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The Stephen Henderson interview - Truly shocking



  • Poor bloke having to do that, whilst the clown sat on the coach. Also can't believe he didn't break the interviewer's fingers.
  • I posted the link to the interview last night when it was audio only. Now watching the video with it has shown me how difficult Hendo found it and I'm sure he bit his tongue a few times as well. KM/KF/RM should be ashamed of themselves for letting a player take the media interview. All of them are spineless cowards and the quicker they are out of this club the better!!
  • Fraeye is learning from his mentor. He let Henderson act as a human shield, just as Meire used Murray as one. It must now be club policy.
  • Great delegation from Karel there. 'Stephen, I'm going to give you some experience of post-match interviews as part of your professional development.'
  • Just listened to the interview. Making a player who has just conceded 5 goals and clearly cares about the football club is a disgrace. Karel you are a complete and utter c*** - crawl back under the stone you came from you slimy little weasel. If I was Henderson id punch him in the face at the first available opportunity.

    Poor excuse for a scout / coach / Interim coach and most importantly Human Being. Get the fuck out of this club.

    Spot on.
  • Those asking what Meire does all day ... after that interview she's probably trying to sell Henderson. Can't have that kind of emotion or honesty on show at a happy and successful club.
  • Big credit to Henderson for coming out and being honest. He should get a big thank you from KM for representing the club at such a difficult time.
    All this mess and quietness from a PR perspective just doesn't add up. Even if it meant employing a temporary PR spokesmen would be better than this!
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  • Fraeye needs to go back to where he belongs ... at the bottom rung of football ... no respect at all for someone who can do this ... if he wasn't more or less already out, this would have destroyed him totally with fans
  • I wonder if KF told the players they would have to do the interview themselves after that performance believing that they had to take responsibility for the result?
  • Big respect to the man for that interviews looks broken!
  • Finally got round to watching that and it was painful, credit to Hendo he looked a broken man and its good to see how much it hurt.

    Like others have said he wanted to say so much more and you could see he was worried about doing so and stopped to think about his words.

    The shithouse manager who left him to do that is a classless scumbag who was being used by a even big scum bag in Belgium.
  • Watching that interview, and today looking more likely that there is player unrest I can see things going very badly.

    Lookman and Gudmundsson being sold this month.

    Internal problems with a new manager.

    I reckon Euell probably told Fraeye to f*** off and let him get on with it, possibly Fraeye new he was history so then we had a VERY emotional Henderson left to field the questions.

    This at least showed how serious things are behind the scenes, with SOME players appearing to care.
  • To me this, together with some other comments from players tells me more than ever that despite everything we need to get behind the players during the 90 minutes as much as possible.
  • Just watched this. So unfair to ask a player obviously shell shocked and upset but he was very honest and spoke from the heart. Him,Jacko, Solly will turn this around. Support the team
  • I wonder if KF told the players they would have to do the interview themselves after that performance believing that they had to take responsibility for the result?

    Nah, he just bottled it.
  • Wow, just wow.

    So hard to watch that. Very honest and raw.
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  • I'm sure all of us there at Hull on Saturday will be giving him an extra special shout.

    Great guy.
  • Soon as the interview went up on Twitter I got in the car and went to the Valley to complain that this was no way to apologise to the fans, that the manager or Ceo should be the ones apologising , guess what , no one was available from the Media team or the club, except for the young lad at the desk.
  • Jacko, Hendo, Solly, Cousins are the only players that look like they care.
  • edited January 2016
    dizzee said:

    Jacko, Hendo, Solly, Cousins are the only players that look like they care.

    Know you've not said it @Dizzee, but this is to anyone who might think it

    Just remember what @LouisMend said a few weeks ago... Solly certainly cares as he shows it on the pitch, just never expect him to come out and talk in the press after a match as he's quite a shy person (rather than not giving a monkeys)
  • LouisMend said:

    Solly was certainly showing he cared in the dressing room after the game.

    Oh come on. Give us more detail.

  • LouisMend said:

    I heard he gave quite an impassioned speech to try and make sure all the players were pulling in the same direction.

    I met Chris in one of the hospitality lounges when he was voted MOM a couple of seasons ago, very quiet, shy lad almost embarrassed to receive the accolade. So if he was outspoken in the dressing room at Udders, then you know things had reached a crescendo. He was one of the few that could hold their heads up after the match so fair play to him.
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