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Olympic Stadium - Please sign the NEW PETITION



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    But going south of the river ? I'm not sure I could feel at ease there.

    Do you drive a black cab?
    He used to, he's mostly on his pushbike now :wink:
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    Slowed right down (but don't worry the Coalition has Plans :-))

    Anyoen who can sign in the next hour may well be the person who takes it past 20,000..
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    Slowed right down (but don't worry the Coalition has Plans :-))

    Anyoen who can sign in the next hour may well be the person who takes it past 20,000..

    Probably 20,000 people watching the numbers right now and holding off until it hits 19,999 before they dive in and sign... It will probably wizz past 20,000 when it gets to that point...
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    Slowed right down (but don't worry the Coalition has Plans :-))

    Anyoen who can sign in the next hour may well be the person who takes it past 20,000..

    Probably 20,000 people watching the numbers right now and holding off until it hits 19,999 before they dive in and sign... It will probably wizz past 20,000 when it gets to that point...
    19,816 - ain't gonna be long now :smile:
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    If the freebie tickets being given to LB Newham are effectively being paid for by the taxpayer does that mean anybody in Newham who receives a free ticket will have to declare it as a benefit and have any other benefit or vouchers they receive reduced accordingly ?
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    edited August 2015
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    I did some reading today and caught myself back up with the LLDC response to the EC investigation of unfair state aid. A lot of information is withheld, but there are some corkers.

    In response to someone questioning the provision of goalposts etc, that's there in black and white.

    It's also noteworthy that the LLDC state that stadium is being transformed so that it is 'multi-use' - but of course the primary use is football (that even trumps athletics). So the primary aim of the transformation is to deliver a football stadium that meets Premier League and European criteria. Anything over and above that is specifications specifically for West Ham.

    West Ham actually have 75 days use in the contract: 25 event days, plus a day either side for preparation and break down. Of course the football mode of the stadium takes at least a week to undo, so it's multi-use provided football mode works for the user. Well, 75 days is 20% of the available event days. One might think it reasonable that West Ham's contribution to the conversion is at least 20%, plus any specifications they require - it's actually just 5%.

    One thing they haven't mentioned is that in addition to the event day use, WHU rent 12,000 sq ft of office and retail space, estimated worth around £200k.
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    Serious stuff at nearly midnight when we won in the 98th minute, @rikofold. Admire your dedication!
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    It was a long drive home... :-D
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    EastStand said:

    West Ham fans appear to be a bunch of c£*!s.

    TelMc32 said:

    shirty5 said:
    Thanks. I assumed it was a fan piece, as I didn't think even The Standard would have a reporter with such a poor grasp of grammar and punctuation!!
    Take that tongue out of your cheek Tel. :-)
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    Serious stuff at nearly midnight when we won in the 98th minute, @rikofold. Admire your dedication!

    You should see the full version!
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    Just made it into the top ten
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    The media counter-attack, which we have been expecting, is here.

    We are on the case, but it would be very useful to find out how it reads to people. What are the strongest points she makes in your opinions?

    @rikofold says Samuels is a Hammer, do other people know this? can anyone perhaps locate evidence of WHU's recent promotional activity for tickets to the Boleyn. There was even a Hammer on the BBC doc saying they cannot sell out the Boleyn, anyone got anything that can show evidence of that?


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    Samuel is indeed a Hammer. Thanks, @rikofold!
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    Brady: "Of all the Club's that could represent Britain, I think West Ham is that club."

    What in earth does she mean by this?

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    Samuels closing line "you might even conclude your money is in rather good hands." Referring to the negotiating and business skills of Brady
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    Brady: "Of all the Club's that could represent Britain, I think West Ham is that club."

    What in earth does she mean by this?

    They won the World Cup.
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    If the freebie tickets being given to LB Newham are effectively being paid for by the taxpayer does that mean anybody in Newham who receives a free ticket will have to declare it as a benefit and have any other benefit or vouchers they receive reduced accordingly ?

    Or presumably, if the recipients of the tickets should just happen to be council employees, (of course, that wouldn't happen would it?) they will have to include the value of the ticket on their tax returns as a "benefit in kind" and pay tax on the notional value.
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    ‘I don’t think we’re fleecing British taxpayers because we’re taxpayers, too.

    A sentence completely devoid of meaning or logic but which sounds convincing for a few seconds.

