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General Election 2015 official thread



  • Nigel has for the first time alienated himself with his audience and his mask has slipped. Sturgeon has performed well but the clear winner tonight has been Ed Miliband. He's been well briefed, relaxed and looked in control. The others irrelevant.
  • Nigel has for the first time alienated himself with his audience and his mask has slipped. Sturgeon has performed well but the clear winner tonight has been Ed Miliband. He's been well briefed, relaxed and looked in control. The others irrelevant.

    brogib said:

    Nigel was doing relatively ok but attacking the audience is making him coming across like a right nobber.

    He's the only one not courting the 200-300 audience for applause
  • Nigel usually comes across well. Often charming and relaxed. Tonight he's looked very stressed. Attacked the audience and been put well and truly in his place. Looked quite a nasty piece of work tonight.
  • I'm reading all of these heated posts whilst listening to Peter Cetera 'glory of love' (karate kid) on the way back from the gym. It's quite surreal
  • Look like a case of being a lot more relaxed second time round for a lot of them.

    Interesting Milliband ruling out a coalition with SNP. Strange tactic at this stage. Must be sure Labour can get over the line with Lib Dem. unless some serious game playing is in play? Thoughts?
  • edited April 2015
    I don't think Labour will form a coalition with SNP but that's not to say that they won't cooperate when voting on individual policy. Ed will keep Trident. SNP wouldn't vote for that but hey who cares. The Tories will carry the vote.
  • edited April 2015
    Essential to do this. He knows the price the SNP would ask is one the country can't pay. The SNP will lose support if they made a Labour Govt fall that would then get replaced by a Tory one, and so Labour doesn't need a coalition with them and their silly demands. Another example of how press portrayal of Milliband is a hatchet job. He is not this useless fool they keep telling you, he is a very able, impressive politician.
  • edited April 2015
    brogib said:

    Nigel was doing relatively ok but attacking the audience is making him coming across like a right nobber.

    He's the only one not courting the 200-300 audience for applause
    Or maybe he's not nearly as popular as he thinks he is?

    We were told (shortly after Nigel Farage attacked the audience and the BBC for being "left-wing") that the audience was picked independently to accurately represent a cross-section of views of the voting public.
  • edited April 2015

    I will for the first time in my life be voting labour.

    As a parent of kids with special needs I have seen over the last few years most of the services that my kids use and need having the funding ripped out from under them, a lot of the grants and support they got from the labour government were considered unnecessary by our coalition. The other issue is the nhs, with my MIL currently about to die from cancer we have seen the failings of the nhs, not really the fault of the doctors and nursing staff but the fact the hospitals are over stretched and over worked she had to wait months between scans and appointments and chemo etc, this could have been the difference between life and death. I've seen more and more schools pushed into academies and good schools are losing their identities, teachers losing a lot of their benefits and schools performances going backwards. I have serious issues with social services and their inability to help in certain situations because their budget is too limited and they have to focus on some problems over others. I've seen my MIL struggling for years with a disability in an over priced private rented house because she was unable to get a council flat suitable because of the bedroom tax everyone decided to downsize at once. I've also seen hard working proud fathers in tears after having to use a food bank as their wages don't stretch quite far enough.

    I don't think immigration and the EU are should be highest on the priorities given the state of everything else.

    I have seen this too with my mother in law dying in hospital after a fall due to lack of care a couple of years ago. I spent a night in that hospital after her fall and promised myself I would never vote conservative. What I saw, nobody should see. I am somebody who would probably be a little worse off under Labour. I can take that if I live in a better country that cares that there are hundreds more foodbanks and the vicious further cuts to social payments without any detail, telling all who have ears to listen. These are cuts to the things that make a difference to disabled and poor working people. The Tories do not care about them and people who vote for them dont either. I worked hard for this and that blah, blah , blah. Lots of people work hard but some are not selfish greedy ********. Shamefully, some people put a few quid in their pockets (and that is all it would be for all but the ridiculously wealthy, who will still be ridiculously wealthy under Labour) above a country that cares about its people. Labour will cut the deficit. They have promised to do so. They will just ensure the burdens of doing so are met more fairly. And sensibly they have given themselves a little more time to do so.
    so did the tories at the last election... it's only been halved. How can we believe labour who borrowed and spent far beyond our means?
    ...around we go again.
    i don't know why you're labour cheerleading when i made a simple point that how can you trust a labour government that lied to us about iraq and were subsequently wrong about austerity putting us in a double dip recession? I also made the point that the tories pledged to cut the deficit and only cut it by half. Nothing in your link disputes what i said.

