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Reinstate Foxing Hunting or keep the ban?



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    mmmmmmm...cock pits.

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    Christ, are the savages and barbarians bringing this out again.

    NO to reinstatement.

    Fucking sub human race!
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    edited May 2017
    The problem here isn't foxes, it's my neighbours who leave their binbags out to be savaged by foxes.
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    Dazzler21 said:

    Regarding the diseases, this is from Web MD

    Do foxes routinely attack humans?

    No, foxes are usually wary of people and run away to avoid adults and children. They can learn to trust people who are not causing them harm and may appear quite bold - but this is unlikely to be a sign of aggression.

    Do foxes carry disease?

    Yes, although in the UK there is little or no danger of contracting disease from foxes. Although they can carry the same diseases as domestic dogs it is rare for a fox to transmit disease to humans.

    What diseases do foxes have?

    Foxes have a variety of fleas and ticks and carry some diseases, including:


    The the most common disease they can transmit is toxocariasis from the roundworm (Toxocara canis). The worms produce eggs which are then released in the faeces of infected animals and contaminate soil.

    You are more likely to catch toxocariasis from cat or dog faeces than fox. In extreme cases it can lead to blindness which is why in recent years dog owners have been encouraged to use poop-a-scoops. It has been reported in people of all ages but it usually affects children aged between one and four who are most at risk because their play habits make them more likely to come into contact with contaminated soil.

    It's therefore important to make sure fox faeces is removed as soon as possible and that children wash their hands after playing outdoors and before they eat.

    Treatment for toxocariasis involves taking medication to kill the parasites and occasionally laser treatment to kill larvae in the eye. Most people will quickly make a full recovery and won't experience any long-term complications.


    It is possible to get mange from foxes but the risk is very low, as direct contact is the most likely source of infection.
    The fox strain of mange (Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis) can be transmitted to humans but cannot persist, so people infected develop a rash that naturally resolves in a few weeks. The chances of infection increase with the degree of contact so it is not advisable to handle mangy foxes without protection.

    Fox bites

    A fox bite is painful but offers less potential for infection than a domestic cat bite or scratch. Unless you are a wildlife rescuer fox bites are rare. However, it is always wise to seek antibiotic treatment for any animal bite, plus vaccination against tetanus.

    How can we protect ourselves from foxes?

    I think i'd be more concerned about cats and dogs.
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    Don't agree with it but if they catch the f****r who shat on my newly laid artificial grass in the front garden I won't be too sad.
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    I wonder if this next government will have the lowest votes in the capital to seats won ratio ever.
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    edited May 2017
    Pwr - hopefully footage of that Tory councillor propositioning a hunt sab will emerge to show them for what they are :)
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    razil said:

    Pwr - hopefully footage of that Tory councillor propositioning a hunt sab will emerge to show them for what they are :)
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    I thought 99% of Charlton fans were all for Fox hunting, he certainly got enough stick when he was with us anyway :wink:

    I'm no activist or such like, but I can see no reason to bring back fox hunting as it was, basically a pack of dogs chasing a wild animal and then ripping it apart and killing it.

    That said I'm all for culling their numbers, sick to death of the family of about 8 that next door but one feed with a couple of whole chickens every day, they've become so tame they'll come in the house if I leave the door open.
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    Hunting barbaric

    controlling fox population ..has to be done
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    I hate the idea of torturing animals in the name of sport.

    It isn't a class issue, I know plenty of working class people who support and take part in Fox hunting.

    It isn't a townie v bumpkin thing as lots of rural people oppose hunting. It just isn't a good idea to make your views too obvious. There are townies who go out to the country to join in. In fact when I lived in se london I had to see off some lads who came on to private land to dig out a foxes earth.

    It definitely ain't about vermin control or the huntsmen wouldn't encourage foxes on to land to train their dogs to rip the pups apart and give the hunt some quarry.

    If foxes are causing specific issues, which they certainly can, then deal with it humainly.

    It's a sick past time that cannot be tolorated in a society that calls itself civilised.

    Forelock tugging like that is part of the class system.

    Some people still believe that fawning over the Lord of the Manor will get them somewhere in life.

    Everything else in your post is spot on, especially the last line
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    Don't agree with it but if they catch the f****r who shat on my newly laid artificial grass in the front garden I won't be too sad.

    Teach you for having astro on your front lawn :lol:
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    Rob7Lee said:

    I thought 99% of Charlton fans were all for Fox hunting, he certainly got enough stick when he was with us anyway :wink:

    I'm no activist or such like, but I can see no reason to bring back fox hunting as it was, basically a pack of dogs chasing a wild animal and then ripping it apart and killing it.

    That said I'm all for culling their numbers, sick to death of the family of about 8 that next door but one feed with a couple of whole chickens every day, they've become so tame they'll come in the house if I leave the door open.

    Cull the family, next door but one.
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    For fox hunting against deer is a noble creature, the other anything but!
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    Deer aren't torn apart by dogs at the end of a deer hunt.
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    buckshee said:

    It's always shocking how many people that live in London care about the killing of vermin.

    If it was a ban on killing rats, I imagine opinions would be very different.

    I think it's more about the way it's done mate. If there needs to be some kind of cull then a more humane way is fine but chasing it all over the country to be killed by a pack of dogs is a bit barbaric no?

    It is, I agree, however I'm not sure we need to make such a huge deal out of this, our country has other, imo, bigger issues we could be focusing our energies on.
    Don't tell us Stu, tell the PM, she seems to think it's important...
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    I would rather hunt the hooray henries in red coats than hunt the fox

    Where do I sign up?
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    Barbric,ritialistic shit. Same as the dickheads that hunt lions,tigers and any other wild animal.If you want to prove that you are a warrior get in the octagon or the boxing ring.
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    edited May 2017

    I would rather hunt henry in a red cardie than hunt the fox

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    "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi.
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    edited May 2017

    I hate the idea of torturing animals in the name of sport.

    It isn't a class issue, I know plenty of working class people who support and take part in Fox hunting.

    It isn't a townie v bumpkin thing as lots of rural people oppose hunting. It just isn't a good idea to make your views too obvious. There are townies who go out to the country to join in. In fact when I lived in se london I had to see off some lads who came on to private land to dig out a foxes earth.

    It definitely ain't about vermin control or the huntsmen wouldn't encourage foxes on to land to train their dogs to rip the pups apart and give the hunt some quarry.

    If foxes are causing specific issues, which they certainly can, then deal with it humainly.

    It's a sick past time that cannot be tolorated in a society that calls itself civilised.

    Forelock tugging like that is part of the class system.

    Some people still believe that fawning over the Lord of the Manor will get them somewhere in life.

    Everything else in your post is spot on, especially the last line
    How utterly ridiculous, nowadays it's far more likely to be the exact opposite.
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    Don't agree with it but if they catch the f****r who shat on my newly laid artificial grass in the front garden I won't be too sad.

    Sorry but there was no way I was making it back to mine in time last night so had to stop off somewhere!!
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    ...the next thing these dogooders will want is to ban bull fighting. I mean, what is wrong with that.....?

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    This thread is fucking excellent...
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