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England Cricket - Spring 2015 (matches against WI, IRE & NZ)



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    Agnew is interviewing Trott J on Radio5Sextra .. very interesting and insightful chat .. Trott comes across as a decent bloke
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    What a fantastic performance. Well done to all. What I thought was missing though was a bit of blocking. Why they left Gary the snail Ballance out of the one day squad I will never know.
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    Hmmm, looking forward to going to the Oval on Friday!
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    Hmmm, looking forward to going to the Oval on Friday!

    Me too!
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    edited June 2015

    Root's is the 3rd fastest ever 100 in ODI.

    Not having a dig at Ballance because he was simply the wrong man for the job but, given that Root bats at 3 for Yorkshire and Ballance at 5 in one day matches, it was true genius from Moores to have them in the opposite positions for the World Cup.

    Blimey AA, give Ballance a break man - you've even got to have a go at him when he's not playing !!
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    Agnew is interviewing Trott J on Radio5Sextra .. very interesting and insightful chat .. Trott comes across as a decent bloke

    Well, what did he say ??!!
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    Agnew is interviewing Trott J on Radio5Sextra .. very interesting and insightful chat .. Trott comes across as a decent bloke

    Well, what did he say ??!!
    check it out on iPlayer
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    Agnew is interviewing Trott J on Radio5Sextra .. very interesting and insightful chat .. Trott comes across as a decent bloke

    Well, what did he say ??!!
    check it out on iPlayer
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    i thought to myself when England got over 400, that NZ will either 1) Win or 2) lose by circa 200 runs.
    Honest !
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    Edgbaston is definately the best cricket ground ive ever been to for atmosphere - they really get vocal, and its more like a football crowd than cricket.
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    Oh, and England won by 210 runs.!
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    Wow, the first team gets a massive 400, with the bowling and fielding run ragged, the second team struggles to less than half that.

    The really shocking thing is that it's England getting the 400 and not NZ!
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    Thoroughly enjoyed that today.

    And pleased to see young Sam B with a run out.

    This could be the springboard for a better than usual summer of international cricket.
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    Shame we had to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer to work out that one day cricket needs hitters not blockers. Great that we have them. Whisper it quietly, but test team needs them too. Sorry to all you public school toff selectors who hark back to the old days but cricket has changed.
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    Shame we had to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer to work out that one day cricket needs hitters not blockers. Great that we have them. Whisper it quietly, but test team needs them too. Sorry to all you public school toff selectors who hark back to the old days but cricket has changed.

    I think at Test level you need a Ballance balance between the two (that one's for The President).
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    Hmmm, looking forward to going to the Oval on Friday!

    Thundery showers are forecast, I'm afraid.
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    Edgbaston is definately the best cricket ground ive ever been to for atmosphere - they really get vocal, and its more like a football crowd than cricket.

    That's what I think, which is why we're going up there for The Ashes Test.
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    Shame we had to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer to work out that one day cricket needs hitters not blockers. Great that we have them. Whisper it quietly, but test team needs them too. Sorry to all you public school toff selectors who hark back to the old days but cricket has changed.

    I think at Test level you need a Ballance balance between the two (that one's for The President).
    I think New Zealand are showing the way forward for England at test level.
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    Just watched the highlights. WOW!
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    Edgbaston is definately the best cricket ground ive ever been to for atmosphere - they really get vocal, and its more like a football crowd than cricket.

    That's what I think, which is why we're going up there for The Ashes Test.
    Yes, there's a great atmosphere there, especially from the Eric Hollies!
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    Edgbaston is definately the best cricket ground ive ever been to for atmosphere - they really get vocal, and its more like a football crowd than cricket.

    That's what I think, which is why we're going up there for The Ashes Test.
    Yes, there's a great atmosphere there, especially from the Eric Hollies!
    Bugger, we're opposite in The Raglan.
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    I thought Rashid was very good, surprised he hasnt been given a chance in the test team yet.

    We seem to have an exciting team, but we have to remember it is effectively a new team and they will fail every now and again.

    Buttler is a fantastic player. I would keep him as a wk in will only improve his keeping further, especially as batters move all over the place
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    Now, if only the England Test Team could score 400 in an innings a bit more regularly...
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    The days of Cook, Bell, Trott and Ballance at the top in an ODI are long gone!!
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    edited June 2015
    I'm starting to wish England had appointed Paul Farbrace as the England coach full time. I saw an interview with him recently where he was talking a lot of sense about how to coach and get the best out of international players.

    It was evident during the 1st test and 1st ODI that England seem to have a freedom, confidence, belief and enjoyment in their own game that I haven't seen for a long time, certainly never under Peter Moores!
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    Big_Bob said:

    The days of Cook, Bell, Trott and Ballance at the top in an ODI are long gone!!

    This is the fundamental difference in the team. Our current top eight are all capable of destroying an opposition bowling attack but can, if they really need to, dig in for a period of time.

    The aforementioned batsmen are experts at occupying the crease to the extent that they might get you a hundred in 50 overs but are unable to change gear to the extent that is required in the modern game. Which, inevitably, means that the side will always end up around the 250 mark when nowadays a minimum on a decent track has to be 320 plus.
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    And whist, indeed, this was the first match of a new era and it was one of a performance of some magnificence we do need to accept that we will fail at times playing this way. But because there is that intent, as supporters, we are far more accepting.

    Finally I hope that the clamour for the recall of KP is well and truly buried. We've proven that there are enough young players at there capable of playing the right way and in the same way that we've said goodbye to Cook, Bell and Ballance in ODIs we really need to do the same to KP.

    It's not that he isn't good enough because he probably still is. It's because these players need to grow as a unit together, without cliques, and with so many of them already knowing each other from county and young England squads that has to be the way forward.
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    what a breath of fresh air BMAC and NZ have been and still are !...they really have helped England come out of their conservative shell and play positive cricket ..there is some danger that people will turn on the telly/radio or even turn up to watch theses games now .Lots of positives from the last few weeks but adil rashid was a big big plus and i think Paul Farbrace deserves a tremendous amount of credit
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    i thought to myself when England got over 400, that NZ will either 1) Win or 2) lose by circa 200 runs.
    Honest !

    I thought to myself when England got over 400 that we would win by 210 runs. Amazing, I was spot on :smiley:
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    Edgbaston is definately the best cricket ground ive ever been to for atmosphere - they really get vocal, and its more like a football crowd than cricket.

    That's what I think, which is why we're going up there for The Ashes Test.
    Yes, there's a great atmosphere there, especially from the Eric Hollies!
    Bugger, we're opposite in The Raglan.
    You wouldn't be able to understand their Brummie accents anyway
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