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  • brogib said:

    Nigel was doing relatively ok but attacking the audience is making him coming across like a right nobber.

    He's the only one not courting the 200-300 audience for applause
    Or maybe he's not nearly as popular as he thinks he is?

    We were told (shortly after Nigel Farage attacked the audience and the BBC for being "left-wing") that the audience was picked independently to accurately represent a cross-section of views of the voting public.
    Yeah I know mate, but my point still stands.
  • Nigel usually comes across well. Often charming and relaxed. Tonight he's looked very stressed. Attacked the audience and been put well and truly in his place. Looked quite a nasty piece of work tonight.

    Maybe he's getting the pox with the others twisting everything he says.
  • Nigel fucked up tonight. No doubt about that.
  • If there were no scroungers the Tories would invent them. They deflect from the cuts to proper people down on their luck, disabled, and those with other difficulties life has thrown at them. Those people could be any of us with a bit of bad luck! Why are these people being affected if it was just about targeting the scroungers!!!!!!!
  • brogib said:

    Nigel was doing relatively ok but attacking the audience is making him coming across like a right nobber.

    He's the only one not courting the 200-300 audience for applause
    Or maybe he's not nearly as popular as he thinks he is?

    We were told (shortly after Nigel Farage attacked the audience and the BBC for being "left-wing") that the audience was picked independently to accurately represent a cross-section of views of the voting public.
    To paraphrase the late Mandy Rice-Davies Dimbleby would say that wouldn't he?

    That said I agree attacking the audience was not Nige's finest hour.
  • Nigel fucked up tonight. No doubt about that.

    Language Timothy
  • Nigel fucked up tonight. No doubt about that.

    Amazing how we all see different things.

    What I can't understand with him though is when the others chuck at him that he is anti-immigrant, why doesn't he maximise the fact his wife is an immigrant? He could turn it about head and say he is the only one on the panel that loves migrants !
  • Nigel fucked up tonight. No doubt about that.

    Amazing how we all see different things.

    What I can't understand with him though is when the others chuck at him that he is anti-immigrant, why doesn't he maximise the fact his wife is an immigrant? He could turn it about head and say he is the only one on the panel that loves migrants !
    I've often thought he doesn't play on that enough too. Did you think Nige did ok AFKA ?

  • Can someone please explain how the coalition comes to be? Don't understand that at all

  • Nigel fucked up tonight. No doubt about that.

    Amazing how we all see different things.

    What I can't understand with him though is when the others chuck at him that he is anti-immigrant, why doesn't he maximise the fact his wife is an immigrant? He could turn it about head and say he is the only one on the panel that loves migrants !
    I find this all the time with him, he could capitalise on loads of stuff thrown at him, but he doesn't
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  • brogib said:

    Can someone please explain how the coalition comes to be? Don't understand that at all

    See my post on P36 mate
  • edited April 2015
    He is anti immigrant though. That is different from being racist. Having watched that and seen ex Tory Party Chairman Lord Ashcroft comment that Milliband did well, will be interesting to see if the Sun put him bottom of that lot tomorrow- well maybe not bottom as credibilty would be lost if Farage was not bottom afer a terrible performance. But Milliband and Sturgeon stood out and Milliband as the only person there who would have any chance of implementing the policies he had to discuss was very impressive. I think it was a great decision for him to appear on this. The papers can discredit themselves and give their rich owners away with every word, people will see them for what they are.
  • edited April 2015

    I will for the first time in my life be voting labour.

    As a parent of kids with special needs I have seen over the last few years most of the services that my kids use and need having the funding ripped out from under them, a lot of the grants and support they got from the labour government were considered unnecessary by our coalition. The other issue is the nhs, with my MIL currently about to die from cancer we have seen the failings of the nhs, not really the fault of the doctors and nursing staff but the fact the hospitals are over stretched and over worked she had to wait months between scans and appointments and chemo etc, this could have been the difference between life and death. I've seen more and more schools pushed into academies and good schools are losing their identities, teachers losing a lot of their benefits and schools performances going backwards. I have serious issues with social services and their inability to help in certain situations because their budget is too limited and they have to focus on some problems over others. I've seen my MIL struggling for years with a disability in an over priced private rented house because she was unable to get a council flat suitable because of the bedroom tax everyone decided to downsize at once. I've also seen hard working proud fathers in tears after having to use a food bank as their wages don't stretch quite far enough.

    I don't think immigration and the EU are should be highest on the priorities given the state of everything else.