    Mind you, a lot of what she is saying is that she got a good deal for West Ham. We've never disputed that, nor that it was her job to do just that. The more that she / they can present the protest as anti West Ham the stronger ground they are on.
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    This is an odd thing for here to say: ‘Now the stadium is nearly finished, everyone recognises what is here and says it’s a steal. But it wasn’t a steal when we were doing the negotiations, because where was the queue of rival buyers?'

    For a start it overlooks that fact that there were 16 interested parties, four of which made bids. Then she seems to suggest that that the negotiations would have been easier if they'd had more competition. It looks to me as if she is talking out of her red-benched derrière.
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    To be honest I think Gold, Sullivan and Brady along with the responsible officials in Coe and Boris have enough friends in high places to make sure this is yet another official whitewash. I'm not at all hopeful of anything coming out of the sterling efforts other than a bit of huff and puff before is consigned to yesterday's news.
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    Prague, I think the strongest argument she makes is that they were willing to buy the ground and take on associated costs (mention of £200m) but the LLDC reneged on that deal. I'm not sure what the background is to that, but it seems to go along with the West Ham fans' argument that if they have got a good deal, then Daniel Levy and Barry Hearn are to blame.

    The other point she makes, and I don't think this will play out as strong in the media as it probably should, is that they are losing out on commercial revenues on non-match days. I think it's possible or even likely that they get a slice of the profit somehow.

    They might also get some traction out of the suggestion that if their deal was made public, it would harm the LLDC in future negotiations on use of the ground. I think that's a crap argument, but it might still work. It would then allow both the LLDC and WHU to say they're only keeping it confidential to protect the other's business interests.

    It's really disappointing to see the underlying "weak woman" pleading from a leading woman in business.

    I didn't realise they were still going ahead with the claret and blue seats (who pays? let me guess...) and I see she's getting the case in early for expanding the capacity of the OS (again, I wonder who would pay).
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    edited August 2015

    The media counter-attack, which we have been expecting, is here.

    We are on the case, but it would be very useful to find out how it reads to people. What are the strongest points she makes in your opinions?

    @rikofold says Samuels is a Hammer, do other people know this? can anyone perhaps locate evidence of WHU's recent promotional activity for tickets to the Boleyn. There was even a Hammer on the BBC doc saying they cannot sell out the Boleyn, anyone got anything that can show evidence of that?


    Re attendances @PragueAddick from WHam's financials, I'd suggest they are pretty close to selling out, perhaps away numbers keeping them below a full house. Official capacity is 35,016

    Edited to add operational profit/loss figures, which I thought useful.

    2013/14 34,007 (profit £32.3m)
    2012/13 34,770 (profit £16.7m)
    2011/12 30,800 (loss £9m Championship season)
    2010/11 32,800 (profit £8.4m)
    2009/10 33,100 (profit £1.4m)
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    I find it funny that Seb Coe was so insistent that the stadium remained an athletics Stadium but seems to now have gone quite quiet on the hole thing, I suppose that cushty new job as the chief of the IAAF helps him forget
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    edited August 2015
    IA said:

    Prague, I think the strongest argument she makes is that they were willing to buy the ground and take on associated costs (mention of £200m) but the LLDC reneged on that deal. I'm not sure what the background is to that, but it seems to go along with the West Ham fans' argument that if they have got a good deal, then Daniel Levy and Barry Hearn are to blame.

    The other point she makes, and I don't think this will play out as strong in the media as it probably should, is that they are losing out on commercial revenues on non-match days. I think it's possible or even likely that they get a slice of the profit somehow.

    They might also get some traction out of the suggestion that if their deal was made public, it would harm the LLDC in future negotiations on use of the ground. I think that's a crap argument, but it might still work. It would then allow both the LLDC and WHU to say they're only keeping it confidential to protect the other's business interests.

    It's really disappointing to see the underlying "weak woman" pleading from a leading woman in business.

    I didn't realise they were still going ahead with the claret and blue seats (who pays? let me guess...) and I see she's getting the case in early for expanding the capacity of the OS (again, I wonder who would pay).

    Thanks everybody, your comments are very helpful.

    Re the above, thanks IA. Her first point is an odd one. She knows perfectly well that the EC told the LLDC that such a deal would break State Aid rules because it would have clearly and directly supported West Ham's balance sheet. The LLDC did not 'renege' yet she seeks to disingenuously blame them now. Cracks in their coalition?

    The second point we can and will slaughter. They keep 100% of the corporate and the capacity for that is massive. The sale of burgers is nothing compared with that. Anyway they do get a share, and none of the risk or management hassle of providing it.

    Third point appears plausible to some, we need to work hard on a form of words to show that again its a bogus argument.

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