I don't get it. I just wanted to answer the point that was being made. Chizz could have answered it too, if he wished. I was acknowledging that the point was made to him, and thus I was butting in a bit. Would have been ruder if I hadn't.
No, you made it your business to respond like you were batting away peasants.
Excellent description Gary, couldn't put my finger on it but that's exactly how it felt.
Now he's gone all sweary so I guess the thread might get dropped.
Self-righteous cyclists piss me off as much as they do you, pal!
Think of me as one of the irritating people off the telly who clog up all the news debates with even-handedness.
Your version of even handedness seems pretty one sided though. He could have been asked to take off the flag under incitement. It's even handed to react to all anti social behaviour the same way - as such stooping the act or actor from adversely affecting society.
What you are singularly failing to see (or probably can see, but are enjoying taking a contrary for the sake of it - perhaps because you feel educationally superior to others) is that mocking/ridiculing/ignoring this phenomena is perhaps the most dangerous thing we can do. This is an apocalyptic movement, it doesn't stop until the world ends.
Although with comments like 'I'll take this'...I'm probably wasting my time trying to engage.
It is a very dangerous movement and I'm sure NATO is coming up with twenty strategies a minute to quell it.
I'm simply talking about this individual case.
You can't see how showing support for this organisation and incitement are linked then? You think support for Isis in this case is isolated? You haven't made any links to anything other than this isolated case on this thread?
Up for debate, unless challenged then. Shame.
Banning the flag at this point is premature, in my position. There is a debate to be had and I'm presenting my side. Let's see how it plays. Let's see if more flags get waved.
I don't get it. I just wanted to answer the point that was being made. Chizz could have answered it too, if he wished. I was acknowledging that the point was made to him, and thus I was butting in a bit. Would have been ruder if I hadn't.
No, you made it your business to respond like you were batting away peasants.
Much more of the hysterical Islamophobia and I might start actually doing this
Self-righteous cyclists piss me off as much as they do you, pal!
Think of me as one of the irritating people off the telly who clog up all the news debates with even-handedness.
Your version of even handedness seems pretty one sided though. He could have been asked to take off the flag under incitement. It's even handed to react to all anti social behaviour the same way - as such stooping the act or actor from adversely affecting society.
What you are singularly failing to see (or probably can see, but are enjoying taking a contrary for the sake of it - perhaps because you feel educationally superior to others) is that mocking/ridiculing/ignoring this phenomena is perhaps the most dangerous thing we can do. This is an apocalyptic movement, it doesn't stop until the world ends.
Although with comments like 'I'll take this'...I'm probably wasting my time trying to engage.
It is a very dangerous movement and I'm sure NATO is coming up with twenty strategies a minute to quell it.
I'm simply talking about this individual case.
You can't see how showing support for this organisation and incitement are linked then? You think support for Isis in this case is isolated? You haven't made any links to anything other than this isolated case on this thread?
Up for debate, unless challenged then. Shame.
Banning the flag at this point is premature, in my position. There is a debate to be had and I'm presenting my side. Let's see how it plays. Let's see if more flags get waved.
I think I agree that the flag shouldn't be banned. You don't need to if you punish those using it to incite or scare people.
Self-righteous cyclists piss me off as much as they do you, pal!
Think of me as one of the irritating people off the telly who clog up all the news debates with even-handedness.
Your version of even handedness seems pretty one sided though. He could have been asked to take off the flag under incitement. It's even handed to react to all anti social behaviour the same way - as such stooping the act or actor from adversely affecting society.
What you are singularly failing to see (or probably can see, but are enjoying taking a contrary for the sake of it - perhaps because you feel educationally superior to others) is that mocking/ridiculing/ignoring this phenomena is perhaps the most dangerous thing we can do. This is an apocalyptic movement, it doesn't stop until the world ends.
Although with comments like 'I'll take this'...I'm probably wasting my time trying to engage.
It is a very dangerous movement and I'm sure NATO is coming up with twenty strategies a minute to quell it.
I'm simply talking about this individual case.
You can't see how showing support for this organisation and incitement are linked then? You think support for Isis in this case is isolated? You haven't made any links to anything other than this isolated case on this thread?
Up for debate, unless challenged then. Shame.
Banning the flag at this point is premature, in my position. There is a debate to be had and I'm presenting my side. Let's see how it plays. Let's see if more flags get waved.
I think I agree that the flag shouldn't be banned. You don't need to if you punish those using it to incite or scare people.
Well exactly. It's a red flag, if you will. "INVESTIGATE ME"
"Hysterical Islamaphobia". I don't think so. A cowardly bloke with an Isis flag in our Capital city which the majority on here think ought to have been arrested for incitement is not an hysterical reaction. We can't take the law into our own hands, so we have to rely on the police to do something. We know what the group stands for and it is inflammatory to use the very freedom this country provides to say he doesn't like it. I wonder what impression it made on the many tourists in that area. I don't get why the piece of scum doesn't go to the land that promises beheadings, stoning women to death and throwing homosexuals off of cliffs. Sounds idyllic.
Doesn't help the public feel safer though does it?