    I have seen this too with my mother in law dying in hospital after a fall due to lack of care a couple of years ago. I spent a night in that hospital after her fall and promised myself I would never vote conservative. What I saw, nobody should see. I am somebody who would probably be a little worse off under Labour. I can take that if I live in a better country that cares that there are hundreds more foodbanks and the vicious further cuts to social payments without any detail, telling all who have ears to listen. These are cuts to the things that make a difference to disabled and poor working people. The Tories do not care about them and people who vote for them dont either. I worked hard for this and that blah, blah , blah. Lots of people work hard but some are not selfish greedy ********. Shamefully, some people put a few quid in their pockets (and that is all it would be for all but the ridiculously wealthy, who will still be ridiculously wealthy under Labour) above a country that cares about its people. Labour will cut the deficit. They have promised to do so. They will just ensure the burdens of doing so are met more fairly. And sensibly they have given themselves a little more time to do so.
    so did the tories at the last election... it's only been halved. How can we believe labour who borrowed and spent far beyond our means?
    ...around we go again.
    i don't know why you're labour cheerleading when i made a simple point that how can you trust a labour government that lied to us about iraq and were subsequently wrong about austerity putting us in a double dip recession? I also made the point that the tories pledged to cut the deficit and only cut it by half. Nothing in your link disputes what i said.

    What not even the bit that said, "Secondly, in 1997 Labour inherited a deficit of 3.9% of GDP (not a balanced budget ) and by 2008 it had fallen to 2.1% - a reduction of a near 50% - Impressive! Hence, it's implausible and ludicrous to claim there was overspending"?

    And he still even fails to mention the 4 years of budget surplus under Blairs first term.
  • If the largest party after a general election doesn't have an overall majority they form an alliance with another party to ensure that the sum of those two parties have a majority over all the others.
  • Great. We need to build more houses they all cried.

    You can't move around my way for people building f******* houses!!
  • You don't build more social housing, you pay private landlords more money in housing benefit. There is a clear economic argument to resolve this and the Tories are proposing a scheme that would ultimately decrease social housing!!!
  • Nigel fucked up tonight. No doubt about that.

    Amazing how we all see different things.

    What I can't understand with him though is when the others chuck at him that he is anti-immigrant, why doesn't he maximise the fact his wife is an immigrant? He could turn it about head and say he is the only one on the panel that loves migrants !
    I've often thought he doesn't play on that enough too. Did you think Nige did ok AFKA ?

    Didn't see all of it as trying to get a little to settle, but he is what he is. A caricature, who has seen a niche, and can talk with confidence. UKIP serves a purpose because immigration is a huge problem for a multitude of reasons, and with them gaining popularity in the last five years all of the other parties have changed their approach (even though they clearly don't want to) because they can see it is no longer a very right wing view but something that is appealing to a large section of the country.

    He is there to play the shock jock of politics as he knows there will be people at home it will appeal to the same way a wrestler creates fake rage with a wrestling audience.

  • edited April 2015

    Look like a case of being a lot more relaxed second time round for a lot of them.

    Interesting Milliband ruling out a coalition with SNP. Strange tactic at this stage. Must be sure Labour can get over the line with Lib Dem. unless some serious game playing is in play? Thoughts?

    I'd give Ed as much credibility with that pledge as I'd give Nick Clegg on tuition fees.

    If needed Ed will climb into bed with The Fishwife and the Welsh bint too.

    He knows people fear that so he is "promising" not to and pretending to care about the British Isles at the same time.
  • For a long time, I've thought EM a terrible leader, but he's been pretty good in the debates and in the campaign generally.

    Nigel seems to have lost his mojo. Sturgeon is a good speaker. Other two are student politician d.
  • I thought it was a big improvement for Natalie Bennett tonight, and I found myself saying 'I agree with her' on a lot of what she said. The idealistic aspirations were excellent, it is a question of the clash between idealism and reality for the Greens. I do suspect there will be people who will vote idealistically this election because they are disillusioned with conventional politics...and this goes for UKIP as well as the Greens.
    Farage blundered when he had a go at the audience, he looked fed up from the start when I thought he would be buoyed by the £1 million from the newspaper bloke. I wonder why I kind of like Sturgeon, yet don't trust her, maybe it is my antipathy towards nationalism, yet I continued to warm towards Leanne a nationalist herself.
    Milliband did very well I thought in as much as he has to argue with an empty chair as it were, but the debate with the other four was to enable him to frame the position of Labour pretty well.
    He said to Cameron to debate one on one, it won't happen in this format, but maybe the question time programme will be the key.
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