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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • gavros said:

    West Ham are prepared to pay a bit more for more...a little bit to increase capacity to 70k and the club would be prepared to make an offer to take the stadium naming rights.

    Not this old chesnut again @gavros ?
  • I had an inkling for "The spank mag and strap on arena"... ooo er Mrs!
  • The Alpecine Caffeine Shampoo Arena
  • If one was preparing a case to persuade politicians that West Ham should shoulder more of the financial burden at the Olympic Stadium, then knowing how robustly Brady would fight that, it would be very useful to have a document which lays out Brady's position in detail, wouldn't it?

    So someone has obligingly asked under FOI for the full version of Brady's written submission to Moore Stephens in full. Somewhat to my surprise, this request has been granted in full.

    And it wasn't me who asked (wish I had thought of it) but one Paul Turner who has already several times contacted me with alerts on his previous very useful FOI's on the subject. He never explained his interest in the issue, but now has revealed that he is a West Ham fan, and has recently joined the Committee of their Independent Supporters Association. He has a very mature approach to the whole thing, and I think we have to sympathise with decent Hammers fans like him who are uneasy about what lies behind the deal.

    Well she clearly points the finger firmly at the LLDC for all the issues. In fact there are parts of it where it feels like a bit of a sob story and it's as if she wants someone to feel sorry for West Ham.

    Just my take on the initial reading of the document.
  • If one was preparing a case to persuade politicians that West Ham should shoulder more of the financial burden at the Olympic Stadium, then knowing how robustly Brady would fight that, it would be very useful to have a document which lays out Brady's position in detail, wouldn't it?

    So someone has obligingly asked under FOI for the full version of Brady's written submission to Moore Stephens in full. Somewhat to my surprise, this request has been granted in full.

    And it wasn't me who asked (wish I had thought of it) but one Paul Turner who has already several times contacted me with alerts on his previous very useful FOI's on the subject. He never explained his interest in the issue, but now has revealed that he is a West Ham fan, and has recently joined the Committee of their Independent Supporters Association. He has a very mature approach to the whole thing, and I think we have to sympathise with decent Hammers fans like him who are uneasy about what lies behind the deal.

    Well she clearly points the finger firmly at the LLDC for all the issues. In fact there are parts of it where it feels like a bit of a sob story and it's as if she wants someone to feel sorry for West Ham.

    Just my take on the initial reading of the document.
    Maybe she's feeling the pressure or spreading herself too thinly IYKWIM.

    No sign of her regular feature in this month's Woman & Home magazine.
  • If one was preparing a case to persuade politicians that West Ham should shoulder more of the financial burden at the Olympic Stadium, then knowing how robustly Brady would fight that, it would be very useful to have a document which lays out Brady's position in detail, wouldn't it?

    So someone has obligingly asked under FOI for the full version of Brady's written submission to Moore Stephens in full. Somewhat to my surprise, this request has been granted in full.

    And it wasn't me who asked (wish I had thought of it) but one Paul Turner who has already several times contacted me with alerts on his previous very useful FOI's on the subject. He never explained his interest in the issue, but now has revealed that he is a West Ham fan, and has recently joined the Committee of their Independent Supporters Association. He has a very mature approach to the whole thing, and I think we have to sympathise with decent Hammers fans like him who are uneasy about what lies behind the deal.

    Well she clearly points the finger firmly at the LLDC for all the issues. In fact there are parts of it where it feels like a bit of a sob story and it's as if she wants someone to feel sorry for West Ham.

    Just my take on the initial reading of the document.
    I think it is a carefully prepared sob story, prepared for political consumption. She demonstrates a clear awareness of the demands of the OSC that the contract be re-negotiated ('retrofitted' as she calls it). I was also puzzled as to why Gareth Bacon at the last GLA Budget meet tossed in the statement, apropos of nothing, that FAPL clubs get "the vast majority" of their revenue from TV rights. They would earn much the same money if they played on Hackney Marshes, he said. Lo and behold, much the same statement is made in Brady's statement. In reality, the latest Deloitte research puts the contribution of TV money at only 53% on average across the league. I look forward to presenting that to Mr Bacon on Feb 6th and enquiring whether 53% constitutes a "vast majority" in his political playbook. Given that I am told he is close to Bojo, I suppose we should not be surprised at this "flexible" presentation of facts.
    Ahh, well there we have it, it was straight out of Brady's statement. Clearly 53% is not a vast majority, it's a slight majority, but like any politician Bacon likes to spin the facts. Could it be possible that in West Ham's case, the TV money does in fact come in a little higher than other teams, percentage wise, because they don't get all the revenue from the Stadium like other teams who own their grounds do? Or do you think it doesn't make much of a difference?
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  • Hmmm. 53%. Remind me, what was the Brexit majority? And of course that ignores all those who did not vote.
    Maybe Brady has similarly, in her own mind, ignored a large revenue stream?!
  • It is strange how few people saw the irony of Brady highlighting a ‘sexist’ comment from one of the female candidates in the last series of the apprentice. All well and good unless you remember her links with the Daily Sport newspaper and her bosses' soft porn empire.