Leuth thinks anyone that wouldn't feel safe around an ISIS flag is an idiot, so I think you're wasting your time.
In the UK, we permit expression. We also keep a record of who said what. I can understand feeling uneasy around an ISIS flag, and yet I'd like to think people would be reassured that whoever carried it would face the consequences - it is a black mark on any record.
I'm not fucking defending the silly billy for fuck's sake, read my posts
Why on earth would someone flag this? How prissy can you get?
A heated debate is going on and the language is getting a bit salty. If you are really offended by this you should keep away from internet forums altogether!
So, that flag doesn't bother you,@Leuth , but Islamophobia does. What about Christianophobia?
What is so precious about Islam and Muslims that people like you wanna defend so much, when most other religions are fair game?
I have spoken up on this very website against Dawkins-quoting smug atheism, my dear Rob - religion is apt for mockery but to outright deny and attack somebody for their spiritual beliefs, or tar everyone of a faith with one brush, is awful
Doesn't help the public feel safer though does it?
Leuth thinks anyone that wouldn't feel safe around an ISIS flag is an idiot, so I think you're wasting your time.
In the UK, we permit expression. We also keep a record of who said what. I can understand feeling uneasy around an ISIS flag, and yet I'd like to think people would be reassured that whoever carried it would face the consequences - it is a black mark on any record.
What consquence? Because we're talking about freaks that cut peoples heads off here and I don't think an ASBO will mean a lot to em some how
Doesn't help the public feel safer though does it?
Leuth thinks anyone that wouldn't feel safe around an ISIS flag is an idiot, so I think you're wasting your time.
In the UK, we permit expression. We also keep a record of who said what. I can understand feeling uneasy around an ISIS flag, and yet I'd like to think people would be reassured that whoever carried it would face the consequences - it is a black mark on any record.
I'm not fucking defending the silly billy for fuck's sake, read my posts
Why on earth would someone flag this? How prissy can you get?
A heated debate is going on and the language is getting a bit salty. If you are really offended by this you should keep away from internet forums altogether!
You've seen the edited version.
How anyone can claim the bloke shouldn't have been arrested is beyond me and to claim only stupid people would feel threatened by such a sight is a next level of stupidity.
These people don't work with the same rules we do, having a child on his shoulder could have meant nothing to him.
His actions and his support for the actions of IS make him scum, 100% scum. We come from the greatest city in the world, where people should be free to walk down the street without vermin like him making anyone feel uncomfortable. Lock him up, throw away the key.
What I've learnt from this thread: Chizz and Leuth are both terrorist sympathisers. Probably the type of people that cycle their bike to work with a camera on top and submit videos to pages like 'britains dangerous drivers' but then at the same time run red lights and blame everyone else.
Also did someone really try to challenge my old man on world war knowledge Ffs stop the world I want to get off
Can I encourage you to rescind that ridiculous comment?
Doesn't help the public feel safer though does it?
Leuth thinks anyone that wouldn't feel safe around an ISIS flag is an idiot, so I think you're wasting your time.
In the UK, we permit expression. We also keep a record of who said what. I can understand feeling uneasy around an ISIS flag, and yet I'd like to think people would be reassured that whoever carried it would face the consequences - it is a black mark on any record.
I'm not fucking defending the silly billy for fuck's sake, read my posts
Why on earth would someone flag this? How prissy can you get?
A heated debate is going on and the language is getting a bit salty. If you are really offended by this you should keep away from internet forums altogether!
You've seen the edited version.
How anyone can claim the bloke shouldn't have been arrested is beyond me and to claim only stupid people would feel threatened by such a sight is a next level of stupidity.
These people don't work with the same rules he did, having a child on his shoulder could have meant nothing to him.
The bit about people not knowing the ISIS flag was petulant and I'm sorry for saying it, although the flag's design isn't what I'd call iconic...yet
Doesn't help the public feel safer though does it?
Leuth thinks anyone that wouldn't feel safe around an ISIS flag is an idiot, so I think you're wasting your time.
In the UK, we permit expression. We also keep a record of who said what. I can understand feeling uneasy around an ISIS flag, and yet I'd like to think people would be reassured that whoever carried it would face the consequences - it is a black mark on any record.
Why on earth would you want to ban something that outs counter-terrorism targets to the police?
This is the sub-text of my view. If you are moronic enough to have jihaddist views, *and* you are moronic enough to advertise them to the public, the police and counter-terrorists by waving a flag to declare your support, you become pretty easy to neutralise.
Very one dimensional way of thinking. Yep we can monitor the bloke now (which more than likely we were already doing) but who gives a fuck about the hundreds of people he's worried/intimidated by walking through the countries capital with an IS flag wrapped around him.
Why on earth would you want to ban something that outs counter-terrorism targets to the police?
This is the sub-text of my view. If you are moronic enough to have jihaddist views, *and* you are moronic enough to advertise them to the public, the police and counter-terrorists by waving a flag to declare your support, you become pretty easy to neutralise.
Very one dimensional way of thinking. Yep we can monitor the bloke now (which more than likely we were already doing) but who gives a fuck about the hundreds of people he's worried/intimidated by walking through the countries capital with an IS flag wrapped around him.
