cut further. How desperate would you be?
I'm not condoning their actions but some of them probably felt they had no choice.
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
If Labour had got in, would Tory supporters have been launching protests up and down the country to the same extent?
No, but I guarantee you these weren't Labour supporters kicking off in London yesterday. These are the same opportunist, anti establishment anarchist scum that kick up at any opportunity the can, regardless of who is in government. They get a lot more social justification for it under s conservative government, but hardly any of these people really care.
You can 'guarantee' that none of them are Labour supporters - how ?
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
They also said "the "vast majority" of protestors had taken part peacefully, but added that a "small minority" had been intent on causing disorder."
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
If Labour had got in, would Tory supporters have been launching protests up and down the country to the same extent?
No, but I guarantee you these weren't Labour supporters kicking off in London yesterday. These are the same opportunist, anti establishment anarchist scum that kick up at any opportunity the can, regardless of who is in government. They get a lot more social justification for it under s conservative government, but hardly any of these people really care.
This was carefully planned and involved all the usual Home Counties anarchists and pseudo revolutionaries egged on by the SWP ( whose banners were evident). I strongly suspect it would have taken place whoever had won since this motley alliance are as critical of Labour as they are the Conservatives.
Clearly anti democratic and breathtakingly insulting to the memory of all a generation to whom we all owe so much - Throw the book at them.
Lehman Brothers was Labours fault, as was Fannie Mac and Freddie Mae, as was the Greek, Icelandic and Irish economy, as were the rogue traders, as was those individuals who lived beyond their means then defaulted? It is way too late now anyway, but constantly blaming Labour for the global crash is not valid. The Conservatives raised VA T and froze public sector pay, raised the retirement age and changed pension rules, so people have had to pay for the global crash not the Labour crash. If the Conservatives are so good with money my measure is that person I have mentioned before, the 18 year old obliged to leave care, who works in the store room at Sainsburys in SE London, i expect the Conservatives to make that person a home owner or is able to get close. Fiiish said ages ago that you can save for a deposit by living with your parents, well for 10000 young people a year that is not an option. Maybe the Bullenden club would view such people as the drones whose place in life is to polish their silver and doss down in the stables. We have a new government here on Planet F*ck, and they need challenging every inch of the way, and if they're all that, they should welcome scrutiny. Perhaps we could start with the Housing Association right to buy promise coupled with their promise to build houses to replace them, a more important enterprise than European shenanigans I would've thought.
Sadie they are not normal people frustrated as hell they are anarchist and socialist activists, they don't subscribe to the laws of this land they want to be listened too as only they are right.
We just had an election a democracy a democratic way of deciding what the country want and who to do it, this is not a country that needs these filth costing us even more money that the same people want spent elsewhere
These are scumbag filth who achieved what they wanted
I agree that those demonstrators were not active Labour supporters and probably didn't vote in the election . Many of them would have demonstrated against Blair back in the day .
One of the myths that flies around here is about people on benefits supporting Labour . Having actually canvassed estates and tower blocks in Hainult in this election campaign and spoken to some people in this demographic I can tell you that in the main they are pretty apathetic and when they were voting actually Ukip was a more popular choice than Labour .
They are extreme left wing to the greatest degree. Anarchists. As far removed from the Labour vote as the extreme right wing racist party EDL are from the conservative voter.
First job getting rid of the human rights act I'd imagine.
2) Consider the State's use of agent provocateurs.
The Tories can expect dissent and are lining up more repressive measures, including water cannon, against those who dare to oppose them by taking direct action. The newspapers and TV newsrooms are offered emotive images that suit an agenda (e.g. graffiti on inappropriate places, such as statues and war memorials). Apoplectic, Colonel Trumpington-Bumpton contacts his MP, demanding the use CS gas, tazers, injunctions, ASBOs, water cannon, horse-whips, white noise and nerve-gas. And, hey presto.
Fucking scum protesting about fuck all de facing ww2 memories on VE day celebrations
Filth left wing scum
As you can imagine, I am absolutely thrilled at this appointment. Gove in charge of prisons? Ffs
Seventeen people have been arrested following clashes with police during an unplanned anti-austerity protest close to Downing Street, the Met police said.
Please let's not go down the road of judging everyone by the actions of a few scumbag wrong un's no matter how disgusting their actions.
Sadly I expect we will see a lot more protests in the months and years to come as the policies start kicking in.
Very good point.
I wish more of them protested when their left friends were wasting anD spending their way to oblivion, causing the need for such cuts
Scum who done that yesterday filth in the bottom of shoe
You're also assuming these protestors are ALL Labour whereas they are likely to be made up from wide range of organisations on the left, most if them way to the left of the average Labour voter I'd suggest.
Suggesting the scum kicking off yesterday are representative of Labour voters in any way is akin to saying all Tories support the racist scumbags who go to Luton/Bradford etc to stir up trouble.
Lets not try and see everything through the spectrum of Tory/Labour, I know that's difficult after the last couple of months of debate.
I'm not condoning their actions but some of them probably felt they had no choice.
Clearly anti democratic and breathtakingly insulting to the memory of all a generation to whom we all owe so much - Throw the book at them.
It is way too late now anyway, but constantly blaming Labour for the global crash is not valid. The Conservatives raised VA T and froze public sector pay, raised the retirement age and changed pension rules, so people have had to pay for the global crash not the Labour crash.
If the Conservatives are so good with money my measure is that person I have mentioned before, the 18 year old obliged to leave care, who works in the store room at Sainsburys in SE London, i expect the Conservatives to make that person a home owner or is able to get close. Fiiish said ages ago that you can save for a deposit by living with your parents, well for 10000 young people a year that is not an option.
Maybe the Bullenden club would view such people as the drones whose place in life is to polish their silver and doss down in the stables.
We have a new government here on Planet F*ck, and they need challenging every inch of the way, and if they're all that, they should welcome scrutiny. Perhaps we could start with the Housing Association right to buy promise coupled with their promise to build houses to replace them, a more important enterprise than European shenanigans I would've thought.
We just had an election a democracy a democratic way of deciding what the country want and who to do it, this is not a country that needs these filth costing us even more money that the same people want spent elsewhere
These are scumbag filth who achieved what they wanted
One of the myths that flies around here is about people on benefits supporting Labour . Having actually canvassed estates and tower blocks in Hainult in this election campaign and spoken to some people in this demographic I can tell you that in the main they are pretty apathetic and when they were voting actually Ukip was a more popular choice than Labour .