  • After reading Brady's reply, she's obviously trying to justify their current status and preventing a future rent increase.

    "We were asked to consider a monumental and costly move to the Olympic Stadium. At that time
    there were no other viable options that would retain the iconic building and deliver in line with the
    Governments long term legacy goals to spark social and economic regeneration."

    Also giving the impression West Ham are doing Newham council and the local community a favour!

    Mind you she states the OPLC and LLDC negotiating team didn’t have any experience of running a stadium which is probably very true

  • IT_Andy said:

    After reading Brady's reply, she's obviously trying to justify their current status and preventing a future rent increase.

    "We were asked to consider a monumental and costly move to the Olympic Stadium. At that time
    there were no other viable options that would retain the iconic building and deliver in line with the
    Governments long term legacy goals to spark social and economic regeneration."

    Also giving the impression West Ham are doing Newham council and the local community a favour!

    Mind you she states the OPLC and LLDC negotiating team didn’t have any experience of running a stadium which is probably very true

    Yes it is true, but we have already made that very point to the politicians more bluntly. We've said that if they had had a relatively senior commercial manager from football contracted to their team (think Varney or Kavanagh) instead of all those lawyers from Allen&Overy and Eversheds, they would nhave negotiated a much better deal in the first place. Peter Varney would never have let them get away with parking the overheads on the taxpayer, nor keeping all the corporate hospitality revenue. (Mind you given that PV confessed that Gullivan are his friends, perhaps he is not the best example)

    That is actually an important learning for any contract where the State negotiates with the private sector. Get one of their type on your side of the negotiating table, don't just rely on a shedload of lawyers and PwC types.

  • Just when I was regretting that I know longer work in an ad agency, where it might be ready to support a good cause with a poster campaign...:-)

    I'm sending them an invoice for my £8.37 plus interest.
    That's alright. They'll get the taxpayer to pay your invoice, like they do every other bloody invoice anyone sends them!
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  • Another big day for us tomorrow at City Hall. Now that the Moore Stephens inquiry has uncovered the full extent of the ongoing financial shambles, the question is, what to do about it? And the answer is definitely NOT, let WHU take it off the taxpayers hands for a sweetheart price.

    To my pleasant surprise, three different players at City Hall readily agreed to meet us.

    First up is David Bellamy, who is Khan's Chief of Staff. We never knew of him until I watched the webcam meetings. He is right on top of his brief, and is the one who can tell us whether our own ideas for putting the stadium on a better financial footing are goers. If so, he has the hotline to the Mayor.

    Then we have Gareth Bacon. We fear that he may be too close to West Ham, as well as Johnson, but lets see. If he sees that we can show how unreasonable West Ham are ( threatening legal action at the drop of a hat), maybe he is the one to persuade the Baronness that a bit of humility might be in order.

    Finally two Labour AMs, messrs Shah and Dessai. This ought to be a friendly meeting, but in politics, nothing is straightforward. During a routine search on the web, I discovered that Dessai is a trustee of the WHU Foundation ( equivalent CACT) and on Newham Council, so nothing can be taken for granted.

    But, they all agreed to meet us, and to fit in to my small visiting window. It looks like they take us seriously, and now we have to show we deserve it. Doing my homework right now...will report later in the week.

    Best of luck Prague.
  • Awaiting news of the outcome with interest. Good luck @PragueAddick
  • Is it open to the public?
  • Good luck tomorrow. Superb job as always.
  • For a tory, Bacon is quite a reasonable guy. Had regular contact with him when I worked at Bexley Council.
  • seth plum said:

    Is it open to the public?

    No, these are private small meetings. I think sometimes we don't realise how many such meetings our politicians do, and how much time and work they put in.
  • edited February 2018
    World Athletics to take place at the London Stadium 14/15 July announced tonight. Is that more costs to move seats etc and back again for the football season ?
  • World Athletics to take place at the London Stadium 14/15 July announced tonight. Is that more costs to move seats etc and back again for the football season ?

    Same weekend as the World Cup Final and Wimbledon Finals.
  • Will be thinking of you tomorrow, PA.
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