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Olympic Stadium - Please sign the NEW PETITION



  • Done 13,208
  • cafc999 said:

    @prague there is a document linked at the bottom of the page, have you seen this..??

    LB Newham's 40/45 million is repayable from the OS' annual operating surplus. And if the stadium makes a loss ??
  • I still don't know what the final outcome is that will make people happy

    If I was a hamster I'd be happy

    If I was a hamster I wouldnt care a rats arse about all this fuss,

    If I was a dirty politician bstd up to my neck in it I still wouldn't care as it's not going to get anywhere as it will be too hidden under that black stuff on the document

  • Some of the people on here who's second club seems to be West Ham must be biting their lips.
  • Does anyone actually believe that the hamsters will have to renegotiate
  • cafc999 said:

    @prague there is a document linked at the bottom of the page, have you seen this..??

    Sure, he has been brandishing it around various sites, but he clearly reads only the bits he thinks are supportive, and doesn't want to hear the other shit we have uncovered. If you think there is stuff there that is new, and weakens our case, let me know and I'll happily respond.
  • Does anyone actually believe that the hamsters will have to renegotiate

    Yes. Me. But you knew that already. If you are really interested, I'll explain why and how.
  • Does anyone actually believe that the hamsters will have to renegotiate

    Oh I'm sure even if we're amazingly allowed to see an underacted copy of the agreement that we're paying for they'll be able to keep their deal, might cost them a wee bit though...
  • Does anyone actually believe that the hamsters will have to renegotiate

    I'm beginning to believe so, yes
  • Does anyone actually believe that the hamsters will have to renegotiate

    I don't but I did sign the petition. I very much doubt there was anything wrong with the way the deal with West Ham was negotiated per se but I would be delighted to learn who shoulders the blame for hobbling the negotiations by insisting that the OS should remain as an athletics stadium. I assume Saint Coe was a prime mover in that respect.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Done 14260
  • Just being mentioned in BBC News
  • Opening news item on ITN London news.
  • Yes, plse include Coe, Jowell, Livingstone, Johnson, Hearn and Levy in your enquiry too, if anyone is responsible for costing the taxpayers millions upon millions it's them. They kept the OS from being converted at a reasonable price post Olympics and also prevented the OS from being sold altogether.
  • cafc999 said:

    @prague there is a document linked at the bottom of the page, have you seen this..??

    Sure, he has been brandishing it around various sites, but he clearly reads only the bits he thinks are supportive, and doesn't want to hear the other shit we have uncovered. If you think there is stuff there that is new, and weakens our case, let me know and I'll happily respond.
    @prague, I didn't know if you had seen it or not.

    Like you, I read it and thought that it only contained some minor points and not all of the other stuff that has recently come to life.
  • edited August 2015

    Does anyone actually believe that the hamsters will have to renegotiate

    Yes. Me. But you knew that already. If you are really interested, I'll explain why and how.
    PA, I am very interested!

    I'm not being sarcastic and I don't expect you to go to a lot of trouble but as happy as it would make me for them to have to pay what is fair and proper I can't, personally, believe it will happen.

    If you believe differently I would be very pleased to have you explain why.

    Oh, and I really, really, really, hope you are right.
  • I've noticed two things in that that look a bit off to me. Don't think either would help on state aid but possibly on competence.


    "The community running track will provide day-to-day sports development opportunities for local people throughout the year"

    Is this the track that will be covered by the seating from August to May or is it another track completely unrelated to the stadium?
  • From some other docs I have read @IA that is a separate track outside the stadium itself.
  • Sponsored links:

  • TelMc32 said:

    From some other docs I have read @IA that is a separate track outside the stadium itself.

    Ah, right, thanks. Wonder why it was included as "how the [West Ham] deal contributes to the legacy objectives, for example through community access and use of the stadium".
  • IA said:

    I've noticed two things in that that look a bit off to me. Don't think either would help on state aid but possibly on competence.


    "The community running track will provide day-to-day sports development opportunities for local people throughout the year"

    Is this the track that will be covered by the seating from August to May or is it another track completely unrelated to the stadium?

    It's separate, to the south east of the stadium. Nice spot though.
  • Just reached 15,000
  • I do not buy this athletic legacy. Unless there is crowd pullers like Bolt and Mo F they will not fill stadium, so athletic meetings will run at a loss, like they did at Crystal Palace.

  • I think you've got to give credit where it's due. The concept of crowdfunding has been taken to a whole new level, with every single member of our great nation contributing around £4-5 to this unique project. Not one person has been missed out, even though nobody was asked to put in an application form. Breathtaking in its sheer simplicity and efficiency - just beautiful ....

    Hope they ticked the "Gift Aid" box for me, so they can reclaim the tax!! :wink:
  • Up to 13th in the list of petitions! 15,861! Let's hope the features on TV alert even more people to this travesty.
  • edited August 2015

    Does anyone actually believe that the hamsters will have to renegotiate

    Yes. Me. But you knew that already. If you are really interested, I'll explain why and how.
    PA, I am very interested!

    I'm not being sarcastic and I don't expect you to go to a lot of trouble but as happy as it would make me for them to have to pay what is fair and proper I can't, personally, believe it will happen.

    If you believe differently I would be very pleased to have you explain why.

    Oh, and I really, really, really, hope you are right.
    Hi KHA. Put something up but got a heads up that might be showing too much hand publicly. resending PM to you and NLA
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