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Adam Johnson



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    Why was Bill Wyman told no ?

    The millionaire bass player said he asked detectives and prosecutors if they wanted to question him but they declined his offer.

    It followed revelations by Mandy, who went on to become his second wife, that she had begun a sexual relationship with the rock star when she was just 14.

    Wyman, 76, said: “I went to the police and I went to the public prosecutor and said, ‘Do you want to talk to me? Do you want to meet up with me, or anything like that?’ and I got a message back, ‘No’. I was totally open about it.”

    So Gary Glitter was a pervert but Bill Wyman, who when he was 49, married Mandy at 18, so there's no Problem ?

    I'm struggling to get my head round the double standards between Glitter and Wyman.

    Johnson seems like a guy who has no Morals when it comes to sex, hence the Animal Porn revelations.
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    My wife is an animal...
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    6 years seems lenient to me. Especially as he will probably only serve half that in Prison. I definitely think 10 years would have been more appropriate. Maybe the Trial Judge thought there was little point in sentencing him like anyone else, as with Johnson's wealth he would just get in the best Barristers money can buy and appeal.
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    LenGlover said:

    se9addick said:

    obviously hes a dirty nonce but was just pointing out that his england caps were taken away

    No it's good that you pointed it out, I didn't realise it had happened. Never heard of it before, what does it actually mean in reality ?
    just means that you were never considered a part of the team i think, in reality means very little, but fifa will wipe him from any match facts etc.
    No sympathy with Johnson as an individual at all but the idea and principle of "rewriting history" sits uneasily with me.

    Smacks of North Korea or Stalinist Russia.

    The fact is he DID represent England like it or not.

    In fact, I think it makes his presence in the England squad more notable. If I saw a some games where the team fielded 10 players I would sure as hell make a point of giving it a google and seeing what happened.
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    The quote thing isnt working but @Uboat there is some really sick stuff out there. It's one of the paraphilias know as Zoophilia and is also a crime. It rarely gets included in crime reports/sentencing as it is seen as a 'lesser' crime than some. EG if someone sexually abuses a cow and then robs the farmers house the robbery is the main crime. Really awful stuff - and actually an actual case
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    I think he was very fortunate, I was expecting 8 to 10. Absolutely no sympathy from me.
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    edited March 2016
    LuckyReds said:

    LenGlover said:

    se9addick said:

    obviously hes a dirty nonce but was just pointing out that his england caps were taken away

    No it's good that you pointed it out, I didn't realise it had happened. Never heard of it before, what does it actually mean in reality ?
    just means that you were never considered a part of the team i think, in reality means very little, but fifa will wipe him from any match facts etc.
    No sympathy with Johnson as an individual at all but the idea and principle of "rewriting history" sits uneasily with me.

    Smacks of North Korea or Stalinist Russia.

    The fact is he DID represent England like it or not.

    In fact, I think it makes his presence in the England squad more notable. If I saw a some games where the team fielded 10 players I would sure as hell make a point of giving it a google and seeing what happened.
    I read somewhere in passing that he was "stripped of his England caps." I know there is some little trinket given out with caps, but does that mean the FA has taken them away from him? What else are they doing?

    Regarding what Sunderland knew and a "points deduction" has been thrown out, this should be considered far more severe than football. I know a points deduction would create the biggest heading for the tabloids, but they knew that he had improper conduct with an underaged girl and allowed him to continue as their employee, a situation which would continually put him into similar situations as that which he exploited with the underage girl. It shouldn't be about points deductions, it should be an investigation as to whether or not this was a crime, first by law, then by the FA/Premier League.
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    He shouldn't have gone anywhere near the girl for numerous reasons but six years does seem a little excessive to me.

    Worth reading the sentencing report - not much room for flexibility.
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    Sorry, but I never have any time for these sentences. The starting point, as far as I am concerned, is that he has been sentenced to THREE years. I've read the sentencing report and as far as I am concerned it should have been at least 5 times that. 800+ exchanged messages in the 2 months after her 15th birthday as he groomed her!! Deserves a damn site more than he got.
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    So,just having posted a eulogy to Johan Cruyff on this site I now come to the complete opposite end of the spectrum.
    A footballer with little brain and a disrespect for others.Overpaid,over-rated and probably never to earn a penny more from a sport that has treated him royally.Not that his club has helped matters either.
    Where,between the genius of Cruyff and this specimen,did football get it wrong?
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    edited March 2016
    Goodbye you rancid cunt. Not only are you a kiddie fiddler but the only one that owns animal farm spin offs.
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    1StevieG said:

    Goodbye you rancid cunt. Not only are you a kiddie fiddler but the only one that owns animal farm spin offs.

    I hardy call him a kiddie fiddler. She probably looks older than she is. It's not like he has harmed a little child. There is a difference. But that said it is stil illigal.
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    New information released:

    Former England footballer Adam Johnson was arrested on suspicion of possessing animal pornography on his laptop, it can be revealed.

    He was also taking medication used to treat sexually-transmitted infections at the time of his arrest last year.