Don't worry; most of the people who'd be intimidated by a lone idiot like that probably wouldn't be able to identify the ISIS flag
Whilst we are on the subject of flags, I think the abuse flag on here looks a bit too ISISy. Can we get its colour changed to red or blue or some other colour?
I have just read through this and literally cannot believe some of the tripe being banded around. I've tried to stay off this thread because it is very emotive for me.
All I know is a mate of mine was blown to pieces by people who this person with the flag was supporting. Blown to pieces on his way to work. He left behind his mum, disabled sister and fiancee. He'd been on this earth 30 years.
If the two trolls on this thread can't see how what the prick waving the flag was doing is at best offensive and at worst criminal (according to the Public Order Act) and feel we should just mock him or ignore it and hope it goes away I dispair.
Next time I see my friends mum and sister and his mum breaks down when she tells me how upset she was that the police allowed this guy to continue his support for the people who took her son away, I'll be sure to let her know that the best way to deal with it is to ignore it or parody the blokes flag. Or perhaps I should direct her to the trolls on this thread.
I have just read through this and literally cannot believe some of the tripe being banded around. I've tried to stay off this thread because it is very emotive for me.
All I know is a mate of mine was blown to pieces by people who this person with the flag was supporting. Blown to pieces on his way to work. He left behind his mum, disabled sister and fiancee. He'd been on this earth 30 years.
If the two trolls on this thread can't see how what the prick waving the flag was doing is at best offensive and at worst criminal (according to the Public Order Act) and feel we should just mock him or ignore it and hope it goes away I dispair.
Next time I see my friends mum and sister and his mum breaks down when she tells me how upset she was that the police allowed this guy to continue his support for the people who took her son away, I'll be sure to let her know that the best way to deal with it is to ignore it or parody the blokes flag. Or perhaps I should direct her to the trolls on this thread.
Jesus wept.
I'm not sure that they are trolling, but genuinely offering a different opinion on the one given example of a ISIS flag being worn through London.
Theoretically no different to a skinhead walking round with a millwall flag draped over him.
P.S not trying to trivialise things, and sorry for your loss.
I have just read through this and literally cannot believe some of the tripe being banded around. I've tried to stay off this thread because it is very emotive for me.
All I know is a mate of mine was blown to pieces by people who this person with the flag was supporting. Blown to pieces on his way to work. He left behind his mum, disabled sister and fiancee. He'd been on this earth 30 years.
If the two trolls on this thread can't see how what the prick waving the flag was doing is at best offensive and at worst criminal (according to the Public Order Act) and feel we should just mock him or ignore it and hope it goes away I dispair.
Next time I see my friends mum and sister and his mum breaks down when she tells me how upset she was that the police allowed this guy to continue his support for the people who took her son away, I'll be sure to let her know that the best way to deal with it is to ignore it or parody the blokes flag. Or perhaps I should direct her to the trolls on this thread.
Jesus wept.
I'm not sure that they are trolling, but genuinely offering a different opinion on the one given example of a ISIS flag being worn through London.
Theoretically no different to a skinhead walking round with a millwall flag draped over him.
Now he's gone all sweary so I guess the thread might get dropped.
; )
A cowardly bloke with an Isis flag in our Capital city which the majority on here think ought to have been arrested for incitement is not an hysterical reaction.
We can't take the law into our own hands, so we have to rely on the police to do something.
We know what the group stands for and it is inflammatory to use the very freedom this country provides to say he doesn't like it. I wonder what impression it made on the many tourists in that area.
I don't get why the piece of scum doesn't go to the land that promises beheadings, stoning women to death and throwing homosexuals off of cliffs. Sounds idyllic.
What is so precious about Islam and Muslims that people like you wanna defend so much, when most other religions are fair game?
A heated debate is going on and the language is getting a bit salty. If you are really offended by this you should keep away from internet forums altogether!
How anyone can claim the bloke shouldn't have been arrested is beyond me and to claim only stupid people would feel threatened by such a sight is a next level of stupidity.
These people don't work with the same rules we do, having a child on his shoulder could have meant nothing to him.
His actions and his support for the actions of IS make him scum, 100% scum. We come from the greatest city in the world, where people should be free to walk down the street without vermin like him making anyone feel uncomfortable. Lock him up, throw away the key.
All I know is a mate of mine was blown to pieces by people who this person with the flag was supporting. Blown to pieces on his way to work. He left behind his mum, disabled sister and fiancee. He'd been on this earth 30 years.
If the two trolls on this thread can't see how what the prick waving the flag was doing is at best offensive and at worst criminal (according to the Public Order Act) and feel we should just mock him or ignore it and hope it goes away I dispair.
Next time I see my friends mum and sister and his mum breaks down when she tells me how upset she was that the police allowed this guy to continue his support for the people who took her son away, I'll be sure to let her know that the best way to deal with it is to ignore it or parody the blokes flag. Or perhaps I should direct her to the trolls on this thread.
Jesus wept.
Theoretically no different to a skinhead walking round with a millwall flag draped over him.
P.S not trying to trivialise things, and sorry for your loss.