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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • So £2.5mill a year - that's £100k a day!

    Anyone fancy chipping in for 5 a side?
  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    So £2.5mill a year - that's £100k a day!

    Anyone fancy chipping in for 5 a side?

    The sort of stupid reasoning why the LLDC were trying to keep the deal confidential. "If West Ham get it for that, why cant we get it for that?"
  • so if a concert is there that about 5 days worth of time needed for 1 day concert!

    £500k for a venue - I doubt many will pay that!

  • C4FC4L1f3 said:

    so if a concert is there that about 5 days worth of time needed for 1 day concert!

    £500k for a venue - I doubt many will pay that!

    No, they'll apply the logic that they're only "using" the venue when there are paying customers there.

    It's the West Ham way.
  • Has our London mayor said anything yet ?

    He's too busy MOG trying to persuade us to vote leave.
  • RedChaser said:

    Has our London mayor said anything yet ?

    He's too busy MOG trying to persuade us to vote leave.
    Does he want a leave vote to avoid getting in trouble over state aid?

    No, that couldn't be it, he's taken a long hard look at his ambition to be PM the issues, and decided to campaign in the bed interests of his ego the country.
  • edited April 2016
    gavros said:

    I've just done some quick and dirty calculations and its clear that the Grantor (E20 LLP) will get over £10 millio a year from this deal, more than double what Manchester Council get from Man City. Case closed.


    Please share them.

    Do Man City also get their staffing and matchday costs covered by Manchester City Council?
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  • Absolute f***ing joke of a deal - surprised they didn't give it to them for nothing. West Ham are effectively given a massive subsidy by the taxpayer.
  • Such a shame that it leaves a bitter, corrupt taste after what was such a great event for the country.

    Admin alert, this is not the Dave Mehmet I recognise, someone must have hacked into his account, good post though :wink: .
  • It seems very cheap for West Ham if they don't have to pay for match day costs but get to keep all match day tickets, 30% of all match day food after £500k a season and 50% of naming rights in excess of £4m over 20 years.

    How does the pitch work? Can it be wheeled out in sections to allow alternate use or is it fixed in for the season?
  • Seems you're wrong with regards to all policing being covered. Furthermore, I guess you're all equally up in arms at the idea at the stadium operator will pay for policing on the stadium island and equipment for any other sports or event that takes place there?

    28. POLICE
    28.1 The Grantor shall be responsible for procuring and paying for the cost of all police services to be provided on an Event Date within the Island in connection with any Event.

    28.2 In the event that the Applicable Laws or ACPO Guidance for Football Deployment and CostsRecovery (or any successor publication) are amended in a manner that would require any Football club to pay for police services in circumstances that extend beyond the stadium of that football club itself and other land owned. leased, or controlled by the relevant football club;

    the Concessionaire may, in conjunction with the Grantor, negotiate with, and procure the services of the police with a view to keeping such costs to a minimum: and the Concessionaire and the Grantor shall each pay for 50% of the cost of those police services provided on any Stadium Date.
  • F**k me I should have realised it was the pixies that moved it out the ground just after every game to allow the stadium to be rented out immediately after the game was over. Little bleeders.
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  • That Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV and his crew got a lot to answer for.

    Don't worry mate, I'll find your mind for you. I'm amazed that a gigantic wave of mutiliation has not hit the debaser. Is she wierd?

  • I am with you Gavros a cracking deal for ALL involved and time to move on...

  • Feature coming up on talkSPORT.
  • It seems very cheap for West Ham if they don't have to pay for match day costs but get to keep all match day tickets, 30% of all match day food after £500k a season and 50% of naming rights in excess of £4m over 20 years.

    Seeing as 25 days is less than 7% of a year.
  • Thanks for your concerns, I've been supporting West Ham for 20 years and I started supporting them when I was working in Barking. As for the war connotations I am aware of all the jokes and also the sad truth that many people in England died and that Germany started the whole thing.
    Then again Bomber Harris and colleagues flattened my hometown Hamburg with phosphorus bombs with plenty of dead people and hardly any buildings left standing, so it wasn't a one way street really in terms of violence.

    As for West Ham changing that is true, it is being discussed among West Ham fans and some are very concerned about the move, some don't like the change of the crest and some are concerned about plastic fans coming along. Then again change is part of nature and football, every club changes, show me one that hasn't. The question is to what degree changes will occur. The OS move gives us an opportunity, not a guarantee to succeed.

    I take offence being called a Johnny come lately though. Yes, I only started supporting West Ham 20 years ago. But I didn't join for glory as West Ham were playing very mediocre football back then, fighting relegation quite regularly.
    I never joined them for glory, to see them play Champions League football or moving into the OS (it was a large dose of luck that the OS was built on our manor) - I became a fan because I liked the passion and atmosphere at the club, the humour of my fellow fans and also the fact they were close to where I lived in Barking.

    If you have a problem with that I can't help it.
    I still maintain that most of you would have gladly taken a similar deal if the OS had been built on your patch. And I still wish your club luck for the future.
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