    It has also been reported that Johnson, 28, had allegedly browsed a website called “Nice Young Teens”, which featured explicit but not unlawful images
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    ross1 said:

    New information released:

    Former England footballer Adam Johnson was arrested on suspicion of possessing animal pornography on his laptop, it can be revealed.

    He was also taking medication used to treat sexually-transmitted infections at the time of his arrest last year.

    It has also been reported that Johnson, 28, had allegedly browsed a website called “Nice Young Teens”, which featured explicit but not unlawful images

    How is ever going to look his kid in the eye
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    ross1 said:

    New information released:

    Former England footballer Adam Johnson was arrested on suspicion of possessing animal pornography on his laptop, it can be revealed.

    He was also taking medication used to treat sexually-transmitted infections at the time of his arrest last year.

    It has also been reported that Johnson, 28, had allegedly browsed a website called “Nice Young Teens”, which featured explicit but not unlawful images

    How is ever going to look his kid in the eye
    He won't
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    He shouldn't have gone anywhere near the girl for numerous reasons but six years does seem a little excessive to me.

    Worth reading the sentencing report - not much room for flexibility.
    The sentencing report is available at this URL:

    No not a lot of flexibility. Thought he deserved more than 6 years though - especially as he could be out in 3 with good behaviour.
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    He shouldn't have gone anywhere near the girl for numerous reasons but six years does seem a little excessive to me.

    Worth reading the sentencing report - not much room for flexibility.
    The sentencing report is available at this URL:

    No not a lot of flexibility. Thought he deserved more than 6 years though - especially as he could be out in 3 with good behaviour.
    There is more information in that document that was in the 'public domain' or at the very least things that I didn't know.

    I still think that six years, all be it he will only serve three, seems high when there was no violence involved. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had a daughter but it just seems a very long time for a non-violent crime when prisons are full up and he is unlikely to pose any risk to the public.
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    He is mentally disturbed. He needs theropy during the 3 years he'll do inside. More like a brain transplant.
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    He'll not last a year inside.

    Wouldn't be surprised if he took his own life now.

    I just can't get my head around why he did this STUPID thing when he had everything.
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    I imagine he'll probably be having to pay off some really big guys to protect him
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    He shouldn't have gone anywhere near the girl for numerous reasons but six years does seem a little excessive to me.

    Worth reading the sentencing report - not much room for flexibility.
    The sentencing report is available at this URL:

    No not a lot of flexibility. Thought he deserved more than 6 years though - especially as he could be out in 3 with good behaviour.
    There is more information in that document that was in the 'public domain' or at the very least things that I didn't know.

    I still think that six years, all be it he will only serve three, seems high when there was no violence involved. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had a daughter but it just seems a very long time for a non-violent crime when prisons are full up and he is unlikely to pose any risk to the public.
    I don't have children, however I do work with them daily. I also had to go through a 'situation' recently, involving an American teacher, who won't see the outside for a very, very long time.

    For me, 6 years is nowhere near enough, he groomed and molested a minor. He took one of societies most vulnerable, groomed her, molested her and no doubt would have raped her, had he got the chance.

    Johnson, like the American I know, should not being seeing anything outside of a 4x4 box for decades, he's scum.
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    I thought it was two thirds before parole if sentence over 5 years?

    Seeing alleged photos of the girl could understand it if he met her out one night and something happened, as looks much older but it is the fact he pursued her knowing she had JUST turned 15 that has raised this from the usual arrogant football act.
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    Why was Bill Wyman told no ?

    The millionaire bass player said he asked detectives and prosecutors if they wanted to question him but they declined his offer.

    It followed revelations by Mandy, who went on to become his second wife, that she had begun a sexual relationship with the rock star when she was just 14.

    Wyman, 76, said: “I went to the police and I went to the public prosecutor and said, ‘Do you want to talk to me? Do you want to meet up with me, or anything like that?’ and I got a message back, ‘No’. I was totally open about it.”

    So Gary Glitter was a pervert but Bill Wyman, who when he was 49, married Mandy at 18, so there's no Problem ?

    I'm struggling to get my head round the double standards between Glitter and Wyman.

    Strictly in terms of the law I'm inclined to agree with you.
    Wyman by his own admission had unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.
    One can only speculate as to why he has not been prosecuted.
    Beyond that the 2 cases are like chalk and cheese.
    Glitter would appear to be a serial paedophile rapist.
    Wyman as far as we are aware has no other form than a relationship with Mandy Smith that later became a marriage.
    Disturbingly her mother was fully aware and I believe encouraged the relationship and in fact had been taking her daughter to night clubs from the age of 13.
    She even had a subsequent relationship with Wyman's son.
    None of this mitigates Wyman's offence, although it would I am sure affect any sentence should he ever be prosecuted.
    What sort of case would the police and DPP have though if Mandy Smith does not want to cooperate?
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    Good points and well explained, Mr Nuts.

    If a rock star walks into a Police station in 2016 and said he had a relationship with a 14 year old, he can expect to serve time and be vilified.

    That seems to be the main difference in this post Saville era.

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