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Adam Johnson



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    I heard the judge was considering 4-10
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    Rizzo said:

    I heard the judge was considering 4-10

    I thought they were talking about 10-15 years. Looking at it again I was skim reading the max sentence and the victims age and getting things mixed up.
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    6 years
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    six years...
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    edited March 2016
    Six years.

    Edit: bit slow on the uptake!
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    Will be out in 2-3 I should imagine
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    edited March 2016
    SIX YEARS but out in THREE YEARS
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    Might be a bit short after good behavior, but can guarantee that it's going to be no fun for him whilst he's inside
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    The bigger* criminal offence is that he was paid £60k a week by Sunderland!!

    *may not in fact be bigger but, you know, hyberbole is a thing
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    Misspelling and mispronouncing hyperbole is a thing.
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    Rizzo said:

    se9addick said:

    obviously hes a dirty nonce but was just pointing out that his england caps were taken away

    No it's good that you pointed it out, I didn't realise it had happened. Never heard of it before, what does it actually mean in reality ?
    just means that you were never considered a part of the team i think, in reality means very little, but fifa will wipe him from any match facts etc.
    They should just make up a player to take his place in the records. Like Footy McFootballer.
    Adam Nonceson.
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    In every academy and 1st teams training grounds all over the country, the clubs should highlight the Adam Johnson Case as a warning that Highly paid footballers aren't above the Law.

    Good idea, there will still be a few thickos that repeat the same mistake no doubt
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    Some pundit is calling for at least a one point deduction for Sunderland:

    One thing I noticed in the article is that their CEO was earning 663k per year before she resigned. Wow... And as Rizzo pointed out, Johnson was paid 60k a week. Financially speaking we really are light years behind those Premier clubs - not that I think it's good to pay those people that much money.
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    Some pundit is calling for at least a one point deduction for Sunderland:

    One thing I noticed in the article is that their CEO was earning 663k per year before she resigned. Wow... And as Rizzo pointed out, Johnson was paid 60k a week. Financially speaking we really are light years behind those Premier clubs - not that I think it's good to pay those people that much money.

    I was under the distinct impression that all CEO's and Johnsons were on that sort of money.
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    Black cats?
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    Black cats?

    I think they're fucked enough as it is!
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    Black cats?

    Well Peter Reid does have a monkeys head.
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    Didn't David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman and many other well respected rock stars from the 70's regularly have sex with 15 year old groupies when they were in their 20s? That sentence seems overly severe to me. I know times have changed but his life has already been ruined over the last 12 months. I have not followed the details of the case. Was there evidence of violence or physical coercion against the girl? If there was then a custodial sentence is in order.

    Shouldn't Mick Jagger and Bill Wyman now be charged. I have read many articles over the years in which women claim they slept with members of the Stones when they (the women) were 15?

    I think it's the grooming that's warranted the sentence rather than the act itself.
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    edited March 2016

    Didn't David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman and many other well respected rock stars from the 70's regularly have sex with 15 year old groupies when they were in their 20s? That sentence seems overly severe to me. I know times have changed but his life has already been ruined over the last 12 months. I have not followed the details of the case. Was there evidence of violence or physical coercion against the girl? If there was then a custodial sentence is in order.

    Shouldn't Mick Jagger and Bill Wyman now be charged. I have read many articles over the years in which women claim they slept with members of the Stones when they (the women) were 15?

    They could only be charged if the victims came forward. Considering all the media coverage over the past few years brought out many accusing the likes of Stuart Hall, Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris etc. I have not heard of anyone accusing the stars you mentioned, or indeed any members of the rock bands of the 60's and 70's with hedonistic reputations; but then maybe these 14/15 year old groupies didn't feel they were abused and enjoyed themselves with their idols.
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    He shouldn't have gone anywhere near the girl for numerous reasons but six years does seem a little excessive to me.
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    He shouldn't have gone anywhere near the girl for numerous reasons but six years does seem a little excessive to me.

    He pleaded not guilty - that would have doubled the sentence.
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    He also only got 10% reduction on the crimes he pleaded guilty to as by leaving it so late it increased the abuse and distress for her
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