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Olympic Stadium; our day in court



  • I see the LDDC can't sack their useless stewards because they gave them a THIRTY year contract. Their incompetence knows no bounds.

    Whoooah, where is that from, can you get me a link?

    The thing is, they should be employed by Vinci/LS185, the private stadium operator, not directly by the LLDC
  • I see the LDDC can't sack their useless stewards because they gave them a THIRTY year contract. Their incompetence knows no bounds.

    Whoooah, where is that from, can you get me a link?

    The thing is, they should be employed by Vinci/LS185, the private stadium operator, not directly by the LLDC
    Great, thanks for the link.

    It looks a pretty shoddy article to me.

    LS185 isn't a security agency. It is the stadium operating company, and part of Vinci which operates stadia in various countries. The 30 year contract would be for the whole stadium operation. But it is true that in order to make West Ham take over and pay for the stewarding (as we have today recommended to City Hall) the contract between E20 and LS185 would need to be amended. But since the stewarding is clearly faulty, there may well be contractual redress.

    What we don't want is loads of police in there. They have far better things to do in London which benefit taxpayers.

  • edited March 2018
    LB Newham boss Sir Robin Wales ousted after 23 years as leader.

    Implications for the OS investigation?
  • Only in it for the coin that lot, will do anything to save spending a penny. Thank our lucky stars they didn’t move forward with us

  • A West Ham spokesman told The Times: “We are seeking no more than we are entitled to under our contract and for which we pay rent. If you entered into a contract to rent the whole of a house and afterwards the landlord said that you could not use one of the bedrooms without paying extra, you would not pay up.

    I’d try to throw that back saying as whu sold season tickets, those season ticket holders are a kind of sub-tenant and the behaviour of some sub tenants are in breach of the tenancy agreement so terminate it and renegotiate.
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  • .

    Thanks for the heads up @Bangkokaddick , I had not seen that one. We are now seeing a clear pattern of West Ham using legal action to get their way on everything. Two weeks ago it was the seating expansion. We had seen evidence of their bullying approach in previous documents leaked to us. They now seem to be going industrial on it. Maybe they think they can afford the legal fees whereas the LLDC can't because the taxpayers will get upset.

    We need to make sure the taxpayers know about this tactic.

    You probably wouldn’t want to be a West Ham fan going to that stadium if the locals start thinking their services are going to get cut or their rents/rates are going up just to pay for the upkeep of the stadium.
  • edited March 2018
    Certainly looks like bullying tactics to me with the long term aim of owning the stadium themselves.
    Currently the taxpayer is liable for long term losses and that is not in the in the best interest of the taxpayer, so I haven't got a glue what WHU are on about.
    Praque and everyone else concerned, keep up the good work.
  • edited March 2018

    From the BBC Sports site

    “A senior West Ham source said: "We have bought a new house but it doesn't feel like a home yet because we can't get all our stuff in it and get it the way we want it. Also, if you buy a house and agree a price, you don't expect to start getting charged more once you have moved in."

    Except they haven’t bought s house, they’ve rented some rooms for few days a week. But it’s an insight into their thinking - the stadium belongs to them.

    Is it a few days a week ? I thought it was just for the games...sort of booking a room for a a few Saturday nights and asking premier inn to install a load of stuff for the days you will be there
  • From the BBC Sports site

    “A senior West Ham source said: "We have bought a new house but it doesn't feel like a home yet because we can't get all our stuff in it and get it the way we want it. Also, if you buy a house and agree a price, you don't expect to start getting charged more once you have moved in."

    Except they haven’t bought s house, they’ve rented some rooms for few days a week. But it’s an insight into their thinking - the stadium belongs to them.

    Have they agreed to pay the rates now it is their house?
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  • From the BBC Sports site

    “A senior West Ham source said: "We have bought a new house but it doesn't feel like a home yet because we can't get all our stuff in it and get it the way we want it. Also, if you buy a house and agree a price, you don't expect to start getting charged more once you have moved in."

    Except they haven’t bought s house, they’ve rented some rooms for few days a week. But it’s an insight into their thinking - the stadium belongs to them.

    Is it a few days a week ? I thought it was just for the games...sort of booking a room for a a few Saturday nights and asking premier inn to install a load of stuff for the days you will be there
    It's a dodgy motel, renting out rooms by the hour, to allow WHU f**k the tax payer...
  • This has been their plan all along.
  • Redrobo said:

    So, taxpayers have paid to build it; now we give it to them.

    They then charge us when we want to use it, and I suppose they keep all the profits.

    Sounds sort of fair, but I think we should give them back any rent they have paid as a gesture of goodwill.

    My preference is that taxpayers stop funding immediately, the stadium is raised to the ground, and the land sold to the highest bidder.
    How high would you raise it?
  • cafc999 said:

    This has been their plan all along.
    Careful though, this only relates to West ham taking over what LS185/Vinci does - not taking ownership, which of course we are all working to stop.

    There is some merit in this idea. It would mean a pretty fundamental re-working of the Agreement, which currently West Ham are resisting. If they take over the stewarding they will do a better job than LS185. But then they logically have to bear the costs.

    This could work, provided that the LLDC equip themselves with someone on their negotiating team with experience of the commercial side of football (no jokes about KM, please).

  • "Clearly there is an option that could be done whereby West Ham would operate the stadium. That could be an option. It would require a fundamental renegotiation of all the agreements.

    "I'm not necessarily saying that would be a bad thing. It would be essential in any such process that both parties benefited from that renegotiation."
    I'm not sure it's humanly possible for Wet Sham to benefit any more from a future deal than they do from the current one!
  • Thanks for this too. Greatly appreciate when people post relevant articles.

    This article covers yesterday's GLA meeting where the Budget Committee invited the two former chairs, messrs Coleman and Edmonds, to answer questions. While they are both intelligent men who shed some interesting light on aspects of the affair, they both also displayed arrogance, a sense of entitlement and a complete detachment from the concept that they were answerable to taxpayers in their work. When asked why they thought Mayor Khan called the Inquiry, neither remotely referenced the ongoing public disquiet as a reason. Edmonds reasoning for his refusal to give evidence to Moore Stephens, mentioned in this Times article, was the most jaw dropping example of their attitude. Still, when you can attach a CBE to your name, I suppose you don't have to worry about the concerns of ordinary people any more.

    AMs Bacon and Prince continued their splendid (hopefully unpaid) work conducting PR spin on behalf of Gullivan and Brady, while Len Duvall as usual presented his impersonation of a gobby taxi driver on an LBC phone -in. Which one could live with if he hadn't in the process hi-jacked the floor from Caroline Pidgeon, who as usual was the only one asking anything close to pertinent questions.

  • From the BBC Sports site

    “A senior West Ham source said: "We have bought a new house but it doesn't feel like a home yet because we can't get all our stuff in it and get it the way we want it. Also, if you buy a house and agree a price, you don't expect to start getting charged more once you have moved in."

    Except they haven’t bought s house, they’ve rented some rooms for few days a week. But it’s an insight into their thinking - the stadium belongs to them.

    Why buy a house that wasn't the way you want it?

    Once you've bought the house then the maintenance, upkeep, improvements are down to you.
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